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 Tribute to Francois Cervert....

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3 posters
Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
Age : 61
Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Empty
PostSubject: Tribute to Francois Cervert....   Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Icon_minitimeWed 24 Feb 2010 - 9:25

In '72 he and my Dad battled in the Can-Am..Francois drove the M8D Mclaren,the 71 car,and Milt drove the 917/10..He showed me the guardrail where it happened when we went in '74 to Watkins Glen..I was 11..he and my stepmom cried...He was a charismatic person and a fantastic driver!

:flag: :papy: :flag:
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Sasha Sosnowski
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Sasha Sosnowski

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Age : 34
Location : Warsaw, PL
Registration date : 2009-11-15

Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Francois Cervert....   Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Icon_minitimeWed 24 Feb 2010 - 14:45


Fantastic person Cevert seemed to be (I say because I never met him) and what a talented driver. One of my all time favourites/heroes.

You're so lucky to have the history you have, to have been a part of motor racing (your father and all his endeavors). It's really awesome. :hello:
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Pierre Labédan
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Pierre Labédan

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Registration date : 2009-04-29

Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Francois Cervert....   Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Icon_minitimeThu 25 Feb 2010 - 2:03

:top: :hello: Sad
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Milt Minter Jr
Experienced Driver
Milt Minter Jr

Number of posts : 411
Age : 61
Location : Fresno,Ca.USA
Registration date : 2008-12-09

Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Francois Cervert....   Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Icon_minitimeThu 25 Feb 2010 - 2:21

Pierre Labédan wrote:
:top: :hello: Sad
Ya,it's sad..But it is said...It is better to love,and have lost,then to never have loved...
I'd give my left nut to drive a racecar...But it was not my destiny... :flag: :top: :flag:
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Sasha Sosnowski
Experienced Driver
Sasha Sosnowski

Number of posts : 219
Age : 34
Location : Warsaw, PL
Registration date : 2009-11-15

Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Francois Cervert....   Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Icon_minitimeThu 25 Feb 2010 - 3:07

Milt Minter Jr wrote:
Pierre Labédan wrote:
:top: :hello: Sad
Ya,it's sad..But it is said...It is better to love,and have lost,then to never have loved...
I'd give my left nut to drive a racecar...But it was not my destiny... :flag: :top: :flag:

Well said, Milt, well said. :hello: :clap: Smile
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PostSubject: Re: Tribute to Francois Cervert....   Tribute to Francois Cervert.... Icon_minitime

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Tribute to Francois Cervert....
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