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 Announcement regarding round 5 of the CIS 90 series at Vallelunga

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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Announcement regarding round 5 of the CIS 90 series at Vallelunga Empty
PostSubject: Announcement regarding round 5 of the CIS 90 series at Vallelunga   Announcement regarding round 5 of the CIS 90 series at Vallelunga Icon_minitimeFri 11 Mar 2016 - 20:19

The admins have decided to issue a suspended one race ban to both Jan Titz (For his avoidable contact with Didier Conjeaud and generally aggressive driving) and Jose Berenguer (For avoidable contact with David Jundt)

If either driver behaves in the same manner again in the 1990 CIS series, they shall recieve a 1 race ban.

Thank you
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Announcement regarding round 5 of the CIS 90 series at Vallelunga
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