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 [rFactor]2003 Macau Grand Prix

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Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

Number of posts : 1249
Age : 27
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-12-29

[rFactor]2003 Macau Grand Prix Empty
PostSubject: [rFactor]2003 Macau Grand Prix   [rFactor]2003 Macau Grand Prix Icon_minitimeThu 26 Dec 2013 - 21:15

Across the past month I have been working on producing more seasonal skinpacks for the All-Japan F3 mod for rFactor. The first of these skin packs is the 2003 Macau Grand Prix, which included such future stars as Robert Kubica and Nico Rosberg.

The mod only includes:
  • The rFm files
  • All skins from the 2003 Macau Grand Prix
  • All talent files for each driver
  • Basic helmet skins
  • An adapted Macau Grand Prix track edited by AJD32208 initially for his 2009 Macau Grand Prix mod.

For this mod to work correctly, the All-Japan F3 mod must already be installed into your rFactor install.

In the future, more skin packs are planned to be made between the 2002 and 2013 series for various championships including the F3 Euroseries, British Formula 3 and even some more obscure series such as the Nordic F3 Masters and Asian/Philippines F3 Cup.

Credits (Taken from Japan Formula3 2007 mod)

Base Mod: ISI rF3
Modding Leader: Tomono Mizugami
Modeling: gonzo_kool, shinji, Koneko, Ten-JPN-, Keita
Texture&Mapping: jillnoy, Keita
Physics: Tomono Mizugami
Sounds: C3-R2
Photo Material: Minazuki Mizuki
Tester: Reco, Pink4, Piro, BoboBozu, Lybius, genn
Debugger: Rony_Tomo

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[rFactor]2003 Macau Grand Prix
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