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 [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco

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Jukka Närhi
Guillaume Siebert
Diego Dário
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Diego Dário
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 0:36



[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco ProMarkt
[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Lohr_95
[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco DTM_95_a
[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco DTM_95
[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Alzen_Reuter_95[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco GRAB_000
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 0:52

Sweet thanks Smile
Downloading now, I hope its a good one. bounce
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Jukka Närhi
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Jukka Närhi

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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 7:40

I'm waiting for your report Wink

I was there when they raced in Helsinki that year Cool
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Jukka Närhi
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 9:51

Couldn't wait Embarassed

First, the link is horribly slow Sad Second, all cars share the same HDV, which means they all are rear-wheel drive (I seem to recall Alfa and Opel using 4WD and the Mercs ran RWD with traction control). Third, you can't change any settings in the garage. Fourth, the FPS is diabolical. I tried to do a race at Hockenheim and was down to 3 FPS in the first chicane :clap: The cockpits seem to be from a modern-ish mod. Moving arms, yuck!

The cars do drive, though, pretty much how I imagined them, grip-wise and so on... I hope the mod is still a WIP.
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 10:10

Ah well thanks, you saved me time. Another mod we'll never use ...
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 11:31

I Was so excited to see this mod released as i also have great memories of this season
when you see the great names involved and the car list it really was one of the best seasons in DTM ...
I Watched the whole season on Eurosport and for the most of the time i was on the edge of my seat lol!

1 Klaus Ludwig Germany Opel Team Rosberg Opel Calibra V6 4x4
2 Keke Rosberg Germany Opel Team Rosberg Opel Calibra V6 4x4
3 Jörg van Ommen Germany AMG-Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
4 Jan Magnussen Germany AMG-Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
5 Alexander Grau Germany Zakspeed Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
6 Kurt Thiim Germany Zakspeed Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
7 Alessandro Nannini Italy Alfa Corse Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
8 Nicola Larini Italy Alfa Corse Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
9 Manuel Reuter Germany Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4
10 Yannick Dalmas Germany Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4
11 Christian Danner Germany Schübel Engineering Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
12 Michele Alboreto Germany Schübel Engineering Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
13 Gianni Giudici Germany Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
14 Bernd Schneider Germany D2 AMG-Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
15 Dario Franchitti Germany D2 AMG-Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
16 Louis Krages Germany Zakspeed Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
17 Ellen Lohr Germany Zakspeed Mercedes Mercedes C-Class V6
18 Stefano Modena Italy Euroteam Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
19 Michael Bartels Italy Euroteam Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
20 J.J. Lehto Germany Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4
21 Ni Amorim Germany Opel Team Joest Opel Calibra V6 4x4
22 Uwe Alzen Germany Persson Motorsport Mercedes C-Class V6
23 Bernd Mayländer Germany Persson Motorsport Mercedes C-Class V6
24 Gerd Ruch Germany Ruch Motorsport Mercedes C-Class V6
25 Stig Amthor Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
26 Giancarlo Fisichella Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
27 Markku Alén Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
28 Fabrizio Giovanardi Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
29 Giampiero Simoni Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
30 Gabriele Tarquini Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
31 Pedro Couceiro Italy Alfa Corse 2 Alfa Romeo 155 V6 Ti
32 Philippe Gache

I Suspect that the models are a conversion from F1 2002 thats why they will all have the same sounds and
cockpit ...

Such a shame they did all that work on the mod but fell short on the bloody physics ...
Ive just downloaded it but not sure i will install it now .... Sad
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Diego Dário
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 17:48

This a post that saecco wrote at the F1 Classics forum about the bugs:

''Thanks for your postive and justifiably negative feedback.
I knew there a are really some possible improvements, but I did not want to use some of these additional parts.

As i wrote before, it was just a private project – so I created it for my own usage and therefore I did without some possible additions. The reason is – personally I would not use upgrades like moving arms yes/no, I would not buy different kinds of tires, and I really did not want to have lots of debris systems.
I wanted to create a privte mod just for fun and to race with these exceptional Touring Cars without hundreds of setting options.

So all these points did not matter for me, but for most of the rfactor fans it might be essential.

So what can be done?

I knew there are a lot of people who are able to fit most of these bugs, to improve parts of my work or even expand the mod to get a perfect season of DTM_1995.

Why not?
This is what makes the work so interesting between like-minded.
Please, feel free to upgrade and improve the mod by your own and afterwards share it with all here in this forum thread.

Just one small email asking for permission, that’s it.

Here are some of your points of criticism

FPS killer and LOD's
My computer is already an older year built, but works still fine so far. Therefore i used only some small changes with the lods, adjusted to my system.
Intel Core 2 CPU 6600-2,4GHz, Windows XP, ATI Radeon HD 4890
For me it is possible to race with 24 AIs and only rarely I have some probs on the track. Set to 10-15 Ais everything works perfect, even online.

Moving arms in cockpit view
Ok, some like it, some do not. Personally I enjoy driving with this optical addition.
You can easily remove the gmt (wheel and arms) with 3Dsimed, the gmt is situated in the mas of the 3 car manufacturers.

No lights
Personally i do not drive night races

Upgrade addon for tyres
Won’t use this in private mod, feel free to add

More genuine cockpits
for me, one Cpit is sufficient, but everey new Cpit you will add makes everything seem more realistic

Each car each proper sound
same as above
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 26 Feb 2012 - 17:59

From classics DTM perhaps this is of interest! The physical model is in many ways reminiscent of TCL, it seems to me. I do not understand why not added to the mod of the Audi Quattro, to get the full contents of the championship!?!



May organize in the future such a fan of the race!?! DTM 1992 definitely worth a try!

However, it is a pity that the mod DTM 95 was mediocre. Expected of course more.
On the occasion of the above. Mod DTM 1995 requires enormous improvement, it is difficult to imagine that someone for it will be taken. Although a full-fledged fashion classical DTM no and it's worth it. I personally very lack of such material in rFactor.
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David Jundt
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeMon 20 Aug 2012 - 17:37

I downloaded it, but haven't tried it yet. A shame the cars are not quite like they were(4WD for example, no lights, mostly no diversity).

Also, quite a shame the Ruchs pulled the plug on the Mustangs before this season. Would have been interesting. But well, if it was started as private project, you can't ask for that.

There's also the '94 mod I think, but the cars look horribly boxy Suspect
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Alessio Campigotto
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitimeSun 15 Dec 2013 - 23:27

Updated V2.0: http://www.drivingitalia.net/forum/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=3239

"I have edited the HDV files, added Talent files for each driver to help reflect the performance of each team and driver for that particular season. This is the first of a number of upcoming further updates I have planned for 1995 DTM carset. I will fine tuning the performance of each HDV file, as im not entirely happy with the performance currently.

I want to further tweak tire performance as currently i have the Mercedes being more economical heat/wear wise than the Alfa's, you may see a pattern arising throughout races that the Alfa's are faster to begin with but as the race goes on they begin to fade, there are further tweaks that i will add, and i am concentrating more on the Opel for performance tweaks, ie working to make the 4wd more usuable.

The mod itself was not my creation however i have just edited the files and decided to share with the Rfactor community.

There will be a further update before Christmas time Smile Enjoy"
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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco   [RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco Icon_minitime

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[RELEASE] DTM 1995 by saecco
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