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 [Grand Prix 4] Anyone have advice how to set up graphics?

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Pascal Mikula
Racing Legend
Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 24
Location : Classic Motorsport Hub
Registration date : 2016-01-04

[Grand Prix 4] Anyone have advice how to set up graphics? Empty
PostSubject: [Grand Prix 4] Anyone have advice how to set up graphics?   [Grand Prix 4] Anyone have advice how to set up graphics? Icon_minitimeFri 15 Jan 2016 - 17:21

I recently installed "Geoff Crammonds Grand Prix 4" and I set all the ingame graphics in the menu to maximum but I still have (in my opinion) pretty crappy graphics... I can't see the tribunes outside of the circuits, also I can't see any marshalls and pit crews, and in my mirrors I only can see the cars that are behind me, else I can't see anything in the mirrors...
I know there is this f1graphics.cfg file, but believe me, the last time I played GP4 was like... 3 years ago and I now have no idea what to do Surprised

My specs:
Windows 8.1
Nvidia GeForce GT740
Intel i5 quad-core processor @ 2 GHz

GP4s recommended settings: Maximum with FPS rate of 60 FPS
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[Grand Prix 4] Anyone have advice how to set up graphics?
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