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 1965 BSCC - Schedule

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1965 BSCC - Schedule Empty
PostSubject: 1965 BSCC - Schedule   1965 BSCC - Schedule Icon_minitimeThu 5 Dec 2013 - 22:36


Each track will be made available for download in the relevant race topic.

#MapDate Event Circuit Distance
11965 BSCC - Schedule TrackbrandsJan 15BRSCC Race of ChampionsBrands Hatch20 laps
21965 BSCC - Schedule TrackoultJan 29BARC International Spring TrophyOulton Park19 laps
3 1965 BSCC - Schedule TracksnettFeb 12Archie Scott-Brown MemorialSnetterton15 laps
4 1965 BSCC - Schedule TracksgoodMar 5BARC St. Mary’s TrophyGoodwood10 laps
5 1965 BSCC - Schedule TracksilverMar 26BRDC International TrophySilverstone12 laps
61965 BSCC - Schedule TrackscrysApr 16BRSCC London TrophyCrystal Palace15 laps
71965 BSCC - Schedule Trackbrands May 7BRSCC International TrophyBrands Hatch20 laps
81965 BSCC - Schedule Trackoult May 28BARC International Gold CupOulton Park19 laps
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1965 BSCC - Schedule
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