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 [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS

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Steve Parker
Alberto Ibañez
François Remmen
Gabriele Maruca
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Gabriele Maruca
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Gabriele Maruca

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeThu 17 Dec 2015 - 17:18

[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS 2da476188c1ee00b582529edd90fc719
~ Formula One 1965 v.3.2.65 ~
by C.R.O.M.S.

Dearest drivers,

Finally, the journey has come to an end: this mod finally sees the light of day, as many times it did in the previous versions.
This time, we reworked almost everything to make it up to the new standards Assetto Corsa and rFactor 2 presented, without forgetting our Grand Prix Legends and rFactor 1 roots.

I, personally, don't see any more work to be done on this project, apart to some bug fixes that may occur in the future if bugs pop up.
Yes, this time you'll have less cars, as I've already made clear on the forum: all of this was made in the name of quality. Objectively, most of the cars that were in the previous versions were just one-shots one way or another, which didn't even last enough time in the championship or did have their time of day on the starting field. Some cars still made it in the mod though, like the Lotus 24, because those were the privateers' choice almost all the time if the team was on a budget.
Also, I did everything I could to implement RealFeel in the best way possible and can be set to your liking in the same way you would do for the HistoriX Historic GT & TC Mod. Sadly, I couldn't enjoy it because of mouse and keyboard (you can crucify me later, thanks  Laughing )
The tracks have been reworked by our amazing track artist, Flying Dutchman, who really put his back on those strips of asphalt and made them even more athmosperic: you can really relieve the '60s while driving. Also, we promote the use of the ENB series plugin to bring up the best. Just make sure to have a graphics card equal or higher than a Radeon HD 5770.
To top it all off, Ozpata made the UI and the graphics, bringing to the mod more consistency and authenticity. Also, he tested every single bit of the mod, to be completely sure it's historically accurate. Nothing escapes his test sessions, let me tell you.

Before installing this, make sure you have deleted all the previous versions of the mod: this is completely incompatible with the previous versions, it is NOT an update to those.

So, enough with discourses, see you on the track: we all hope you'll like the ride.

NOTE: The trackpack is completely been reworked from the previous versions: we advice you to download it and bvask in the 60's atmosphere :D

LINKS (All hail Saint TrippTeam!  lol! )

Base Mod

Trackpack 3.0

Last edited by Gabriele Maruca on Sat 26 Dec 2015 - 18:04; edited 2 times in total
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 21 Dec 2015 - 16:08

Hello guys!

a gift for christmas and 2016 New 65 mod and Trackpack cheers

(including all updated tracks (v2.0)  and  various versions of the brand new Nurburgring and Zandvoort!
Many thanks to JP for lent me many objects to complete my hometrack and the  ADAC 500 wet version of the Nurburgring)

Last edited by François Remmen on Mon 21 Dec 2015 - 17:07; edited 1 time in total
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 21 Dec 2015 - 16:12

:top: :conduit:
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSat 2 Jan 2016 - 23:29

:top: Cheers FD
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSat 12 Mar 2016 - 15:22

wonderfull to see people love it so much
awesome video!
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 28 Aug 2016 - 9:03

François Remmen wrote:

wonderfull to see people love it so much
awesome video!

it is the right mod for full season :clap:
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 28 Aug 2016 - 10:39

We have done a season with these cars Michal :top:
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 28 Aug 2016 - 11:23

Steve Parker wrote:
We have done a season with these cars Michal :top:

why nobody tell me that :smil20: Sad
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 28 Aug 2016 - 13:22

Because it was 2 seasons ago and you wasn't a member of HSO at that point.
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 28 Aug 2016 - 21:58

Drove that mod in another league. Big time fun, these lil buggers. Wouldn't mind driving another season in them Smile
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
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Registration date : 2012-12-22

[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeFri 17 Mar 2017 - 13:52

thought to post it here to inform you guys  my friend Gabrielle is still working on a new mod
represent the 1958 season for rfactor!
we worked together for developing  the 65 mod inwhich i create the trackpack for it as we drove it years ago

some new pictures of his new creation ,the famous Michel Vailant Mystere

will contact him to ask for some status and testing but ofcourse i know he is going to ask me for some new tracks like reims  :D
think this will be more 2018 when it goes online however i will ask him to post here some more info in a new threat if he can

more info at:

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeFri 17 Mar 2017 - 14:03

Nice job on the Vaillante :top: Would love to see a Vaillante mod one day with all the racing cars of the greatest fantasy team ever !
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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitimeFri 17 Mar 2017 - 14:13

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS Icon_minitime

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[rFactor 1] F1 1965 3.2.65 by CROMS
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