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 HSO F5000 1972 1.1

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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 15:27

HSO F5000 1972 1.1 F5000%201972

HSO 1972 Formula 5000 1.0 mod for rFactor.

Installation :

Extract the archive content in your rFactor folder.

History :

Formula 5000 was an international single-seater formula that was created by the Sports Car Club of America (SCCA) in the late 1960s, in a effort to promote F1-like road racing in America. The SCCA came up with an equivalency formula, limiting the category to cars powered by either 3-litre pure racing engines (the F1 limit since 1966) or 5-litre production-based engines. The 5-litre limit was aimed at Detroit iron such as the Chevrolet and Ford V8s. Originally known as “Formula A”, the formula was soon adopted as “Formula 5000” in Great Britain, thanks to John Webb and the British Racing Sports Car Club (BRSCC) who organised the first British series in 1969. The motor racing authorities in Australia and New Zealand, who were looking for a replacement formula for their ageing 2.5-litre Tasman Formula, also embraced the Formula A/5000 road, as did South Africa and Canada.

By 1972, Formula 5000 was a well established category on the International racing scene, with top constructors such as Lotus, Lola, McLaren, Surtees, Chevron or Eagle all building and selling cars worldwide. The prestigious Tasman Cup Series which opened the season, and the lucrative SCCA Continental Championship in the USA were the most sought after and competitive F5000 series. The British-based European series had been struggling in its first three years with low fields and dull races, but 1972 saw a step up in prestige with bigger grids and more competitive entries. South Africa was another hot spot for F5000, with a dozen cars mixing it with a handful of F1 cars for the South African Championship honours.

Description :

This mod is based on the 1971 and 1973 mods by Dave Sabre, which we have used (with permission) to create a 1972 field. All the physics have been redone from scratch, and many additional skins have been created as well.

14 different chassis are available, each with specific physics :

Begg FM5
Chevron B24
Crosslé 15F
Elfin MR5
Lola T190
Lola T192
Lola T300
Lotus 70
Matich A50
McLaren M10B
McLaren M18
McRae GM1
Surtees TS8
Surtees TS11

14 different engines are available :

V8 Chevrolet Morand (490 HP @ 8,000 rpm)
V8 Chevrolet Smith (480 HP @ 7,900 rpm)
V8 Chevrolet Bartz, CRM, Molloy (475 HP @ 7,800 rpm)
V8 Chevrolet Bolthoff, Traco (470 HP @ 7,900 rpm)
V8 Holden Repco (470 HP @ 7,400 rpm)
V8 Chevrolet HRE, MRE, RES (465 HP @ 7,700 rpm)
V8 Ford Bartz & V8 Pontiac Yunick (460 @ 7,500 rpm)
V8 Rover 3,500cc (400 HP @ 8,500 rpm)

Two tyre brands are represented : Firestone and GoodYear.

36 combinations of chassis/engine/tyres are available and the mod features 46 different cars.

The top chassis are the Chevron B24, Lola T300 and Surtees TS11, with the McRae GM1, Surtees TS8, McLaren M18 and Matich A50 a bit behind. The average cars are the Begg FM5, Elfin MR5, Lola T192, Lotus 70 and McLaren M10B, while the underpowered Crosslé 15F and the fat Lola T190 are the slowest ones.

This chassis hierarchy is somehow modified depending on the engine in the back of the car. The best engine was the V8 Chevrolet, but several tuners had their go at it, with various results. The mod’s most powerful Chevy is the Swiss Morand version, with the Alan Smith one not far behind.

The two tyre brands also influence the cars’ performance. Firestones are a bit quicker than GoodYears but will tend to fade away faster as the race progresses.

One could describe a Formula 5000 car as an overweight F1 with a Chevrolet Camaro V8 engine in it. The main characteristic of the engines is their fabulous torque. In fact, such was the power available that F5000 drivers only used first gear to get out of pits - race starts were usually taken in second gear ! Power is available from very low in revs and there is no need to push the engine to its limit to go fast. Engines are by the way very sensible to over-revving and you must be very careful not to hit the red line if you want to finish a race.

As most F5000 cars were customer cars (the constructor selling some to private teams), the general trend was to built simple, solid and easy to maintain cars. The F5000 chassis bears much ressemblance to a contemporary F1 chassis, with similar dimensions, construction type, suspensions and gearbox, but was built along more simple lines and with longevity of each element as the main concern.

It also shares with a period F1 car that fabulous characteristic every decent racing car should have : its engine delivers more power than the chassis can decently handle ! Aero and mechanical grip are limited, and the name of the game is sliding. However, as pleasant as it feels, four-wheel drift is not always the fast way and we hope you will find the challenge of finding the right balance between sharpness and style to your liking.

Compared to F1, the other main difference is the extra-weight, which accounts for much of the gap between the two categories. Being heavier, the F5000 is less nervous, probably easier to handle, but much less efficient in the turns. It is particularly lazy entering slow corners, and you usually won't get two chances at getting the apex right !

Know issues :

Mirrors of all Chevron-based cars (Chevron B24, Elfin MR5, Surtees TS11) are completly black online. We are still trying to fix it. For the moment, we recommend you to use the virtual mirrors if you want to drive those cars online. All you have to do is to edit your PLR file that way : Virtual Rearview In Cockpit="1"

Thanks, sources and acknowledgments :

Many thanks to Dave Sabre for putting up so much work into a great historic mod, and for allowing us to use his great 3D work.
We also would like to thank the members of the HSO Modding Team for all the time and passion put into this mod.
Special thanks to Allen Brown, webmaster of http://www.oldracingcars.com/ for all his work on F5000 in general, and for helping out on car specs in particular.

Original 3D models : Dave Sabre
HSO physics and overall project manager : Guillaume Siebert.
Research, data, humour & style : Frank Verplanken.
Additional skins : Gianluca Desposito, Carl Larrad, Guillaume Siebert.
Beta testing : Gianluca Desposito, Carl Larrad, Jukka Maattanen, Tiago Malafaya, Karel Marciniszyn, Steve Parker, Pierre Pfleger, Carlo Pozzi, Guillaume Siebert, Frank Verplanken.
Moral support : Martin Audran, Antoine de Mautor.
Antechrist : Ben Paulet.

Have fun !


HSO F5000 1972 Patch 1.1

Here's small patch before the new season. Smile No big changes, but you will need it to race on our server.
You need the version 1.0 of the mod before installing this patch. Just extract it in your main rFactor folder.

Modifications :
- Black mirrors online for all Chevron based cars bug fixed (Chevron B24, Surtees TS11, Elfin MR5)
- Several mistakes in cars/teams names or wrong chassis/engine/tires combinations fixed
- McLaren M18 tachometer fixed
- New Matich liveries

Voilà un petit patch avant la nouvelle saison. Smile Pas de gros changement mais vous devrez l'installer pour rouler sur notre serveur.
Vous devez avoir la version 1.0 du mod installée avant d'ajouter ce patch. Il suffit d'extraire le contenu de l'archive dans votre repertoire rFactor principal pour installe le patch.

Modifications :
- Bug des retroviseurs noirs online réparé pour les chassis basés sur la Chevron (Chevron B24, Surtees TS11, Elfin MR5)
- Plusieurs erreurs de noms de teams, ou mauvaises combinaisons chassis/moteur/pneus on été corrigées
- Compte tours de la McLaren M18 corrigé
- Nouveaus skins pour les Matich


Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Fri 30 Nov 2012 - 13:39; edited 4 times in total
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 15:27

Here is the plan for F5000 racing at HSO in 2011 Smile .

We will do the three main championships of 1972, with all the races run on Wednesday nights :

- Tasman Cup Series
- BRSCC European F5000 Championship
- SCCA Continental Championship

The Tasman Cup Series will consist of 8 races run over 8 consecutive weeks in January and February. The first race will be on January 5 and the last one on February 23.

The BRSCC Euro F5000 will have 14 races, with a 2-week gap between each race. The championship will start on March 9 and will end on November 23, with no races during the Summer break.

The SCCA American series will be our Summer F5000 championship, with the 8 races run over 8 consecutive weeks, starting on July 6 and ending on August 24.

You will be free to book a different car for each championship, but of course you'll have to stick to your choice for each championship. Car choice is free, but fastest drivers will not be allowed to use the best cars.

The Tasman Cup Series will be officially announced on Tuesday night (December 21). Car booking will open at this time. In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy discovering the mod and its various cars Smile .


Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Wed 22 Dec 2010 - 23:42; edited 2 times in total
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Pierre Pfleger
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Pierre Pfleger

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 15:46

You didn't talk about a server. Is there one online yet ?
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 15:52

Merci Pierre, c'est édité Wink .
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Jean-François Bovy
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Jean-François Bovy

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 15:58

petit cadeau de fin d'année
merci à toute l'équipe !! :top:

je testerai tout ça ce soir ou demain, avec les commentaires que j'ai lu, ça devrait me plaire !
je fais en tout cas déjà partie des inscrits pour ces championnats du mercredi Smile
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 16:29

Merci et Bravo à tous :top:

Jieffe a raison, c'est Noel avant l'heure.

Ce soir, je risque d'etre sur un autre serveur que celui du champ 79 :banane:
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 16:31

Merci papa noël cheers
Je vais essayer de les tester dans la soirée Very Happy
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Michel Baudrit
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Michel Baudrit

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 17:03

Téléchargement en cours.
Merci pour ce travail, ça va farter !

J'ai testé viteuf une Lola. Purée, c'est la fête du slip mal ajusté qui descend sur les godasses !!!
Ca glisse quoi !! on dirait du GPL !
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Florkin Marc
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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 18:14

Comment fait-on pour avoir accès à toutes les voitures ?
On doit mettre si pense bien: ISI_BABYFACTORY sur le forum, et puis après je ne sais plus ?

Merci d'avance

Marcus study

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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 18:20

Marcus c'est pas sur le forum mais dans le chat d'une séance d'essais offline qu'il faut taper ça. lol!
Ensuite tu reviens au menu et t'as plein de fric et toutes les voitures débloquées. Mais normalement tu dois avoir de base de quoi acheter toutes les voitures il me semble, elles ne coutent qu'1 crédit.
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Florkin Marc
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Number of posts : 846
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Registration date : 2008-11-18

HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 18:38

Ok Guillaume, :top:

Je suis riche fabuleusement riche,vive rfactor

Merci encore,j'avais oublié la manip.

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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:10

Installation OK
Serveur OK
Première impression OK Very Happy
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:15

Premières impressions après 5 tours sur le mans 77:

1. Ca n'est pas un mod noobie friendly Smile Seuls les bons pilotes réussiront à maintenir la voiture sur la piste. Logique, ce sont des voitures puissantes, sans assistance, qui demandent donc du pilotage.
2. Dur dur de doser l'accélération sur les 3 premiers rapports, si on mets gaz à fond, l'arrière veut passer devant et c'est très chaud à rattraper. Ca m'a rappelé les quelques heures passées sur les 917 et compagnie. Il faut passer le rapport et accélérer très progressivement.
3. 5 tours du mans 77 et le moteur a rendu l'âme Smile Je pense qu'il n'a pas aimé les longues lignes droites au rupteur, il faudra donc gérer la mécanique, pas comme en DTM88 Smile

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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:18

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Merci Pierre, c'est édité Wink .

On peut avoir l'ip du server pour le mettre en liste d'amis ?
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:21

L'IP est dans ce post :

C'est aussi l'ancien serveur Procar.
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Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:22

Thank you very much for this mod and championship. :clap:

Wednesday evening will be very difficult for my to race, but i will enjoy during the practice sessions on my spare time.

Good Work !!!
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Michel Baudrit
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Michel Baudrit

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:28

Je ne peux pas rentrer sur le serveur F5000.
J'ai un message d'erreur avec le fichier Pukehohe.mas. J'ai pris la version donnée par Frank ci-dessus.

Bon apparemment, c'est pas lié au serveur, j'ai le même problème offline.

Edit2 : problème résolu, le dossier du circuit n'était pas dans la bonne arborescence.
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:44

cheers cheers cheers vous auriez du appeller ce mod F5000 " trophé andros " lol! lol!
ca glisse terrible mais c est vraiment bon :aie: :aie: le temps de chauffe des pneus est super important , et en 3 tours j ai pété mon moteur ( apparemment il ne faut pas dépasser une zone rouge de ce que m a expliqué Franck )
8 tours dont 3 bouclé a leurs termes lol! 57s je ne sais pas du tout ce que ca vaut Question un lien vers les hotlpas Question

en tous cas , merci a toutes les personnes qui ont travaillé sur ce mod :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

Number of posts : 2399
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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:50

Gregoire Goissen wrote:
un lien vers les hotlpas Question

le lien est à la fin du post à Frank Wink
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 19:55

Gregoire Goissen wrote:
et en 3 tours j ai pété mon moteur ( apparemment il ne faut pas dépasser une zone rouge de ce que m a expliqué Franck )

Tu peux aller dans la zone rouge mais faut pas abuser. Par contre il est obligatoire de lever le pied en montant les vitesses sinon effectivement le moteur ne tient pas 5 tours. Wink

You can go in the redzone just dont abuse from it. But yes it is mandatory to lift your foot during upshifts otherwise your engine won't last more than 5 laps. Wink
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 20:06

Un message de l'Antechrist
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 20:07

Rien qu'à la lecture de présentation du mod et des championnats, je dis : Terrible!
Un grand bravo à tous et merci. HSO F5000 1972 1.1 223137
Vu que y a que de la merde à la télé, je sais désormais quoi faire ce soir. HSO F5000 1972 1.1 153974
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 20:11

Ben Paulet wrote:
Un message de l'Antechrist
:D Twisted Evil :D
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 20:16

I agree with you Thomas for the TV! Laughing

Great works guys Congratulations! :clap: :clap: :clap:
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
PostSubject: Re: HSO F5000 1972 1.1   HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2010 - 20:51

Ma-gni-fique !!!

Bravo, quelle réussite !!!
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HSO F5000 1972 1.1 Empty
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HSO F5000 1972 1.1
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