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 [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS

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Gabriele Maruca
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Gabriele Maruca

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 27 Apr 2014 - 9:41

[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Credits
1965 Formula One Season by C.R.O.M.S. (v2.2.0.2)
° ChaosZero, Flying Dutchman, Ozpata, Mgs_ita, Smallblockhero °

 At the time I'm writing this, there aren't lots of Formula One historical mods for rFactor: we are plenty of mods from the new millennium of racing, some great others span between the 1970s and the late 1990s, but I've never saw mods going further beyond the 1967 mod by F1Classic aside from the sadly unfinished 1955 mod by Team Players: this is what appalled our team, like nobody knew Formula One existed before that year, in a certain sense.

  It all started as a dream Francesco "ChaosZero" d'Aloia, a long time friend of mine, had in his mind: he is more into modern endurance racing and started a mod with yours truly called ILMS – International Le Mans Series: it all went well until my life took its toll and I had to leave almost everything in his hands. He made a great mod out of that initial pile of conversions we had at first.
So, he started converting the cars from the F1 1965 mod by Luigi70 and Wookie, which was a conversion for EA's F1 Challenge '99-'02 sim converted from the original mod made for Grand Prix Legends way back in 2004. Soon after, I joined the party by asking him if I could help him converting the cars and providing the physics necessary to the mod, he agreed.

  It was the 10th of February, 2013.

  Just a couple of days after, Smallblockhero (a great American fellow: no-one knows how much I've relied on him on the early stages of developing) offered us his help for conversion and we agreed: his models were straight-up conversions from F1 Challenge, but he knew how to do his work and the first conversions were something that really left us speechless.
 After a little while, a couple of months if I reckon right, I asked Oscar "Ozpata" Plada over at VirtualClassics for a helping hand for technical data about the cars: he was so enthusiast he gave us both hands, he had endless sheets of data, grids, graphics of every sort, lots of them derived by first-hand experience with those cars back in the day. We also had a big push by Lady Luck because I had a very fortuitous chat with Engineer Mauro Forghieri and former F1 World Champion John Surtees in a café in downtown Modena, in which they gave me every sort of info about the data I had back with me and how to correct them where needed.

 COMS (ChaosZero, Ozpata, mgs_ita (me) and Smallblockhero) group was born.

 After 7 months and some agreements with Nil, the DRM group and HistorX modding team, the 1.03 version came out: we were quite pleased by it, but me personally I coulnd't find it quite finished: most of the great modding teams take a year to get something finished and we did everything 5 months earlier. To me, something was a bit off, but we decided to release it anyway and patch it eventually if something new popped up.

 Soon enough, The Historic Simracing Organization - HSO and  F1-S-R forums adopted our mod to run each one a vintage league of their own: there I met Dave "DaveSR1" Purdy and François "Flying Dutchman" Remmen, with the first helping us a lot with tyre physics by making them anew and more realistic than ever and the latter making the greatest classic F1 trackpack you can ever see on rFactor. In HSO forums we've met also JP Campmajo, the author of the great classic Monaco track in the standard form you can see on the 'Net, the track you see in this mod is based on that but it has been heavily reworked by Philrob, MotorFX and François.

 Again, as the leagues continued, the partnership between us and both F1-S-R and HSO got stronger by the day, we were giving each other feedbacks about the mod and everyone sent ideas on how to improve it. Months passed and the leagues unfolded and ended, but the mod contined its developing: soon enough Barcika granted us his East London track to be reworked and used, and the original GPL modder Bill Guillaume congratulated us for our work and granted us the release of it but we had to give credits for the original team and the one which made the 2.0 version for Grand Prix Legends. Being absolutely respectful of their work, we agreed to do so.

  Also, back at F1-S-R, Jef "Jeeve79" Vannijlen worked hard to make the intro video you see both here and on Youtube, while Jason White made all the skins for their league and corrected the ones in the base mod because of some colour palette problems. In the meantime our group, now called CROMS to include François (the "R" is for is surname) and reward him for the hard work he did, was proceeding at full speed: it was a continuous flow of data, mod revisions, track revisions, videos and car sounds.

And now, after 16 months, the final result is what you have in your hands: we hope to give you the great passion we have for these little beauties, the big grins we have on our faces while we drive them in four-wheel drift and the great satisfaction a good race can give.

We hope you like this mod as much as we loved to make it.

See you on the racetrack!

In loving memory of Enzo Anselmo Ferrari, Bruce Leslie McLaren and Ruud Dingemans:

mediafire.com view/k454575wm0qr7sy/f1_1965_F.pdf



EDIT 1 (27-04-2014) : Here is the video for the trackpack, I'll leave to you guys the impressions on this marvellous piece of work Wink

EDIT 2 (05-05-2014) : Links added to the post: have fun guys! Wink

EDIT 3 (06-05-2014): Added TrippTeam's links

Last edited by Gabriele Maruca on Tue 6 May 2014 - 18:09; edited 2 times in total
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 27 Apr 2014 - 19:05

Looking forward to trying the latest version and the video for the 60's trackpack looks Beautiful
congrats to all those involved and good luck for the release on May 5th  :clap:  :drink:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeSun 27 Apr 2014 - 20:13

Hmmm wet Spa, looks fun. Hint hint Martin  :hihi: 
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Alex Barresi
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Alex Barresi

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 28 Apr 2014 - 7:17

Beautiful video, congratulations :top: .
In my personal classification, i put it on top  :first: equal to presentation of GPL F2 mod.
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 28 Apr 2014 - 12:10

Share the joy of progress this is a wonderful project! Thank you guys for the work! :top: 
A bit sorry can't rate the video, it appears to me incorrect:
[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Dwm_2016
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 28 Apr 2014 - 12:17

A work of art gentlement!  :top: 
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Alex Barresi
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Alex Barresi

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 5 May 2014 - 9:35

Marvelous also presentation video (it's on Youtube) of CROMS F1 1965  cheers , perfect choice of pictures and music  :top: .
Makes me want to play  :conduit: , but ... where is the mod  Suspect  ? I want to run  [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS 1623587389 , not to wait.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 5 May 2014 - 11:29

going crazy mate  bounce bounce bounce bounce bounce lol! 

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Gabriele Maruca
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Gabriele Maruca

Number of posts : 100
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Location : Latina, Italy
Registration date : 2013-12-06

[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 5 May 2014 - 15:57

Have fun guys! I've added the links to the first post Wink
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Alex Barresi
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Alex Barresi

Number of posts : 76
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Location : Palermo, Italy
Registration date : 2013-12-03

[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeMon 5 May 2014 - 19:07

Only one word:
M A S T E R P I E C E !!!  affraid 

Incredible  cheers , they have improved previous work with unbelievable accuracy in car representation.
Tons of cars at various performance level, from F2 to Tasman with a very wide choice of chassis and engines.

Tested only my T77, but i'm sure that all cars are a marvelous symphony :hello: , as in old version.

I cant believe at my eyes: wet SPA is over my expectations :top: , i lost control of my car trying to do Burneville at full speed, seeing clouds of water in my mirrors (that seem to work well, now).
Perfect ! :clap:  (Monaco chicane was not modified, but this is not a problem now, and i explain why in next words).

My focus is here, 3 elements are important in a driving game for me: physics, physics and physics :D .
First impression is: we are near to perfection :first: .
Cars are more easy to drive, i feel more grip on asphalt with a splendid UNDERSTEER (yes, racecars are understeering, from when combustion engine invented man).
Now default setups are very driveable, and have a purpose to adjust rear roll bar (but with prudence, too hard and you lost control).
When car become to slide, there is time to react and recovery a dangerous situation.
Transition in Monaco-trap is more realistic now, augmented adherence permit to pass with more control in driving line.

Perhaps we find imperfections in future, but this my first impression is very positive :slurp: .
Thanks very much  :chinois: at all modders and peoples that give us possibility to simulate, at very high level, one of better F1 season in the past.
(Martin, please, prepare car assignment for all drivers in champ, we MUST USE this new version ... we MUST [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS 1623587389 ).
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 10:38

Alex Barresi wrote:

(Martin, please, prepare car assignment for all drivers in champ, we MUST USE this new version ... we MUST [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS 1623587389 ).

I think we will use this new version indeed but not for the next race, and maybe not before the summer break. I don't want to rush on it and I have to do some tests before we use it  Smile  (cars performances etc etc..) And of course I will have to do some work on the website database, so it will take time and I don't have a lot of it now.

Thanks for the work guys  :hello:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 10:42

Links are not working for me, Says the files have been downloaded too much  scratch 

Also do we need a fresh Rfactor lite install, Or can we just paste over the old mod?
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 11:23

Richard Coxon wrote:
Links are not working for me, Says the files have been downloaded too much  scratch 

I had to try several times before it worked.
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

Number of posts : 880
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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 11:43

there is a install guide in the readme in the track i put in
read it first please but to answer you're question Richard and to others, you need a new rf installment
for the mod and trackpack.

soon tripteam wil upload extra dl links to his server cause the current one is overheating  lol!  :clap: 
keep an eye out on our forum for alternative links
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Registration date : 2012-06-29

[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 12:02

Thanks i thought id need a new rf install, i would have read the readme before but i couldn't download anything. Have you got a link to your forums so i can check there.
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 12:06

Martin Audran wrote:
Alex Barresi wrote:

(Martin, please, prepare car assignment for all drivers in champ, we MUST USE this new version ... we MUST [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS 1623587389 ).

I think we will use this new version indeed but not for the next race, and maybe not before the summer break. I don't want to rush on it and I have to do some tests before we use it  Smile  (cars performances etc etc..) And of course I will have to do some work on the website database, so it will take time and I don't have a lot of it now.

Thanks for the work guys  :hello:

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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 13:22

Downloaded yesterday works and looks superb love all the attention
to the Ui Data and videos look great .... nice to see the addition with the missing cars :D
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 14:06

Mad Seems everyone has it but me! Been trying the links for a while now and still no joy. Even tried links from other sites and again no joy. Is there any chance HSO can put it on their download servers? Or does it not work like that  :smil20: 
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Jef Vannijlen
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Jef Vannijlen

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 14:50

Alex Barresi wrote:

Makes me want to play  :conduit:.

I think it's a job well done then Smile Exactly what i wanted to hear

Mod does so well , the links are overheating
No worries guys, i am sure they will fix this very soon.
Patience is a virtue. It allows tension to build up. scratch 
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 14:51

Looks great! However, I'm not able to download from the links in the OP. pig 
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 15:13

Truly spectacular mod guys. Very pleased to see the final version out. I look forward to hitting the track (in my case literally) with this version soon!  :top: 
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François Remmen
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François Remmen

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 15:15

if martin or frank can add the tripteam link to the first post from mgs_ita then it will be a nice backup
they on our forum and on f1classic already


(btw this saturday a free event on f1sr at the new Riverside!
join is free in a b1 or a4 muscle!!!

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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 16:36

Download worked now... great stuff! Really good texture work on them tracks
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Gabriele Maruca
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Gabriele Maruca

Number of posts : 100
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Location : Latina, Italy
Registration date : 2013-12-06

[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 18:09

I've added the links to trippteam's server Wink
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitimeTue 6 May 2014 - 18:14

Downloaded the track pack, Having problems with the carpack, Saying network error and cancelling mid way through. Also the other links you added do not work, Can anyone else confirm if they work or not?
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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS   [rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS Icon_minitime

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[rFactor 1] 1965 F1 v2.2.0.2 by CROMS
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