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 Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)

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Bob Wilson
Simon Wattman
Mick Chapman
David Jaques
Greg Hunt
Philippe Martinelli
Richard Coxon
Florkin Marc
Konstantin Zubov
Yves Plaçais
Raymond Riddall
Vincent Beretta
Emmanuel Haas
Miroslav Havlík
Petr Hlavac
Cláudio Augusto
David Sabre
Matthias Weber
Martin Lacina
Raul Jereb
Gérard Ryon
Didier Conjeaud
Jonatan Acerclinth
Jacob Fredriksson
Jan Kowalski
James Knowles
Dana Schurer
Jason Fitch
Michal Janak
Michael Drechsler
Juha Bos
Jason White
36 posters
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
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Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 0:57

so tested surteese and in Q trim 1 25, 447 and in race trim after 5 laps times better than i McLaren. with low fuel 1 37,3 but tyres with only few laps , so it look like in Surtees maybe iin race a could be better,

maybe i didnt tune McLaren good for race
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Petr Hlavac
Pro Driver
Petr Hlavac

Number of posts : 873
Age : 41
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 8:20

I checked the pileup in lap 1. It was brutal. The initial issue started with Ray's half spin, a hit from behind and blocking of the left side of the road. Poor Jason was just standing there, waiting for the death blow. And it came when Havlik went around Zubov. Konstantin got a big wiggle and pinballed Miroslav right into the bunch of standing cars. Wow. No reaction time for anyone. Had this happened for real, we'd have multiple fatalities. Miroslav and Jason would be dead for sure (140kmh impact). David Sabre suffered a frontal and subsequent side hit, also minimal chance to survive. Raul and Philippe would be extremly lucky just to make it to hospital for years of recovery, James Knowles' legs shattered into pieces... Sometimes i wish i could race for real, but then bad things happen and i'm glad we all can meet again next week on virtual tracks..

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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
Age : 63
Location : Angers, France.
Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 8:22

Didier Conjeaud wrote:

Etant déjà moi-même en mode dilettante pour avoir subi les mêmes problèmes que Yves au Ricard et à Brands Hatch.......j'avais "préparé" cette course à minima justement :-)

Effectivement, Didier, j'ai pensé à tes diverses mésaventures quand cela m'est arrivé, ça m'a un peu consolé en me disant que jouer les Calimeros de service ne servirait à rien et que cela arrive à tout le monde (de se faire percuter au départ, ou bien de se rater et de percuter), bref un fait de course.

C'était d'autant plus frustrant que, si tu regardes le screenshot de la chicane, Jan est en passe de passer 3, et moi je suis 5, alors que nous sommes tous les deux partis 13 et 14ème ! Sur le replay, on fait le départ du siècle !

En tout cas, content pour toi que tu aies pris du plaisir sur cette course.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 8:47

Petr Hlavac wrote:
I checked the pileup in lap 1. It was brutal. The initial issue started with Ray's half spin, a hit from behind and blocking of the left side of the road. Poor Jason was just standing there, waiting for the death blow. And it came when Havlik went around Zubov. Konstantin got a big wiggle and pinballed Miroslav right into the bunch of standing cars. Wow. No reaction time for anyone. Had this happened for real, we'd have multiple fatalities. Miroslav and Jason would be dead for sure (140kmh impact). David Sabre suffered a frontal and subsequent side hit, also minimal chance to survive. Raul and Philippe would be extremly lucky just to make it to hospital for years of recovery, James Knowles' legs shattered into pieces... Sometimes i wish i could race for real, but then bad things happen and i'm glad we all can meet again next week on virtual tracks..

TBH I think that 99,9% of us lack the talent and would never qualify to drive a 1978 Formula one car ... so mother nature actually protects us from such things Laughing
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 10:42

RIP Jason and Miroslav Sad

The beauty of sim racing I suppose, everyone walks away. Perhaps we should get super realistic and say they cannot race anymore lol!

I suppose Jason had kept to realism since his Brabham is now free. :hihi:
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Petr Hlavac
Pro Driver
Petr Hlavac

Number of posts : 873
Age : 41
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 11:45

Richard Coxon wrote:
Perhaps we should get super realistic and say they cannot race anymore :lol!

Actually, i was thinking a few years ago, that it would be kind of cool, if a sim was able to estimate the extent of injuries and healing time. Then you could go to settings and choose "Recovery: x100, x50, x10, Real. In case of death your Game Account would be scrapped and never allowed to use again Very Happy Or if you used a sim rig, it could electrocute you based on severity of the impact  Twisted Evil  Just kidding Wink
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Petr Hlavac
Pro Driver
Petr Hlavac

Number of posts : 873
Age : 41
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 11:53

Now seriously Wink Talking about realism, there's one aspect of realism i kind of miss here at HSO. I'm talking about qualifying. Back in GPL times, a member of our community invented the "HRQ rule" (Hamy's Realistic Qualifying). The idea was simple - you MUST bring the car back to pits even during quali. If you crash, run out of fuel, kill the engine... bad luck, your quali is over. Maybe this could be a topic for discussion...? :hum:
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 14:11

It could but it would be hard to police without the use of an tracing program. But yes it is cool.
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 15:11

AWESOME livestream :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

congrats to Richard and Pascal ( everyone know here I was not a fan of Pascal but great job mate )

and EXCELLENT job of my Ben for camera , inpressive work :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :first: :first: :first: :first:

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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 15:56

Petr Hlavac wrote:
Now seriously Wink Talking about realism, there's one aspect of realism i kind of miss here at HSO. I'm talking about qualifying. Back in GPL times, a member of our community invented the "HRQ rule" (Hamy's Realistic Qualifying). The idea was simple - you MUST bring the car back to pits even during quali. If you crash, run out of fuel, kill the engine... bad luck, your quali is over. Maybe this could be a topic for discussion...? :hum:

I believe rFactor can be configured to force drivers to stop in the pits to change tires and refuel. If you press ESC and restart from the pits, you keep your old tires and the remaining amount of fuel. Not sure about the fuel though.
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Matthias Weber
Pro Driver
Matthias Weber

Number of posts : 520
Age : 40
Location : Remscheid, Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 17:43

Michal Janak wrote:
so tested surteese and in Q trim 1 25, 447   and in race trim after 5 laps times better than i McLaren. with low fuel 1 37,3 but tyres with only few laps , so it look like in Surtees maybe iin race a could be better,

maybe i didnt tune McLaren good for race  

I can upload my setup later, but i've driven the McLaren 3 times before and it had been way more competitive.

1:25,447??? On what track? 4.5 Seconds faster than the Lotus? Shocked
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 17:54

To be fair this has been the worst track for the McLaren M26 so far.

I spent, well, not much time this time around but I spent a lot of time on the car at Brands which has been the closest circuit to this so far this season and no trick I learned of then or that I've known since a long time ago, about, worked around here.

I was quicker in the M23 around this circuit compared to the M26 and that should be completely impossible scratch
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 7 Sep 2016 - 23:13

Greg Goissen wrote:
AWESOME  livestream :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

congrats to Richard and Pascal ( everyone know here I was not a fan of Pascal but great job mate )

and EXCELLENT job of my Ben for camera , inpressive  work  :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :first: :first: :first: :first:

Thx to you and Peter for the show you gave us. :top:
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 51
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitimeSun 11 Sep 2016 - 14:59

Matthias Weber wrote:
Michal Janak wrote:
so tested surteese and in Q trim 1 25, 447   and in race trim after 5 laps times better than i McLaren. with low fuel 1 37,3 but tyres with only few laps , so it look like in Surtees maybe iin race a could be better,

maybe i didnt tune McLaren good for race  

I can upload my setup later, but i've driven the McLaren 3 times before and it had been way more competitive.

1:25,447???  On what track? 4.5 Seconds faster than the Lotus? Shocked

oh, mistake, 1:35,447 is right
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PostSubject: Re: Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)   Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th) - Page 5 Icon_minitime

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Round 12 - Österreichring (Sep 4th)
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