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 GPLaps Historic Road Racing Championship [rFactor 2]

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

GPLaps Historic Road Racing Championship [rFactor 2] Empty
PostSubject: GPLaps Historic Road Racing Championship [rFactor 2]   GPLaps Historic Road Racing Championship [rFactor 2] Icon_minitimeTue 9 Aug 2022 - 19:48

GPLaps Historic Road Racing Championship [rFactor 2] Dundrod

Hey people !

Just a note to let you know that Jake, from the excellent GPLaps YT channel, has set up a pretty awesome series with the 1954 Endurance mod of rFactor 2.

HRRC only runs in the natural habitat of these legendary beasts, i.e. the great road courses of old : from Spa to the Targa Florio, via Dundrod, Longford, even the IoM TT and of course Le Mans  rhâââ lovely .

Races are held on a monthly basis, with a week of prequalifying preceding each event to determine the 40 drivers getting to start in the main event. A consolation race is held on the shorter tracks for the 40 next fastest in prequalifying.

Round 1 at Longford was held in July, but it's never too late to come and join the fun !

With technical support from JustRace, live stream of the races by SimplyRaceTV (with comments from Aidan Milward) and over 200 drivers already registered, Jake created one hell of a lovely series.

Registration is obviously free and all classic simracing lovers are welcome. There are already quite a few HSOers participating, and they all blend in just fine for HRRC gathers a spectacular bunch of gentlemen drivers with impeccable on and off track behavior. Really a great community.

You can check Jake's presentation of the series on his YT channel :

To register, just fill the form in the rulebook, introduce yourself on the league's Discord and that's it.

Come one, come all !

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GPLaps Historic Road Racing Championship [rFactor 2]
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