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 Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure

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Da Silva Carlos
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Vincent Beretta
Frank Verplanken
Carl Larrad
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeSat 31 Oct 2009 - 22:02


Les changements de pilotes sont possibles dans rFactor, voici comment effectuer la manoeuvre, ainsi que quelques conseils :

1 - La préparation

- le setup :
Tout d'abord sachez que les 2 pilotes (ou plus) doivent utiliser le même setup pour la course. Votre setup devra donc être un compromis satisfaisant les pilotes de l'équipage.

Dans ce setup, réglez les quantités d'essence des pitstops sur 0. Cela vous forcera à choisir la quantité pendant la course, mais évitera tout problème lors du passage de relais.

Sachez que si le setup doit être identique, chaque pilote peut tout de même régler le steering lock et la pression du freinage à sa convenance, ces 2 paramètres peuvent être différents d'un pilote à l'autre.

Enfin vous aurez besoin d'assigner la touche "Selection du passager" (ou "Passenger Select") à une touche de votre clavier. De base, cette touche n'est pas attribuée.

- la communication :

Le chat étant strictement interdit en course, vous devrez pouvoir communiquer avec votre/vos coéquipiers pendant la course afin de pouvoir vous passer le volant.
Vous aurez donc besoin d'un casque et d'un micro, un serveur Teamspeak HSO est disponible pour vous permettre de vous retrouver pour la course.
Très important : pensez à régler les volumes des différents programmes avant la course (volume du son du moteur dans rFactor, volume de Teamspeak pour les plus importants).

2 - Procédure de changement de pilote

Le principe :
Un pilote est au volant, le pilote devant le relayer est connecté au serveur en tant que spectateur. Les 2 pilotes se mettent d'accord pour effectuer un changement de piloter et au prochain pitstop, les rôles sont inversés, le spectateur prend le volant et le pilote devient spectateur.

Dans la pratique :
Prenons un équipage de 2 pilotes, le pilote A et le pilote B.

Le pilote A a pris le départ de la course et arrive à la fin de son relais.

Le pilote B se connecte alors au serveur de course, en ayant activé le mode "Spectateur" auparavant dans les options Multijoueur . S'il n'est pas en mode "Spectateur", il ne pourra pas se connecter. Une fois sur le serveur, le pilote B n'apparait pas dans le classement, ce qui est normal.

Le pilote B clique alors sur le nom de son coéquipier dans la fenêtre de classement. Puis il presse la touche qu'il a assigné à la commande "Changement de pilote".
Un message apparait alors dans le chat : "Vous roulez maintenant avec Pilote A" ou "You are now riding with Pilote A" confirmant que le Pilote B est maintenant passager du pilote A.
Le pilote A reçoit un message similaire dans le chat pendant qu'il roule, lui indiquant que son coéquipier l'a sélectionné.

Si vous n'avez pas sélectionné le bon coéquipier, appuyez à nouveau sur la touche, un message de confirmation apparait dans le chat : "Vous ne roulez plus avec Pilote X" ou "You are no longer riding with Pilote X".

Puis le pilote B clique sur le bouton "Race", comme s'il voulait entrer en piste lors d'une course normale. Il se retrouve alors en vue cockpit dans sa voiture. Il est recommandé de ne pas jouer avec les caméras à ce moment là.

C'est ensuite au pilote A de confirmer qu'il va bien passer le volant au pilote B lors de son prochain arrêt.
Pour cela, il doit activer son pitmenu (le petit menu à droite qui vous permet de paramétrer votre prochain arrêt, fuel, changement de pneus ...). Il y a là une ligne Driver (ou Pilote suivant la version) avec la valeur "Pilote A" à coté.
Avec les flèches directionnelles il doit sélectionner le pilote qui devra prendre le volant, Pilote B en l'occurence.

Ainsi au prochain passage aux stands du Pilote A, dès l'arrêt, un message préviendra les 2 joueurs qu'un changement de pilote est en cours, et à la fin du décompte, le Pilote B prend le volant et le Pilote A devient spectateur !

IMPORTANT : avant de quitter le serveur, le pilote A doit appuyer sur la touche de sélection du passager pour signaler qu'il n'est plus copilote du pilote B. Un message "Vous ne roulez plus avec Pilote B" doit apparaître. Si ceci n'est pas fait, les risques de bug au prochain relais sont grands!

Le Pilote A peut maintenant quitter le serveur s'il le souhaite, il pourra revenir plus tard, en mode Spectateur évidement.

Entrainez vous avant le jour J !

3 - Recommandations

Les passages de relais dans rFactor sont un point délicat, souvent sujets à divers bugs lorsqu'ils sont réalisés dans de mauvaises conditions, voila quelques recommandations afin d'éviter un maximum d'ennuis.

- Ne JAMAIS changer vos options de jeu (graphismes, son, touches ...) pendant la course après être monté en passager, sinon c'est le plantage assuré lors du passage de relais. Faites des tests pour les FPS avec les IA avant la course.

- Ne pas utiliser de plugin pour la télémétrie (Motec ou autre). D'un manière générale, les plugins sont à éviter pour les courses d'endurance.

- Il ne doit JAMAIS y avoir plusieurs passagers avec un pilote au moment du passage de relais.

- Attention si vous utilisez le plugin Realfeel, il est possible que le retour de force soit inversé lorsque vous prendrez le volant. Si c'est le cas, la touche Ctrl + 8 le remettra comme avant.

- D'après nos tests, si le pilote qui prend le relais utilise le plugin LeoFFB, il aura son FFB qui tire à gauche lorsqu'il prendra le volant. Il devra donc partir en premier s'il veut pouvoir utiliser le plugin.

- Si vous avez une pénalité à effectuer (Drive Through ou Stop and Go), faites la AVANT votre passage de relais.

- Désactiver l'enregistrement des replays pourra soulager un peu les config les plus faibles.

- Enfin se faire une nouvelle installation rFactor neuve et propre spécialement pour la course est un bon moyen d'éviter les ennuis le jour de la course.

Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Thu 23 Aug 2012 - 14:21; edited 5 times in total
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeSat 31 Oct 2009 - 22:03


Here is how to perform driver changes in rFactor, as well as a few tips regarding the operation :

1 - Getting Ready

- car setup :
First of all, remember both drivers of a given car must use the same setup during the race. Your setup therefore has to be a compromise for the two driving styles.

In the setup itself, switch the fuel supply for the pitstops to 0 (zero). This will prevent any problem during the driver swap, although it forces you to manually select the quantity of fuel you want to get at the pitstop, while you are still on track.

Although the setup has to be the same for both drivers, each driver can adjust the steering lock and brakes pressure settings differently from his co-driver.

You will also need to assign a button or keyboard key to the "Passenger Select" function. By default in the game this function has no button assigned, so remember to chose one yourself.

- Communication :

Chatting being strictly forbidden during the race, you have to be able to communicate with your co-driver(s) during the race to perform driver changes.
You therefore need a microphone. A TeamSpeak HSO server is available to allow you to talk to your co-driver during the race.
Very important : remember to set the volumes of the different programmes before the race : mainly the engine sound in rFactor and the TeamSpeak volume.

2 - The driver swapping procedure

Theory :
A driver is on the track, while his co-driver is connected on the server as a spectator. They get ready via TeamSpeak for the driver swap at the next pitstop, where they switch roles : the spectator becomes driver, the driver becomes specator.

Example :
Let's take a 2-man team made of Driver A and Driver B.

Driver A took the start of the race and his now at the end of his stint.

Driver B connects on the race server, having prior to that activated the "spectator" mode in the multiplayer options of rFactor - he would not be able to connect otherwise. Once on the server, Driver B does not appear in the standings, this is normal.

Driver B clicks on the name of his co-driver in the race standings window. He then presses the button/key he assigned to the "passenger select" function.

A message appears in the chat : "You now drive with Driver A" or "You are now riding with Driver A", confirming Driver B is now passenger of Driver A in the car. Driver A receives a similar message in the chat, while he's on track, confirming him his co-driver selected him in the game.

If you do not select the right co-driver, press the button/key again, a new message in the chat will confirm that "You are not driving with Driver X anymore" or "You are not riding with Driver X anymore"

Driver B then clicks on the "Race" button of his rFactor, as he was to enter a normal race. He appears in his car, with the cockpit view. It is better not to try and switch cameras at this moment.

Now Driver A has to confirm he will give the wheel to Driver B at his next pitstop.
For this, he must activate the pit menu in LCD (the one which allows you to setup your next pitstop : fuel, tires, repairs, etc.). In this menu will be a line "Driver" with the "Driver A" noted besides. Using the pad arrows, he will have to select the driver which is to replace him, Driver B in our example.

If you did everything correcty, at the next pitstop, right after the Driver A stops, the game will display a countdown. At its end, Driver B will be a the wheel and Driver A will be spectator.

IMPORTANT : Before leaving the server, Driver A has to press his passenger selection key, to make sure he is no longer Driver B's co-driver. A message "You are no longer riding with Driver B" should appear. If you don't do that, the risks of a bug during the next driver swap are high :

Driver A can now leave the server and come back later for his next stint, in spectator mode obviously.

Practice your drivers swap before the D-day !

3 - A Few Advices

Driver swapping in rFactor is a delicate matter, often subject to various bugs and problems when not performed in the proper conditions. Here are a few tips that will help you avoid some of them.

- NEVER change your game settings (video, sound, keys & buttons, etc.) once you climbed as a passenger of your car on the server - if you do, the swap won't work. To check if your video settings are fine, try offline with the AIs.

- Do not use any telemetry plugin (Motec or other). Plugins in general are not recommended on a enduro race on rFactor.

- There must NEVER be more than one passenger in a given car at the moment of the swapping.

- If you are a user of the RealFeel plugin, it might happen that your force feedback settings get inverted when you take your turn in the car. If this happens, pressing ctrl+8 will set them back to your settings.

- If you have a drive through or stop & go penaly to do in the pits, do it BEFORE swapping drivers.

- Switching off the auto-save replay option will be of much help to older PCs.

- Finally, a newly made rFactor install, dedicated to the race and created just before it will maximise your chances of not encoutering problems during the race.

Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Sun 30 Sep 2012 - 21:07; edited 5 times in total
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009 - 20:48

Je ne trouve plus ou selectionner le mode "passager" Question
Ou comment se connecter au serveur en tant que "spectateur Question
merci Very Happy

PS: J'ai trouvé Very Happy
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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009 - 21:47

Patrick Marucco wrote:
Je ne trouve plus ou selectionner le mode "passager" Question
Ou comment se connecter au serveur en tant que "spectateur Question
merci Very Happy

PS: J'ai trouvé Very Happy

Salut Patrick :hello:
Ça fait pas très longtemps que je pratique Rfactor Smile
Alors j’ai posé la même question a Guillaume qui ma gentiment répondu Very Happy
Quand tu rentre dans le jeu tu va dans l’onglé du bas pour tout se qui est on-line.
Tu va dans réglage, et au le milieu de la page de réglage tu as l’onglet spectateur
A mettre actif. Smile
Attention n’oubli pas le remettre inactif pour pourvoir participer normalement
En tant que participant. :D
Voili voilou Very Happy
A bientôt sur la piste

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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeFri 27 Nov 2009 - 23:34

Avec un peu de methode j'avais fini par trouver Very Happy
La manip demande tout de même un peu d'entrainement study
Merci Yannick et à bientôt en piste Wink
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Rob Bakker

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009 - 19:08

Guillaume Siebert wrote:

- car setup :
Although the setup has to be the same for both drivers, each driver can adjust the steering lock and front/rear braking % settings differently from his co-driver.
Is this right? In the 24hour Lemans race we could only change the steering lock and the brake pressure. Not the front/rear brake bais.
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009 - 19:14

Oops yes you're right Robb, it's the brake pressure, not the brake bias Sleep
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeMon 30 Nov 2009 - 23:27

With the bullrun Gui,we used our own setups even with driver swap,as long as the setups were named same as track,and placed in the vehicle folder of the car you are using ,for example E:\Games\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles\CSGT\WSC70\Porsche 908-03
then load setup offline and assign it,it then becomes the default setup,so both drivers can use there own. :top:

This is the way we did it in Bullrun as an example.

Drivers are allowed to each have their own personal setup. Each driver needs to create a setup offline,
save it using the proper name, and assign it as the default. The setup must then be copied to the
vehicle folder.
For the Bullrun track, the proper name is Bullrun_2008.svm. Once the setup is created, you will
name it Bullrun_2008 and save it to the Bullrun_2008 setup folder. Assign it as the default setup by
clicking the Assign button.
The setup file Bullrun_2008.svm which you just created resides in your
\UserData\playername\Settings\Bullrun_2008\ setup folder. The setup file now needs to be copied
and pasted to the vehicle folder of the model you are driving. If you are driving a Corvette for
example, copy it to the \GameData\Vehicles\NAGT_VEH\NAGT\C6\ folder.
Note that if you join as a Spectator without first having assigned the Bullrun_2008 setup as the
default, you can still do so at any time by selecting the setup and clicking the Assign button.
Spectators will find the Load setup button is disabled, but rFactor will use the setup assigned as the
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 1 Dec 2009 - 0:28

Thats great news Steve i was wondering how we where going
to get on as we have very different driving styles ... Wink

Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure 18
Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Untitl22

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 1 Dec 2009 - 9:20

Great news indeed ! Imagine how bad I felt for Gui to have to make him drive with my poor human setup lol! . Thanks Steve Wink .

Thou shalt not train.
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 1 Dec 2009 - 13:57

meme chose avec Antoine Wink

jusqu'à maintenant, avec ses setups, j'avais plus l'impression de faire du rodéo que du simracing :D
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Rob Bakker

Number of posts : 11
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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 1 Dec 2009 - 17:23

AFAIK it is an option on the server to allow drivers to use different setups.
And in the first post here they say we have to use the same setup.

This is what we used in the 24hour Lemans races.
Here is a pdf that explains it all: http://www.l2rteam.com/portals/3/downloads/rF1250_DriverSwap.pdf
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 1 Dec 2009 - 17:44

Indeed it's possible for the server to allow different setups for each driver. I dont know, I think it's pretty cool and realistic to have to find a setup suiting to both drivers. Its part of endurance racing.
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Sasha Sosnowski
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Sasha Sosnowski

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 1 Dec 2009 - 22:57

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Indeed it's possible for the server to allow different setups for each driver. I dont know, I think it's pretty cool and realistic to have to find a setup suiting to both drivers. Its part of endurance racing.

agreed, the teamwork really excites me about endurance racing. all the components needed to win. it interests me as im so used to F1 leagues and open-wheel racing ive raced most of my simracing career, which is such a different dynamic.

"There is no terrible way to win, there is only winning" - Jean-Pierre Sarti, Grand Prix (1966)
1980 BMW M1 PROCAR Series - :first: (2010 Edition)
1970 InterSerie Season - :third:
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Ludovic Tiengou
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Ludovic Tiengou

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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeWed 2 Dec 2009 - 0:17

Sasha Sosnowski wrote:
Guillaume Siebert wrote:
Indeed it's possible for the server to allow different setups for each driver. I dont know, I think it's pretty cool and realistic to have to find a setup suiting to both drivers. Its part of endurance racing.

agreed, the teamwork really excites me about endurance racing. all the components needed to win. it interests me as im so used to F1 leagues and open-wheel racing ive raced most of my simracing career, which is such a different dynamic.

Speaking so I should send you the Ferrari set I'm working on. Where could I send it to you?

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Da Silva Carlos

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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeSun 13 Dec 2009 - 16:53

tout d'abord bonne course a tous :yaa:
parce que pour moi c'est compromis, je ne peut me connecter pour remplacer mon coequipier, le serveur me repond "current secssion closed" et pourtant je suis en spectateur Suspect
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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeSun 13 Dec 2009 - 16:55

J'ai le même soucis affraid

Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure 4
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2009 - 12:07

possible that:
when i had a driver change procedure with Luigi i had a car with NO clutch ??
My steer wheel have a only 2 pedals accelerator/brake (Formula force EX Logitec) for me
While Luigi's steer wheel have 3 pedals (think G25 Logitec)

I had a car with different drivable from other times Shocked i cant' insert the 1st gear in same curves and no push on gas hard !! Sad because immediately locking rear wheel or loss of rear grip :smil20:

My time lap normally are 9:30.xxx/9:40,xxx yesterday too large time ever 10:00,xx minutes my fast are 9:58,xxx plus minus, Suspect
And AUTO Clutch it is active during the race, and i try to switchto on/off auto clutch but i'had not responde.Surprised
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Berkem Ceylan
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Berkem Ceylan

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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2009 - 15:32

Gianluca Desposito wrote:
possible that:
when i had a driver change procedure with Luigi i had a car with NO clutch ??
My steer wheel have a only 2 pedals accelerator/brake (Formula force EX Logitec) for me
While Luigi's steer wheel have 3 pedals (think G25 Logitec)

I had a car with different drivable from other times Shocked i cant' insert the 1st gear in same curves and no push on gas hard !! Sad because immediately locking rear wheel or loss of rear grip :smil20:

My time lap normally are 9:30.xxx/9:40,xxx yesterday too large time ever 10:00,xx minutes my fast are 9:58,xxx plus minus, Suspect
And AUTO Clutch it is active during the race, and i try to switchto on/off auto clutch but i'had not responde.Surprised

Yeah, you automatically receive your team mates upgrade(s) as well as his car setup.
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Gianluca Desposito
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Gianluca Desposito

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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeMon 14 Dec 2009 - 15:58

Berkem Ceylan wrote:
Gianluca Desposito wrote:
possible that:
when i had a driver change procedure with Luigi i had a car with NO clutch ??
My steer wheel have a only 2 pedals accelerator/brake (Formula force EX Logitec) for me
While Luigi's steer wheel have 3 pedals (think G25 Logitec)

I had a car with different drivable from other times Shocked i cant' insert the 1st gear in same curves and no push on gas hard !! Sad because immediately locking rear wheel or loss of rear grip :smil20:

My time lap normally are 9:30.xxx/9:40,xxx yesterday too large time ever 10:00,xx minutes my fast are 9:58,xxx plus minus, Suspect
And AUTO Clutch it is active during the race, and i try to switchto on/off auto clutch but i'had not responde.Surprised

Yeah, you automatically receive your team mates upgrade(s) as well as his car setup.

Now I understand Luigi probable set yours gear upgrade to H system shifter/clutch! :doh:
and i dont have this possible with my steerwheels Crying or Very sad
thanks so much Berkem :top:
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Luigi Bonati
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Luigi Bonati

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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009 - 14:31

Gianluca Desposito wrote:
Berkem Ceylan wrote:
Gianluca Desposito wrote:
possible that:
when i had a driver change procedure with Luigi i had a car with NO clutch ??
My steer wheel have a only 2 pedals accelerator/brake (Formula force EX Logitec) for me
While Luigi's steer wheel have 3 pedals (think G25 Logitec)

I had a car with different drivable from other times Shocked i cant' insert the 1st gear in same curves and no push on gas hard !! Sad because immediately locking rear wheel or loss of rear grip :smil20:

My time lap normally are 9:30.xxx/9:40,xxx yesterday too large time ever 10:00,xx minutes my fast are 9:58,xxx plus minus, Suspect
And AUTO Clutch it is active during the race, and i try to switchto on/off auto clutch but i'had not responde.Surprised

Yeah, you automatically receive your team mates upgrade(s) as well as his car setup.

Now I understand Luigi probable set yours gear upgrade to H system shifter/clutch! :doh:
and i dont have this possible with my steerwheels Crying or Very sad
thanks so much Berkem :top:

I think so, dear Gianluca!
I always set H cluch and manual transmission in my set up (I'm an old tool and heel maniac) not thinking you have a two pedal wheel :doh:
Another terrible error... Mad Mad Mad
Excuse me, It will be all right next time (I hope very soon).

Guilloume, did you see Monza 1967 in RF Central (Is the right version raced in 1970 whit no chicane)?
But also Targa Florio seems to be ready! :conduit:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Empty
PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009 - 14:56

Luigi Bonati wrote:

Guilloume, did you see Monza 1967 in RF Central (Is the right version raced in 1970 whit no chicane)?
But also Targa Florio seems to be ready! :conduit:

Yes I know this version, but I think Monza would not be very interesting as 917 would be unbeatable. Brands Hatch and Watkins Glen are more intersting I think Smile
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Frank Verplanken
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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009 - 15:31

The Targa Florio would really be a superbe event, but we have to wait for the track to be converted which could take some time I reckon... But yeah, Brands and the Glen can be worthy replacements in the meantime Smile . Monza, Spa and the Österreichring indeed would be walkovers for 5-litre cars, but then having a dozen or so of them battling it could be fun nevertheless.

Thou shalt not train.
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Berkem Ceylan
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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009 - 16:00

Brands would be interesting but is there an old version available?

Spa '67 is really great too.
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Gianluca Desposito
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PostSubject: Re: Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure   Procédure de changement de pilote // Drivers swap procedure Icon_minitimeTue 15 Dec 2009 - 16:46

Luigi Bonati wrote:
Quote :

I think so, dear Gianluca!
I always set H cluch and manual transmission in my set up (I'm an old tool and heel maniac) not thinking you have a two pedal wheel :doh:
Another terrible error... Mad Mad Mad
Excuse me, It will be all right next time (I hope very soon).
Yo Luigi it is no "terrible error" simply we cant know that "automatically receive your team mates upgrade(s)" otherwise we had taken a solution! study
Your way of driving is correctly :top: but my is not professional metod :D
and you excuse me because i forced to you done much work to do! :conduit: :champ:
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