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 [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon

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4 posters
Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeMon 20 Feb 2012 - 13:03


A nice add-on to TCL with teens of skins, but most importantly new physics for some models to create a Group N class. Great job :top: .

Thou shalt not train.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeMon 20 Feb 2012 - 13:28

Great adittion :clap: :clap: :clap:

Sadly they seem not to have got the permission of the original TCL creators, hope that doesn't end in trouble Suspect It would be good to download the mod ASAP anyway, just in case it dissapears as soon as it came ... Rolling Eyes
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeTue 21 Feb 2012 - 1:31

This looks quite good will the new physics and stuff affect any of the cars in TCL mod that we race with allready
or is it just Group N cars Wink

[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon 18
[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Untitl22

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeTue 21 Feb 2012 - 9:26

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Great adittion :clap: :clap: :clap:
Sadly they seem not to have got the permission of the original TCL creators, hope that doesn't end in trouble Suspect It would be good to download the mod ASAP anyway, just in case it dissapears as soon as it came ... Rolling Eyes

It seems it's impossible to get any real permission as the original TCL team disbanded, but one of the two guys who made the addon was part of the original team so I guess it's safe Smile

Thou shalt not train.
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeTue 21 Feb 2012 - 9:29

Carl Larrad wrote:
This looks quite good will the new physics and stuff affect any of the cars in TCL mod that we race with allready or is it just Group N cars Wink

They did not touch any existing car re physics, so far they only added some Sierras, M3s and Mercs and gave them Gr.N physics. But they do plan "to include the missing cars that were meant originally for TCL (Alfa GTV6, Jaguar XJS and MG Metro) but also some brand new ones like BMW 528i E28, Toyota Carina E, Opel Kadett GSi, Opel Astra GSI, Ford Escort RS2000, Ford Sierra Saphire among others. :antoine:

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeMon 12 Aug 2013 - 13:43

Just downloaded this, Not installed yet as the Readme says that after install may cause online mismatches?
Will it really cause a problem, Or am i best installing it, Then re-installing all the sound add on's and BMW fix etc hoping this may stop any online mismatches?

[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon 462
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeMon 12 Aug 2013 - 14:44

If you don't want to mismatch with our TCL servers for instance you need to create a dedicated install for this updated mod Wink

Thou shalt not train.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitimeMon 12 Aug 2013 - 14:56

Thanks Frank, I knew you would know a 3rd option Razz 

[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon 462
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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon   [rFactor] TCL Portugal addon Icon_minitime

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[rFactor] TCL Portugal addon
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