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 Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming

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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming Empty
PostSubject: Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming   Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2013 - 18:47

Does anybody know how to have the game switch cameras automatically, ideally along a pace we can set ourselves ? Ideally we would like the game stay on the TV cameras cycle but switch from car to car every 30s or minute. We saw it done in other leagues but can't find how to tweak it or create the script. Thanks in advance :hello: 
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming Empty
PostSubject: Re: Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming   Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming Icon_minitimeSun 8 Sep 2013 - 22:24

Il s'agit de 2 scripts autohotkeys.
Y'a quelqu'un qui veut s'y atteler? Very Happy 
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Automatic change of cameras / car for streaming
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