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 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots

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Sasha Sosnowski
Vincent Beretta
Timo Vermeersch
Mario Gassner
Frank Labédan
Frank Verplanken
Tiago Malafaya
Frederic Carre
Gianluca Desposito
Guillaume Siebert
14 posters
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 17:41

Various screenshots from the race, in no particular order Smile

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%201

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%207

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%208

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%209

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2010

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2013

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2015

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2016

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2017

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2018

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2019

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2020

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2023

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2024

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2025

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2026

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2027

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2028

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2029

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2030

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2031

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots MidOhio%2032
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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 18:02

superbe photos merci GUI Wink

PS:comment tu fait pour les rendre aussi belle ces photos ?? :first:
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 38
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 18:51

Détails des graphismes à fond et ensuite faut jouer avec les caméras Smile
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 19:00

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Wow What beautiful pictures ...!!
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Frederic Carre
Frederic Carre

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 19:26

Je confirme, de bien belles images que voila cheers

+1 Guillaume :top:

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Logot4p
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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 19:51

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Détails des graphismes à fond et ensuite faut jouer avec les caméras Smile
elle sont trop net c'est du HD, tu utilise quoi comme logiciel de retouche??
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 19:57

lol c'est pas retouché je t'assure Smile
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 20:41

Superb :top:

They look pretty sharp, look even better than ingame resoultion Wink

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 14
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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Registration date : 2008-10-05

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 21:16

And now the MINUS moments :rigol:

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012519485207
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012519513209
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012519535697
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012519550753
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012519573867
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012519583435
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012520060049
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012520065389
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Rfactor2010012520072596

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 14
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 21:27

lol Pat Patrick must not have been too pleased at his two drivers colliding !!

Thou shalt not train.
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Frank Labédan
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Frank Labédan

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 21:46

Magnifique !! :top:

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 17
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Mario Gassner
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Mario Gassner

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 22:52

great impressions! these cars look so nice!

"With your mind power, your determination, your instinct and the experience as well, you can fly very high." Ayrton Senna da Silva
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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jan 2010 - 23:04

mrd Tiago :grrr: :grrr: lol!
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Timo Vermeersch
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Timo Vermeersch

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 9:41

Photos fabuleuses. Grand merci.

Est-il possible de les décharger en plus haute résolution quelque part? J'utilise la photo de la phase ou je bataille avec Yannick et Vincent en T2 comme fond d'écran, mais la résolution est un peu juste pour ca.

Grand merci encore.


Visit Intersection Diaries: the tale of a young racing career..
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Inters12
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 13:23

J'ai pas plus grand (clickable ) Smile

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Cart_m10
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Timo Vermeersch
Racing Legend
Timo Vermeersch

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Registration date : 2009-08-11

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 17:28

Tres grand merci.


Visit Intersection Diaries: the tale of a young racing career..
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Inters12
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 18:27

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Cart6r

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Cart3

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Cart4h

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 3
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 18:41

Lovely shots guys :top: ! Merci pour le poster Vincent, je vais le mettre dans ma chambre :drink: 8) Wink

Thou shalt not train.
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Sasha Sosnowski
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Sasha Sosnowski

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 20:04

great shots! looked like quite the race!

i'm also miffed out how great those screens looked as I run with max graphic settings (only not full level 6 AA) and my screenshots never look that clear/perfect.

"There is no terrible way to win, there is only winning" - Jean-Pierre Sarti, Grand Prix (1966)
1980 BMW M1 PROCAR Series - :first: (2010 Edition)
1970 InterSerie Season - :third:
1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Hsoearly10sig
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 21:38

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Lovely shots guys :top: ! Merci pour le poster Vincent, je vais le mettre dans ma chambre :drink: 8) Wink

Au dessus de ton lit :frank:

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Cart610

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 3
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 21:59

:D :clap: Merci !

Thou shalt not train.
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jan 2010 - 22:50

Superbe Vincent 8)

Par contre j'ai édité ton post avec une image miniature clickable pour ne pas déformer la page, il y a une option pour ça dans le menu au dessus de l'editeur de texte pour poster Wink
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Vincent Beretta
Racing Legend
Vincent Beretta

Number of posts : 1398
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Registration date : 2008-12-15

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2010 - 13:54

Une petite derniere (un peu retouchée) en l'honneur du vainqueur Wink

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Mo1rp

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 3
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Carlo Pozzi
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Carlo Pozzi

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jan 2010 - 14:37

thanks Vincent, nice screenshots
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitimeFri 29 Jan 2010 - 20:34

Gui, can you give me the pic with the glowing brake? :hello:

1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots 14
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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots   1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots Icon_minitime

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1998 CART Mid Ohio - screenshots
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