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 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)

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Petr Hlavac
Chris Tarboton
Florent Marty
David Jundt
Steve Parker
Dmitri Buksha
Richard Wilks
James Knowles
Arturo Pereira
Mick Chapman
Alberto Ibañez
Gianluca Desposito
Richard Coxon
Martin Lacina
Axel Putra
Guillaume Siebert
Marek Liolias
Honza Mild
Karel Marciniszyn
Raul Jereb
Frank Penk
Yves Plaçais
Pascal Mikula
Jacob Fredriksson
Sky Willis
Ben Paulet
Ludovic Tiengou
Jan Kowalski
Jukka Närhi
Juha Bos
Michal Janak
Michael Drechsler
Jonatan Acerclinth
Jason White
38 posters
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 18:39

there is any problem to have RF on physicaly different HD then on System One? in my opinion it must be better or not?

Status: back from retirement
1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 12_Villeneuve   :first: ,DNF, :third:
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Axel Putra
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Axel Putra

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 18:49

I see. Try it in D then.

There's should be no issue putting rF not on the system file's drive

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 773

Ron Hemelgarn to Buddy Lazier at 1996 Indianapolis 500:
"We have no problem with fuel whatsoever. Use your right foot and go after him (Davy Jones)."
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 18:55

TBH, I also prefer C:\, Steam's also on there. And with an SSD, it should start up and run better?

I have the documents folder on the One Drive, but as I said, I am not understanding if that's a Cloud and fully stored outside? scratch


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 467
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Registration date : 2016-01-04

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 20:27

I don't know how much of a difference it would make, but I have all my games (except for the ones on Steam) installed in C:\Games\; so that it is still in order. (I'm running Windows 8.1 though, so there's only so much I can say)

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 WEC1983_pAG1
2017 Grand Prix of Italy Winner!  1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 ASenna_01
2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 USAC74_14
2018 Can-Am Challenge at Riverside Winner! 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 7McLaren
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 21:20

Huh, finally a small reflexion from my behalf..

First win, huh? Oh boy...

To be fair, I (we) have to admit two things.

First, this was Pascals win, he was really flying, as in the car, same at the microphone... boy, you can really do multy-tasking better than my wife.. hell, better than most of women I met... But jokes aside, we won becose of Pascals speed. I was more as a NPC for rising experience or making quests so the things are not to be so ussual Smile

And second, if there was no Gerards crash, we could smoke their pipe, they were just too fast, or maybe better to say, too un-mistaken..

I did some rough calculation today, and I think we lost whole 4 laps on our and rF mistakes..

1. First pit-stop - swap - a) we stuck behind a CK5 (who was on our pit postition), and lost there about a minute before he moved and we could approach our pit-stop-swap. Pascal is refuling, I am entering and guess what!!! b) another refuling!!!!! another 2 mins... (so, we are allready at allmost 3 laps in minus).

2. Pit stop - swap-no refuling (Pascal enters and makes a fast 10 lap stint on softs and full boost) - we werent sure why we refullled twice on first pitstop.

3. Pit stop - refulling - no swap (Pascal continues, now within our pit-stop strategy)

4. Pis-stop - swap and refulling and Hello again: An CK5 again on our pit position. another minute!!! On the edge of the nerves, Pascal decides to exit pits and do another lap, but just as he starts, CK5 moves. Pascal finaly takes our pit position (allmost 15 sec lost here, after CK5 moved) I enter the cockipit. Now, everything is ok with refulling, but guess what!!! An error, occured the day before, says Hello again: my wheel pulls to the left and it is undrivable.. Im strugling during 1st lap, and trying to think what to do. Pascal deploys a zillion of possibilities in my ears, cars are passing around, and Im just praying i dont hit somebody.. I stop, I pull out the power from my wheel. Of corse, I pulled out and pedals. Im trying to reconect pedals too. Its dark, Im alone, Pascal is breaking an word-per-second Gunnes record, I want my mummy.... Ok, pedals reconected. Im starting again. Another 10-15 sec lost, not counting the lap that was all but racing one. Completely new car for driving, with no force feedback nor any kind of spring in my wheel.. It took me few laps to get used to it.. Ok, back in the game. Still big two (or maybe three) laps behind the leaders. Dana is charging, Im affraid to push harder becose of no feeling at all on my wheel, Pascal doing theoretical explanation of relativity in my ears... Ok.. I can turn off in my head..

5. Pit-stop, refulling, no swap. Everything goes fine. During the pits, I reconect power to my whee. It pulls left instantly. I dissconnect wheel from the PC and reconnect. Ok, now we have our wheel back.
Ben enters the pits behind me. I start. Wait, the wheel has no force feedback, its just heavy as hell, and I cant event turn it... ok, I can, but it takes some force. Ben is in the pits. Pascal shouts, to overtake him, to be carefull with speed limit, and it does not take much for me to go above that.. and Hello Drive through!!! Bollocks.. :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

6. First drive through.. Im entering, Pascal is giving me GPS coordinations of nuclear warheads around me, suddenly, a car flyes from the track to the pits, upside down, Im trying to avoide it, not to cross the speed limit, Pascal is explaining something, Im crossing the speed limit, mother of god, what the hack is going on around here?? Ah, yes, another drive through....

Drive through, attempt two, success! :slurp:

7. Pit stop, swap, small amount of full to reach the end, on boost one and hoping no need for more juice. Suprisingly well, with no problems.. something is wrong. Pascal takes over and makes his magic. Whaching him on his broadcast makes me turn in my stomach. He is looking everywhere around except the track in front Smile And of corse he is pusshing, and drinking all the kraut can drink. And then Gerrard crashes, and he (Pascal) really did a great job bringing car to the end, with small advantage in front of Ben, and last drops of fuell. :grrr:  :grrr:

Really nice. If I was half as fast as him, and if we werent had all the quests along the way, we would win with 5 laps advantage. Or maybe well just crash in some silly situation  :langue: .

All in all, really great experience, some mistakes are to be remembered not to be repeated again.  study

And Function
Function is the key
- Fugazi
1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 685

Last edited by Raul Jereb on Mon 31 Oct 2016 - 21:57; edited 1 time in total
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David Jaques
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David Jaques

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 21:41

primary drive or secondary drive should not present any issues.  in my experience the only issue is if you use a "windows default directory" on a newer windows version (7 or newer).  on the new windows systems, the "default" directories, like /program files, or /program files x86, or /windows, etc. if you install a program into these windows "takes extra control".  most can be solved by "run as admin", but for rfactor, windows tries to relocate your user specific files (.plr, setups, etc) that are normally in /rfactor/userdata and puts them in a windows application data directory in the users folder \Users\username\AppData\Local\rfactor .  this causes all kinds of hard to diagnose issues.  note that this "change of location" takes place at time of install, when data is written to the registry.  once rfactor is installed, you should be able to copy/paste it anywhere you want.

also, already mentioned in here, but for sudden changes in force feedback, make sure to program a "reset FFB" button in rfactor. no idea what causes it, but ive had everything from the force disappearing to the center being way off and pulling to one side, all fixed by the FFB reset on track. hope it helps.

as for the race, wow!  thanks everyone for organizing a really neat event, love the day to night transition (though, the dark was really dark!  not even a light in the parking lot).  as usual in hso, lapping and being lapped was mostly a pleasant experience.  though, racing for 6hrs, its was noticeable that just a few were being a LOT more aggressive than the rest.  and it was the same few every time.  certainly nothing to protest, and only a minor criticism since the rest of the race and event went so smooth.  i think the majority of us would like it to be as civilized as possible, and historically accurate.  if you watch any of the old races, there was very little hargey bargey, drivers respected each other in the sense that lives were on the line, and the cost of the cars.  in sim racing we dont have the risk of injury or the cost and time of repairing a car so its up to us to decide how to approach it.  i know i try my best to treat it like i WAS driving a real car (at least the on track interactions, practice i wreck em like candy).  to me it seems that is how most do it on here at hso and is what makes the racing great.

as mentioned earlier in this thread, the car making the pass is responsible to do it clean.  the driver in front has no obligation to jump out of the way (certainly they should assist the pass where possible).  my understanding is the light flash is to "alert" the car infront to your presence, not the more times they are flashed the faster the car infront needs to get out of the way.  ill let an admin comment on where they want the standard to be.

great event, and a really fun time, thank you to all hso!


1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 587
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 21:48

Raul, I admit your perseverance, never mind the fact neither of you crashed despite all the problems the world, or more specifically rFactor, could throw at you. Pascal shouldn't be let loose in a works 956 though, he was just too damn quick. :D

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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Registration date : 2016-01-04

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 22:52

Juha Bos wrote:
Pascal shouldn't be let loose in a works 956 though, he was just too damn quick. :D

Raul Jereb wrote:
Huh, finally a small reflexion from my behalf..

First win, huh? Oh boy...

To be fair, I (we) have to admit two things.

First, this was Pascals win, he was really flying, as in the car, same at the microphone... boy, you can really do multy-tasking better than my wife.. hell, better than most of women I met... But jokes aside, we won becose of Pascals speed. I was more as a NPC for rising experience or making quests so the things are not to be so ussual Smile

And second, if there was no Gerards crash, we could smoke their pipe, they were just too fast, or maybe better to say, too un-mistaken..

I did some rough calculation today, and I think we lost whole 4 laps on our and rF mistakes..

1. First pit-stop - swap - a) we stuck behind a CK5 (who was on our pit postition), and lost there about a minute before he moved and we could approach our pit-stop-swap. Pascal is refuling, I am entering and guess what!!! b) another refuling!!!!! another 2 mins... (so, we are allready at allmost 3 laps in minus).

2. Pit stop - swap-no refuling (Pascal enters and makes a fast 10 lap stint on softs and full boost) - we werent sure why we refullled twice on first pitstop.

3. Pit stop - refulling - no swap (Pascal continues, now within our pit-stop strategy)

4. Pis-stop - swap and refulling and Hello again: An CK5 again on our pit position. another minute!!! On the edge of the nerves, Pascal decides to exit pits and do another lap, but just as he starts, CK5 moves. Pascal finaly takes our pit position (allmost 15 sec lost here, after CK5 moved) I enter the cockipit. Now, everything is ok with refulling, but guess what!!! An error, occured the day before, says Hello again: my wheel pulls to the left and it is undrivable.. Im strugling during 1st lap, and trying to think what to do. Pascal deploys a zillion of possibilities in my ears, cars are passing around, and Im just praying i dont hit somebody.. I stop, I pull out the power from my wheel. Of corse, I pulled out and pedals. Im trying to reconect pedals too. Its dark, Im alone, Pascal is breaking an word-per-second Gunnes record, I want my mummy.... Ok, pedals reconected. Im starting again. Another 10-15 sec lost, not counting the lap that was all but racing one. Completely new car for driving, with no force feedback nor any kind of spring in my wheel.. It took me few laps to get used to it.. Ok, back in the game. Still big two (or maybe three) laps behind the leaders. Dana is charging, Im affraid to push harder becose of no feeling at all on my wheel, Pascal doing theoretical explanation of relativity in my ears... Ok.. I can turn off in my head..

5. Pit-stop, refulling, no swap. Everything goes fine. During the pits, I reconect power to my whee. It pulls left instantly. I dissconnect wheel from the PC and reconnect. Ok, now we have our wheel back.
Ben enters the pits behind me. I start. Wait, the wheel has no force feedback, its just heavy as hell, and I cant event turn it... ok, I can, but it takes some force. Ben is in the pits. Pascal shouts, to overtake him, to be carefull with speed limit, and it does not take much for me to go above that.. and Hello Drive through!!! Bollocks.. :doh:  :doh:  :doh:

6. First drive through.. Im entering, Pascal is giving me GPS coordinations of nuclear warheads around me, suddenly, a car flyes from the track to the pits, upside down, Im trying to avoide it, not to cross the speed limit, Pascal is explaining something, Im crossing the speed limit, mother of god, what the hack is going on around here?? Ah, yes, another drive through....

Drive through, attempt two, success! :slurp:

7. Pit stop, swap, small amount of full to reach the end, on boost one and hoping no need for more juice. Suprisingly well, with no problems.. something is wrong. Pascal takes over and makes his magic. Whaching him on his broadcast makes me turn in my stomach. He is looking everywhere around except the track in front Smile And of corse he is pusshing, and drinking all the kraut can drink. And then Gerrard crashes, and he (Pascal) really did a great job bringing car to the end, with small advantage in front of Ben, and last drops of fuell. :grrr:  :grrr:

Really nice. If I was half as fast as him, and if we werent had all the quests along the way, we would win with 5 laps advantage. Or maybe well just crash in some silly situation  :langue: .

All in all, really great experience, some mistakes are to be remembered not to be repeated again.  study

I'm German, I can do multi tasking very well, so yeah xD

Owner of Classic Motorsport Hub - Your #1 Historic Sim Racing Network! Join @ https://classicmotorsporthub.boards.net  :hello:
2016 1000km of Kyalami Winner! 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 WEC1983_pAG1
2017 Grand Prix of Italy Winner!  1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 ASenna_01
2018 Indianapolis 500 Pole Position Winner! 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 USAC74_14
2018 Can-Am Challenge at Riverside Winner! 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 7McLaren
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 22:58

Richard Coxon wrote:
I'm not sure what to recommend David as I'm on windows 7. I'm sure there are some members here that use windows 10 and rfactor.

The only advise I can offer is make sure everything is installed directly into C:, but I'm sure I remember you saying you had already done this.

I have windows 10 and my rfactor is NOT installed on C drive,And i have no problems with it now,Have you tried installing it on another drive David ?

Also go to control panel/user Accounts/change user Account control settings= and change to never notify,that way you can install games correctly without windows fucking it lol


1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 16
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 23:09

Gianluca Desposito wrote:
Steve Parker wrote:
jan sorry about mix up when passing you,didnt realise you were going to pit.As for the race was cruising behind 3rd car when i rolled it avoiding a lapped car that didnt see me coming. :smil20:

Steve,my apologies, and very very sorry, there , much of my mistake... too closed view to see wen you arrive. Sad

No Problem Gianluca :drink:


1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 16
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeMon 31 Oct 2016 - 23:18

Well no.

I did it because I'd like to keep all games in the same area. I've also got things like the Sim-Racing-Tools(Anti-Cheat) there. D:\ is more or less an archieve.

To be honest though: My HDD there can nearly take 2 TB, so there'd be enough space.

I can try though, I just hope it starts as well. I mean, why bother with SSD then? Razz

Steve Parker wrote:
Also go to control panel/user Accounts/change user Account control settings= and change to never notify,that way you can install games correctly without windows fucking it lol

Not sure I got it right, there are several things to turn on or off... It being in German doesn't help :hihi:


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 467
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

Number of posts : 2000
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Registration date : 2008-12-22

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 1:52

David Jundt wrote:
Well no.

I did it because I'd like to keep all games in the same area. I've also got things like the Sim-Racing-Tools(Anti-Cheat) there. D:\ is more or less an archieve.

To be honest though: My HDD there can nearly take 2 TB, so there'd be enough space.

I can try though, I just hope it starts as well. I mean, why bother with SSD then? Razz

Steve Parker wrote:
Also go to control panel/user Accounts/change user Account control settings= and change to never notify,that way you can install games correctly without windows fucking it lol

Not sure I got it right, there are several things to turn on or off... It being in German doesn't help :hihi:

i have another drive i named games,and have all my games on it including steam ones,and that is all thats on it :D


1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 16
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 10:00

Juha Bos wrote:
And I don't think many people fancy it in C2's with fragile brake discs. Laughing

Oui, Juha, tu as raison !

Rouler pendant plus de 4 heures 30 seul, sans faire de faute, remonter peu à peu dans le top 6 et abandonner sur rupture d'un disque de frein à 40 tours de l'arrivée, on a beau être satisfait de la performance, on en ressort pas déçu, mais très frustré de ne pas avoir vu le drapeau à damiers !

En tout cas, je me suis bien amusé avec la Rondeau et la CK5 et leurs pilotes (JF, Hervé, Gianluca, Alberto et Ludovic) sans oublier David sur sa De Cadenet avec qui j'ai mené à distance une belle bagarre ! :top:

Enfin, j'ai trouvé très correcte l'attitude des 956 et Lancia lorsqu'elles venaient nous enrhumer périodiquement, sauf peut-être Pascal que j'ai trouvé un peu trop agressif dans son approche. Pas dangereuse, mais un peu trop pressante (c'est la jeunesse que veut ça ! Wink  ) Mais bon, c'était peut-être nécessaire puisqu'il a vaincu !

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 58

Last edited by Yves Plaçais on Wed 2 Nov 2016 - 0:01; edited 3 times in total
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Gérard Ryon
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Gérard Ryon

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 10:44

Jean-François wrote:
et tous mes voeux de victoire à Gérard :top:
Une course n'est jamais terminer avant le :flag: .Un contact avec le rail :grrr: aux 230ème,un tour de trop,les pneus ar usés.Ben,a tout donner dans les 15 dernier tour.Désolé Philippe,Ben.Mon contrat avec l'équipe :regl: pour la prochaine sera rediscuter. Smile
Bravo Pascal,Raul,et David :first:
Merçi,HSO pour la superbe organisation,et a tous les pilotes.Gentlemen drivers. :top:
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Philippe Martinelli
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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 17:33

Non Gérard, il n'y aura pas de discussion de contrat pour la prochaine course ensemble, tu devras la faire encore avec nous...:smil20:  

Tu devras encore supporter mes étourderies (pour rester poli...) et les ordres de notre chef d'écurie (l'inflexible Ben :D ).

Un peu plus de six secondes d'écart entre les vainqueurs et nous à l'arrivée, sur 6h de course, c'est peu et çà prouve que l'on a bien roulé.
On a pas eu de chance avec la #2 et sa casse moteur mais on s'est super bien amusé tous les trois.

Vivement la prochaine!

Bravo aux vainqueurs et à tous les finisseurs :top:

Merci beaucoup HSO pour la parfaite organisation :top:

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 7
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 17:46

Well... A couple of days have come and gone and with me having been ill (with a cold) I've held off on reporting on the Nimrod crews race.

During Practice me and Sky was able to get the car to feel pretty good, maybe a tad bit too understeery when behind someone else I found but I put that down to the car not having as many downforce helping bits on it compared to the 956's and Lancia's.

Unfortunately Sky had her arm broken pretty late but it all got solved in the end thanks to the mates at Sattellite Racing, I've raced with them before in Endurance Races, or against, and I knew they'd be a good bunch to turn to when David said he had contacted Matt and then later Sven Smile

In Qualifying, with the line-up not yet set, I just tried to position us at the back of the GC class but ahead of any GCJ cars, almost managed it, as to give us a decent starting spot in case I or David wasn't the ones to start the car...

We got Sven seated and he immedietly felt that the car was good to drive but on the slow side (as he always wants to be competitive...) and Matt was happy with the Lancia that he was supposed to have driven with David but unfortunately that came to an end with Davids game crashing :smil20:

Sven started the car and did a great job keeping out of trouble and keeping the car in one piece while setting a blistering pace as usual.

When the time came to think of swapping the Lancia was out so we said that if Matt wanted to drive he could jump in which he did and he did a good job, staying at a very consistent and, for the car, good pace.

By the time I jumped into the car we were up in 7th or 8th place I think due to strategy and it was looking good.
I buckled down after the successful swap and set my sight on mid 18's which was well within what I thought the car would be able to do without issues.

I was, though, driving it hard into the turns which sort of is my driving style, so I'm semi-not surprised that the brake gave up but I thought it'd take a lot longer for it to give but there you go, lesson learned, next time slightly lower brake preassure and earlier but easier braking for long braking zones...

Had a very nice opening half to my stint in the car but then the brake failed on what I think was lap 168 and I got one hell of a scare into Turn1, I initially thought I had gotten hit but when the car swapped ends on me going into Turn4 it occured on me that it could be something else, checked the car and I had lost the rear wing, I thought it was down at T1 with me thinking I got hit but I think it actually happened down at T4 when I swapped ends on the car.

Limped carefully into the pits and whispered Jason who I saw/thought wasn't in the car at the time and asked if I had been hit (as Dana and someone else were the cars behind me into Turn1 at the time of failure) but I didn't get an answer and went out again and broke early for T1 and the car wanted to veere right affraid

Checked the car over with what I had to work with (the default HUD in-game) and noticed that the front left brake was down at 20 odd degrees and then realized what had happened a lap earlier...

From that point I fiddled around with the brake bias of the car and in the end was in the 28/72 rearwards brake bias which finally settled the car down but I had to go off the throttle a good 300 meters earlier than everyone else were braking for T1 so it resulted in the odd scary moment going down the hill...

In the end was able to bring the car home in 8th (7th after the rulings) which was a good recovery with the loss of the brake but highely frustrating as a 5th was deffinitely possible due to me only, possibly, needing a quick splash towards the end of the race Neutral

But all in all, a nice event with some great racing, really good fun to finally partake in an enduro again and with guys I've raced with before. I'm really sorry for Sky who didn't get a fair chance to race in the event but I hope she'll be back soon and enjoying herself again.

Also big thank you to, 1stly, to Sky who were a very good teammate to set the car up for, giving me good feedback and thoughts on what she wanted which in the end meshed into a fantastic car to drive

2ndly to Matt and Sven who jumped in on very short notice but did a stellar super drive with everything taken into consideration,

HSO's organisation for putting this on with only 1 crash before the start of the race (probably due to many being on the server spectating, I was one to blame for this, sorry...) and otherwhise no issues as such

And finally to all fellow racers :drink:

Cheers and see you all next time Smile

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 539

2019 | 1996 British Touring Car Championship :second: | 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 St_btcc96_03
2019 | 1995 Super Tourenwagen Cup  :first: | 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 St_stw95_22

If you are scared entering a corner, you are pushing to hard,
if you are bored entering a corner, you aren't pushing enough,
if you hit it perfectly, it will be better than love
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 19:23

Steve Parker wrote:

i have another drive i named games,and have all my games on it including steam ones,and that is all thats on it :D

SSD or HDD, that one?

I parked Steam on C: and I have no issues with rF2(probably because it's much newer). People usually say it's fine out of program files, which it is.

I could try changing compability mode to XP.

But otherwise, I've got nothing really...


Martin: "That's a replay Murray, he's not even in the race anymore."

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 467
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 21:01

Here is my advice, someone with real knowledge about computers correct me if I say something stupid:

SSD disks load quicker, but will not withstand as many write operations as a traditional HDD, so it's ideally a read only (Or mostly just-read) device.

This means it is ideal for a system (Windows) disk, and also for installed applications you will not be constantly modifying or adding data to. 

I believe that the ideal install will have Windows in one SSD, games in another (separated) SSD, and then the backup disk will be a HDD. The virtual memory should be also set to write/read a HDD, and not an SSD as it will be constantly doing that operation, which as I said is not as good for SSDs.

Having your games in a separate SSD means you can easily restore your Windows SSD from a backup disk, or simply port the whole SSD with all the tracks and rfactor mods to another PC.

Set admin permissions to all folders and games exes, and set rfactor in compatibility mode for Windows XP.

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeTue 1 Nov 2016 - 22:46

David Jundt wrote:
Steve Parker wrote:

i have another drive i named games,and have all my games on it including steam ones,and that is all thats on it :D

SSD or HDD, that one?

I parked Steam on C: and I have no issues with rF2(probably because it's much newer). People usually say it's fine out of program files, which it is.

I could try changing compability mode to XP.

But otherwise, I've got nothing really...

SSD m8


1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 16
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 2 Nov 2016 - 8:35

Yves Plaçais wrote:
Juha Bos wrote:
And I don't think many people fancy it in C2's with fragile brake discs. Laughing
Enfin, j'ai trouvé très correcte l'attitude des 956 et Lancia lorsqu'elles venaient nous enrhumer périodiquement, sauf peut-être Pascal que j'ai trouvé un peu trop agressif dans son approche. Pas dangereuse, mais un peu trop pressante (c'est la jeunesse que veut ça ! Wink  ) Mais bon, c'était peut-être nécessaire puisqu'il a vaincu !

Je dirais plutot imprudente. Trop de flash à chaque fois et surtout il le faisait alors qu'il était vraiment loin derrière toi. Ses tentatives de dépassement étaient souvent lancées de beaucoup trop loin et peu n'importe où (comme vouloir doubler dans le virage 3 à Kyalami).

Mais c'est comme tout cela s'apprend. Il avait un manque de maitrise dans cet exercice toujorus délicat mais si crucial en endurance.

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 030
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Yves Plaçais
Racing Legend
Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
Age : 63
Location : Angers, France.
Registration date : 2008-12-18

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)   1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 Icon_minitimeWed 2 Nov 2016 - 14:31

Ludovic Tiengou wrote:
Yves Plaçais wrote:
Juha Bos wrote:
And I don't think many people fancy it in C2's with fragile brake discs. Laughing
Enfin, j'ai trouvé très correcte l'attitude des 956 et Lancia lorsqu'elles venaient nous enrhumer périodiquement, sauf peut-être Pascal que j'ai trouvé un peu trop agressif dans son approche. Pas dangereuse, mais un peu trop pressante (c'est la jeunesse que veut ça ! Wink  ) Mais bon, c'était peut-être nécessaire puisqu'il a vaincu !

Je dirais plutot imprudente. Trop de flash à chaque fois et surtout il le faisait alors qu'il était vraiment loin derrière toi. Ses tentatives de dépassement étaient souvent lancées de beaucoup trop loin et peu n'importe où (comme vouloir doubler dans le virage 3 à Kyalami).

Mais c'est comme tout cela s'apprend. Il avait un manque de maitrise dans cet exercice toujours délicat mais si crucial en endurance.

Hé, hé, Ludo... je pense la même chose que toi, mais j'ai utilisé un langage disons... pédagogique ! Laughing

En la matière, les JP ou Gui, parfois, nous manquent un peu... Wink

1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres  (Oct 30th) - Page 12 58
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1983 Kyalami 1000 Kilometres (Oct 30th)
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