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 [rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys

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2 posters
Eric Plana
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Eric Plana

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[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys Empty
PostSubject: [rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys   [rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys Icon_minitimeThu 9 Sep 2010 - 0:26

American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys

[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys AmmLogo

I don't know if is an official update from original authors or an evolution made by another community, but seems fine.
v3.0 have only Muscle Street cars, but on this v4.0 we find Drag, Dirt, Oval and GT (Trans-Am) versions of the cars, with different physics.

Test it and post your impression.

>>> American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys <<<

[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys RNlJJ[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys RNodS[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys RNtd9[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys RNAHA

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys Empty
PostSubject: Re: [rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys   [rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys Icon_minitimeThu 9 Sep 2010 - 20:44

Thanks for the info, I'll try and test it shortly Wink .
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[rF mod] American Muscle Cars v4.1 by DukeBoys
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