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 Kyalami, January 10th

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Joel Sixou
Iestyn Davies
David Vanmullem
Eric Campillo
David Conan
Jacques Leblond
Jose Luis Mezcua
Frank Verplanken
Gaizka López C.
François Potignon
Fred Gubbels
Camille Spada
Bertrand Catroux
Alain Laporte
finally gone :)
Reg Burke
Mickael Taloc
Antoine de Mautor
Phil Woodward
Martin Audran
24 posters
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Martin Audran
League Owner
Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
Age : 38
Location : Vannes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeFri 2 Jan 2009 - 22:32

Kyalami, January 10th South_big

Dans une semaine, premier Grand Prix de la saison Smile

(jour à déterminer, dans la semaine précédant la course):
21h00 : Première séance de qualification 120 minutes

14h00 : Seconde séance de qualification 120 minutes
20h30 : Rendez-Vous sur Vroc
20h40 : Lancement de la procédure de mise en grille
21h00 : Départ de la course 80 tours
Pour la première séance qualificative, merci de répondre à ce sondage.

Merci aux pilotes inscrits de valider leur présence ou de signaler leur absence à la suite de ce post.

Si vous avez des questions sur quoique ce soit, comme la procédure de mise en grille, c'est ici également.


First race in only one week ! Smile

(day to be determined, on the week of the race):
9.00 p.m : First Qualifying Session 120 minutes

2.00 p.m : Second Qualifying Session 120 minutes
8.30 p.m : Driver's meeting on VROC
8.40 p.m : Beginning of the grid formation procedure
9.00 p.m : Start of the race 80 laps
For the first qualifying session, please answer this poll.

Thank you for pointing out your presence or your absence here.

If you have any question, don't hesitate to post them here

-Phil Woodward
-Antoine de Mautor
-Mickael Taloc
-Reg Burke
-Alain Laporte
-Bertrand Catroux
-Camille Spada
-Frederic Gubbels
-François Potignon
-Martin Audran
-Jean Philippe Campmajo
-Gaizka Lopez C.
-Frank Verplanken
-David Vanmullem
-Iestyn Davies
-Jose Luis Mezcua
-Joel Sixou
-Sergio Macias



Last edited by Martin Audran on Tue 13 Jan 2009 - 21:08; edited 13 times in total
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Phil Woodward
Phil Woodward

Number of posts : 4
Age : 42
Location : London, England
Registration date : 2008-12-07

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeFri 2 Jan 2009 - 23:01

Je serai présent Smile
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Antoine de Mautor
League Owner
Antoine de Mautor

Number of posts : 3617
Age : 36
Location : Nantes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeFri 2 Jan 2009 - 23:03

I will be there as well drunken
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Mickael Taloc
Mickael Taloc

Number of posts : 40
Age : 40
Location : La Rochelle
Registration date : 2008-10-30

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeFri 2 Jan 2009 - 23:13

Won't be there for qualifying session except if it's on Friday but there for the race.
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Reg Burke

Number of posts : 8
Age : 49
Location : sydney
Registration date : 2008-11-07

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 2:02

i'll be there for saturday sessions (sunday here) Smile

qualifying will be tricky but will see how it goes Smile

is 2pm 2nd qual and 9pm start GMT times?
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

Number of posts : 3192
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Registration date : 2008-10-27

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 4:52

Those times are GMT +1 (CET or Paris time).
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Alain Laporte
Alain Laporte

Number of posts : 17
Age : 59
Location : Gareoult (Var)
Registration date : 2008-11-06

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 13:28

Présent pour la première
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Bertrand Catroux
Club Driver

Number of posts : 61
Age : 58
Location : Medoc
Registration date : 2008-11-06

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 14:06

Présent Smile

Potar est en vacances, il devrait être revenu au moins pour le GP
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Camille Spada
Club Driver

Number of posts : 79
Age : 59
Location : Var
Registration date : 2008-09-10

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSat 3 Jan 2009 - 18:03

Very Happy ca devrait etre bon pour moi! j'avertirai au cas ou! lol!
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Fred Gubbels
Club Driver
Fred Gubbels

Number of posts : 74
Age : 58
Location : Belgique
Registration date : 2008-11-05

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSun 4 Jan 2009 - 10:19

I'll be there Very Happy
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François Potignon
Club Driver
François Potignon

Number of posts : 59
Age : 60
Location : dans le médoc
Registration date : 2008-10-28

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeSun 4 Jan 2009 - 15:45

je serai là :hello:
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Martin Audran
League Owner
Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
Age : 38
Location : Vannes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 14:27

Je demanderai également aux pilotes remplaçants de signaler leur présence ou non dans ce topic, au cas ou :hello:

Substitutes can also indicate their absence or presence here :hello:
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Gaizka López C.

Number of posts : 24
Age : 41
Location : Barcelona 1967
Registration date : 2009-01-05

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 15:34

I'll be there :yaa:
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 15:40

Présent Smile.
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Jose Luis Mezcua

Number of posts : 31
Age : 68
Location : Barcelona
Registration date : 2009-01-05

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 15:52

Hi .... I'll be there just in case I'm needed ... :conduit:

Martin, questions from me and on behalf of any substitute:

- Can substitutes participate on qualify sessions?

- When will substitutes know if we participate on a race (5 minutes before race at VROC? :D )

Salut Very Happy
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Martin Audran
League Owner
Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
Age : 38
Location : Vannes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 16:17

Welcome here Gaizka and Jose Luis Very Happy

Jose Luis Mezcua wrote:

- Can substitutes participate on qualify sessions?
Yes of course Wink

- When will substitutes know if we participate on a race (5 minutes before race at VROC? :D
When I know that a regular will miss the race, I immediatly ask to a substitute. The deadline is Friday, juste after the qualifying session. If a regular driver doesn't give news before this day, and if he doesn't show up in qualifying, he loses his place for the event. If a regular has a problem on saturday before the race, he will not be replaced

Thanks for the last question Jose Luis, I will update this on rules :top:
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Martin Audran
League Owner
Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
Age : 38
Location : Vannes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 17:10

Of course, if all regular drivers are here for a qualifying session, no substitute will be able to drive Smile
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Jacques Leblond

Number of posts : 17
Age : 54
Location : France
Registration date : 2008-11-29

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 18:29

Présent sous condition de réception de mon alim avant samedi
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David Conan
Club Driver
David Conan

Number of posts : 141
Age : 36
Location : Morbihan, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 21:03

Si jamais il y a un absent en Eagle, je ne serais pas disponible pour cette course.
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Eric Campillo
Club Driver
Eric Campillo

Number of posts : 196
Age : 56
Location : Barcelona
Registration date : 2008-10-06

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeMon 5 Jan 2009 - 21:06

Hola !!! J. Luis y Gaizka!!,..que bién mas pilotos españoles....Bienvenidos!!!

Hi!! J. Luis and Gaizka,...nice to see spanish drivers!!!...Welcome!! :hello:
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David Vanmullem

Number of posts : 38
Age : 48
Location : Marseille
Registration date : 2008-12-14

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeWed 7 Jan 2009 - 19:50

Je rentre d'une mauvaise grippe qui m'a éloigné du volant quelques jours mais à priori je serai présent.
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Iestyn Davies
Iestyn Davies

Number of posts : 11
Age : 35
Location : Liverpool, England
Registration date : 2008-11-06

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeThu 8 Jan 2009 - 12:41

I should be racing this weekend unless I encounter unforeseen hiccups. cheers
Backmarkers beware, another racer challenging for your places Wink
The leaders are ok though :langue:
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Martin Audran
League Owner
Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
Age : 38
Location : Vannes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeThu 8 Jan 2009 - 15:43

Première séance de qualification ce soir 21 heure Smile

First qualifying session tonight, 9pm Smile
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Martin Audran
League Owner
Martin Audran

Number of posts : 5553
Age : 38
Location : Vannes, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeThu 8 Jan 2009 - 23:34

12 pilotes pour cette première session, et déjà de très bons chronos !

12 drivers, and very good times for this first session !

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Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitimeFri 9 Jan 2009 - 1:14

Great level showed in this first session! I did a superb lap (for me of course), PB by far, but still 0.6 secs off the pole!

I hope to be in the middle of the pack just to be proud of myself :rigol: and to have some fun during the loooooong race we will have Very Happy
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Kyalami, January 10th Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyalami, January 10th   Kyalami, January 10th Icon_minitime

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Kyalami, January 10th
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