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 Round 3 - Donington Park

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Jon Clinton
Laurent Duconge
Franck Tripey
Ben Paulet
Thomas Gatschnegg
Eric Campillo
Philippe Martinelli
Roger Pitarque
Federico Damian
Luigi Bonati
Luis Garcia
Steve Parker
Carlo Pozzi
Berkem Ceylan
Paul Nadeau
Iker Estefania
Sasha Sosnowski
Thomas Cazorla
Vincent Rieux
Carl Larrad
Yannick Lampure
Ludovic Tiengou
Guillaume Siebert
27 posters
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Sasha Sosnowski
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Sasha Sosnowski

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 18:56

Carl Larrad wrote:

I Also wondered about how Ceyhun did a 1.27??? affraid

I'm a bit puzzled over this as well seeing as he's signed up in a Lola? We shall see in a little over an hour... :hum:
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 19:37

My guess is he forgot the last hairpin drunken Very Happy
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Sasha Sosnowski
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Sasha Sosnowski

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 19:40

Frank Verplanken wrote:
My guess is he forgot the last hairpin drunken Very Happy

what i guessed too, but i figured there would be a cut/automatic disallow...

25 minutes to go! Smile
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 20:01

Race server launched !
pass : hso70

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Philippe Martinelli
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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 20:51

Je n'arrive pas à me connecter...

Je ne vois pas le serveur hso sur ma liste?
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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Registration date : 2008-11-17

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:06

Well... no training, hard and technical track, bad setup => i make shit :bangry:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:16

Well for once im not happy Mad
i was leading the P3000 Class after Iker made a mistake
i was comfortable with my speed and could maintain the gap in 6th place
between myself and Franck and i made a stupid spin on the last corner ...

I hit the barrier really softly .....I Pulled back on the track and my
steering was pulling to one side made a pitstop but the damage was done Sad

An opportunity missed to bag some points :doh: :doh: :doh:

Also really sorry for my cock up at the start Embarassed
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:31

I check the wall at +/-15 laps, oh no my suspension, and i think to go to repair, 62seconds stopped in box, but the race it was well done i dont finish in a good position :smil20: , Bernard has left me pass thanks mate Smile
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Luigi Bonati
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Luigi Bonati

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:33

Bad bad night tonight!
I played a mistake's festival Crying or Very sad
Thanks to Paul and his fine company!
I bag your pardon to everybody for my several bad driving mistakes.
But I do not understand what's happened just when I arrive in fron of the stands: my game suddenly crashed and I was alone... Shocked
However hurra for the winners and many thanks to you guys! cheers cheers
See you next time!
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Iker Estefania

Number of posts : 7
Age : 43
Location : Bilbao
Registration date : 2010-02-03

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:36

Great race for everyone, i´m happy to meet your comunity, i love the classic motorsport and the fair play :clap:

For me happy with the pole in P3000 but with a lot of mistakes in race with the shift, very funy anyway and happy with the points in my first race with this "monsters"
Congratulation for Sasha, Frank, all the podium and everybody Wink

see you in Keimola
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:37

=> REPLAY <=
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:45

Pfff je m'en veux à mort, j'avais pas le droit de la perdre celle là Evil or Very Mad

J'étais en tête avec 4-5s d'avance sur Sasha et puis 2 spins stupides :doh:
Bravo quand meme à Sasha pour sa victoire bien méritée, et puis les premiers tours étaient beaux :top:
Bravo aux finisseurs, et zou à Keimola :yaa:

I'm so mad at myself, can't believe I lost it Evil or Very Mad

I was leading, 4-5s ahead of Sasha and then 2 stupid spins :doh:
Still congrats to Sasha for his well deserved win, first laps were very cool too :top:
Grats all finishers, lets move to Keimola now :yaa:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Registration date : 2008-12-20

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:46

Well done to Sasha and Franck on there respective wins :flag: :first: :flag:
and also Gui,Carlo and Iker ..... :drink:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Registration date : 2008-12-20

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:47

Also Congrats to all finishers ... :hello:

Last edited by Carl Larrad on Sun 21 Feb 2010 - 23:34; edited 3 times in total
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:47

As it seems to be the rule for my races lately I could not do a single clean fast lap in qualifying and was almost 1s off my LCD time Sad . Good lol! from Carl's start that was a good one mate :D ! As I was still laughing from it we were finishing the pace lap and while I was slowing down to place myself on the grid position Gui shouted "GREEN FLAG" and I realised this was a flying start :doh: .

I soon caught with the guys in front though, and had a hard time trying to pass Laurent D who seems to be unable to break in a straight line but favours the ugly diagonal-door-closing way Rolling Eyes :hum: ... Anyway after a couple of laps I was through and then had a much nicer and pleasant fight first with Paul, then with Carl and Iker who were leading the 3-litre class just seconds in front. Eventually Iker and then Carl spun so I was a comfortable class leader. Too bad guys, I was looking forward to a 3-way thingie Wink .

The rest was just about cruising around untill the end, and although I did two spins on the way it was enough for 6th and 1st in class :first: and some nice championship points.

Grats to Sasha and all finishers. Thanks to the (as always) excellent lapped gents. Welcome among us Iker, looking forward to mixing it with you on track soon Wink .
See yall in Finland Arrow :conduit:
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:57

Carl Larrad wrote:

Also really sorry for my cock up at the start :doh: :doh: :doh:

yeah that was quite a sight to see your Alfa overcoming my Ferrari during the formation lap :D :D

Bien content de voir le drapeau à damier sur celle-là. C'est meme un petit miracle. Toute la semaine en m'entrainant j'enchainais tete a queue et sortie de piste. J'etais totalement en perdition et ne pigeait plus du tout comment réagissait la voiture. Du coup je suis arrivé sans aucune confiance sur le serveur.
En qualifications c'était vraiment pas la joie. Je trouvais pas mes marques, mon shifter deconnait à plein tubes et je me plantais à chaque fois dans un traffic monstre. En désespoir de cause je donne un clic de plus à la direction et durcit un peu les suspensions avants...un peu au hasard. Je repars et là...miracle je colle une demi seconde à mon PB et arrache la 4eme place à la derniere seconde.

Dans le tour de formation j'ai la surprise de voir debouler l'Alfa de Carl ..grosse chaleur car j'ai cru que l'on allait s'accrocher dans la descente. Et pour tout arranger à Melbourne le shifter a fait sauter ma seconde. Et vla le surégime.
Du coup j'étais d'une fébrilité sans nom durant les premiers tours et je n'arrivais pas à me lacher. Je voyais la 917 de Laurent que je n'arrivais pas à decoller. J'avais les jambes en coton, j'étais vraiment pas du tout à l'aise avec une boule au ventre. Puis Laurent va se louper à McLean et là la boule va litteralement disparaitre.
Derriere je vois que c'est Roger et sa 917 qui ont pris le relais. Moins febrile j'ai alors donner un coup de collier pour faire un écart. Pas simple avec mon shifter récalcitrant. J'ai fini par conduire d'une main, l'autre tenant en permanence le shifter. Et les sauts de vitesse ont cessés. Mais bon tenir une 512 à Donnington d'une main c'est pas de la tarte.
Autrement course sans histoire. Vu les temps du trop de tete aux essais je savais que je ne pouvais en aucun cas les suivre. J'ai donc roulé un peu à ma main. Du coup je n'ai vu personne devant ou derriere durant la majeure partie de la course. J'ai su resté concentré et je ne me suis pas fait une seule chaleur en 28 tours. Merci pour les lapés qui ont été plus que correct meme si j'ai eu un mal de chien à gerer mon arrivée sur eux (signe que j'etais vraiment pas super bien sur la piste)

Happy to the checkered one this one. It's even a small miracle. All week along during my training I was spinning and crashing more than often. I was totally out of it and had no more feeling of the car. So I've arrived on the race quite out of confidence in my chances to see the end.
It wasn't a good day for my qualifications at first. Wasn't finding my brake points, my shifter was bugging more and more and every time I was improving my times there come a slower car in front of me. Out of solutions I added a click to steering lock and strenghten my front suspensions. And then....miracle..I beated my PB by half a second and won the 4th place at the last second.
During formation lap, I was quite surprized to see Carl overtaking me. Take a hell out of me as I thought we're going to collide during the downhill part. To make things worse, at Melbourne reaccelaration my shifter got mad...and then go overrevs. So i was totally feverish at the start and could get into the race. I was seeing Laurent's 917 behind and couldn't get loose of him. I've then had shaky legs and can't drive the car as I want. But Laurent made a mistake at McClean and then goes of the pression.
Behind is then Roger and his 917. But with Laurent so has diseappered the shaky legs. I so accelerated a bit to made a gap. Not simple with my faulty shifter. I've finished the race one hand on the wheel one hand on the shifter. And then disappeared the problem. But racing the 512 at Donnington with only one hand that's quite a circus.
Otherwise a dull race. The first three were simply too fast for me to cope with. So I tried to drive safely all along the race just keeping Roger 5-6 seconds behind. So never see anyone in front or behind me thereafter. I've stayed focus all along the 28 laps and done no mistakes at all (a rarety)
Thank for the laped one which do everything they could to let me overtake. Wasn't so easy though as I was not really confident during the race
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Carl Larrad
Racing Legend
Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
Age : 59
Location : Swindon , UK
Registration date : 2008-12-20

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 22:58

Frank Verplanken wrote:
I was looking forward to a 3-way thingie Wink .

I Was actually thinking the same thing ........ Sad
Dont worry Frank ive already arrived in Finland Wink
As for the Start im really embarrased so please dont mention it again lol!
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 23:02

Alors là j'en reviens pas du tout. J'ai la meilleure consistency de la course Shocked Shocked Shocked Etonnant vu comment je me sentais mal de chez mal au départ.
Apres Norisring ca fait deux fois que je suis au top de ce classement en interseries dis donc.
Les mauvaises langues daltons vont pas y croire. J'ai fait "à fond à fond à fond" mais pas gravier :langue: :langue: :langue:
Ca compense le fait de finir 4eme et medaille en chocolat et de perdre la troisieme place au championnat (de toute facon je ne m'imagineais pas la conserver longtemps).
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Thomas Gatschnegg
Experienced Driver
Thomas Gatschnegg

Number of posts : 216
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Registration date : 2009-01-09

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 23:11

I was confused at the end of the formation lap. I simply forgot about the flying start and was surprised to see that "GREEN FLAG" message. Shocked Maybe I am getting old. lol!
Anyway, I had an exciting race. Nearly the whole race I was fighting for a position or was defending my position. I am beginning to love that mod Wink .

Gratulations to the top three and to all finishers. :clap:
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Carlo Pozzi
Pro Driver
Carlo Pozzi

Number of posts : 805
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Location : Milan, Italy
Registration date : 2009-11-28

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 23:21

[quote="Frank Verplanken"] As I was still laughing from it we were finishing the pace lap and while I was slowing down to place myself on the grid position Gui shouted "GREEN FLAG" and I realised this was a flying start :doh: .

Same here Frank, in fact Ludo passed me before the first corner.
But i repassed him exiting the corner, from then a very dull race, because i was faster than my chasers and slower than Sasha and Gui, especially in the final sector (had the same problem with the Procar a few weeks ago, maybe i have to change some options in my steering wheel, but i don't know which ones), where they gained more than a second per lap in the two hairpins before S/F line.

I'm satisfied with 3rd,another podium finish and another race finished (finished all races for now at HSO), but i hope to do better at Keimola.

Grats to all the finishers!
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
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Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 23:49

Carlo Pozzi wrote:

Same here Frank, in fact Ludo passed me before the first corner.
But i repassed him exiting the corner,

Wasn't really trying to resist Carlo as you're faster far more than me. The only thing I could have gain trying to was to go on spin at the worse moment possible. Yes the Dalton, sometimes I can think during races :D
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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

Number of posts : 914
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Location : toulouse, france
Registration date : 2009-02-23

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeSun 21 Feb 2010 - 23:59

Ben déco aprés 9 tours Evil or Very Mad

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Laurent Duconge
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Laurent Duconge

Number of posts : 175
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Location : Toulouse (Fr)
Registration date : 2008-12-07

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Feb 2010 - 1:09

Déco à 7 tours de la fin alors que je tenais une bonne 7ieme place
Une bonne arsouille avec Franck en début de course......... bon ca a secouer un peu et m'a un peu aidé à sortir large.. voir très large même ...
Dommage car j'étais revenu pas loin en fin de course et pourquoi revenir le chercher...........
2ieme deco cette semaine avec celle de F1 (10 tours de la fin aussi)
J'espère que c'est juste passagé cette succession de décos (pas déconnecté du net par contre)
Y a t'il des ports, spécifiques au serveur de course, à ouvrir dans RF pour palier à ce type de probleme?
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Vincent Rieux
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Vincent Rieux

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Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Feb 2010 - 10:02

Course très sympa sur un circuit très exigeant mais vraiment intéressant ! Content de la terminée surtout que je n'ai jamais eu le temps de m'ennuyer : toujours quelqu'un pas loin devant ou pas loin derrière. Je me suis bien amusé. J'arrache même un point de façon assez inespérée. Plus je roule avec ce mod et plus je l'adore :yaa:
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Donington Park   Round 3 - Donington Park - Page 3 Icon_minitimeMon 22 Feb 2010 - 11:37

Standings updated on the website Wink
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