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 F1 1980

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Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

Number of posts : 1249
Age : 27
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-12-29

F1 1980 Empty
PostSubject: F1 1980   F1 1980 Icon_minitimeWed 3 Jul 2013 - 21:57

Appears more like a carset than anything, but whatever.


This is mod add-on Grand Prix 1979 2.01

F1 Grand Prix 1980 v1.0 by julianus

This is addon to the amasing Grand Prix 1979 mod.
All rights belongs to GPC.
Released under permission of GPC (Motorfx)

This is not historic F1 1980 mod, its made just to recreate 1980 teams & drivers line-up using quite a similar 1979 cars.

What changed in GP79 to make the 1980 carset

--- Teams & drivers of 1980
--- Car skins for 1980
--- Driver's helmets for 1980
--- Car upgrades for 1980 (front wing exists or not)

Cars are
1979 1980
Ferrari 312 T4 ----- Ferrari 312 T5
Tyrrell 009 ----- Tyrrell 010
Brabham BT 49
McLaren M29
ATS D2 ----- ATS D4
Lotus 79 ----- Lotus 81
Ensign N179 ----- Ensign N180
Renault RS12 ----- Renault RE20
Shadow DN9 ----- Shadow DN11, DN 12
Wolf WR9 ----- Fittipaldi F7
Alfa Romeo 179
Ligier JS11 ----- Ligier JS11/15
Williams FW07----- Williams FW07B
Arrows A2 ----- Arrows A3

Skins of 1980 made by
Ferrari, Tyrrell, ATS, Shadow, Fittipaldi, Williams, Arrows by julianus
Brabham by NikKAiser
McLaren, Alfa Romeo, RAM Williams by Gufo_Tave
Lotus 79 skin originally by Gufo_Tave, updated by julianus

Teams & drivers
Ferrari ---- Scheckter, Villeneve
Tyrrell ---- Jarier, Daly, Thackwell
Brabham----Piquet, Zunino / Rebaque
McLaren----Watson, Prost
ATS ---- Surer, Lammers
Lotus----Andretti, De Angelis, Mansell
Ensign----Regazzoni / Lammers, Lees
Renault---- Jabouille, Arnoux
Shadow ---- Lees, Kennedy
Fittipaldi---- Fittipaldi, Rosberg
Alfa Romeo ---- Giacomelli, Depailler / Brambilla / De Cesaris
Ligier ---- Laffite, Pironi
Williams ---- Jones, Reutemann
Arrows ---- Patrese, Mass / Winkelhock
RAM Williams ---- Keegan, Lees

Mod includes 4 drivers sets for start, mid, late & end of the season.
To have all possible cars on track number of opponents are
1980-START -------- 26

To play F1 1980 championship next tracks are required

--- GPC 79 trackpack
--- Elio de Angelis 1975 (Paul Ricard)
---Early Brands (Brands Hatch)
---C4 Imola 1988


F1 1980 95

1999 German F3
1989 Italian Superturismo
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