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 Getting (back) into sim racing

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2 posters
Marko Igić
Marko Igić

Number of posts : 6
Age : 33
Location : Serbia
Registration date : 2020-03-19

Getting (back) into sim racing Empty
PostSubject: Getting (back) into sim racing   Getting (back) into sim racing Icon_minitimeTue 23 Jan 2024 - 15:22

Hi guys,

It's been years since my introduction to this forum, my first and last entries in events, and now I am looking to get back in there.
I had a kid in the mean time thus I was unable to find enough time to race. Now that he's three, there seems to be a bit more free time, so I used some of it to find some scrap wood around the house, design and build a rig out of it.

I see the "Other Leagues" topic is a bit quiet lately. Any suggestions on what events a rookie could join? I don't think I am ready for racing, but time trials would be great (if those are still organized).
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David Purchase
Club Driver
David Purchase

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Age : 57
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Registration date : 2023-01-05

Getting (back) into sim racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting (back) into sim racing   Getting (back) into sim racing Icon_minitimeSat 27 Jan 2024 - 18:32

Hi Marko

It's gone a bit quiet here too. Hopefully, there will be some announcements of more racing soon.

I haven't heard of anywhere doing much with time trials but then, my experience is quite limited. It would also depend on what simulator you want to use and what age/type of cars you like to drive.

If it's rFactor2 in fifties and sixties cars, then the Gold Star section of this forum is worth keeping an eye on. I think they are hoping to announce plans in the next couple of weeks.

A lot of stuff seems to be moving to Discord now. If it's a different sim and older cars in general, GP Laps Discord is worth checking out. He isn't organizing races or time trials, but there are lots of people there who might be able to recommend something for you.


Hopefully, someone more knowledgeable than me will also reply here.
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Marko Igić
Marko Igić

Number of posts : 6
Age : 33
Location : Serbia
Registration date : 2020-03-19

Getting (back) into sim racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: Getting (back) into sim racing   Getting (back) into sim racing Icon_minitimeTue 30 Jan 2024 - 15:34

Thanks for the info, David.

Yeah, it was rf2 with 70s F1 I think some time in mid 2020 when those were active.
I'll check the Gold Star section and Discord (thanks for the link).

I've got nothing against Discord, though I do miss the charm of classic forums like this one.

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PostSubject: Re: Getting (back) into sim racing   Getting (back) into sim racing Icon_minitime

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