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 Historic Racing Scene

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3 posters
Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

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PostSubject: Historic Racing Scene   Historic Racing Scene Icon_minitimeSun 23 Feb 2020 - 17:36

While modern motor racing has become totally foreign to me, the growth of the historic racing scene over the last 20 years has been a great consolation. Monaco, Goodwood, Le Mans, Bathurst, Nürburgring and many other tracks host great events with fabulous fields.

The Goodwood events are broadcast live on their YT channel and are always a treat to watch.

A good example of the racing taking place at Goodwood, seen from this excellent helmet cam. The driver is in a Brabham BT2, using a stock-based 1,500cc Ford engine. This was the cheap way into F1 when it switched to 1,500cc rules in 1961, instead of running expensive racing engines available to customers, like the Climax FPF and FWMV or the BRM V8s.

Monaco is another extraordinary event, with top of the line fields. It's only held every two years, and always a couple of weeks before the modern F1 event, enjoying all of the modern track's features and equipment. Admission price is low compared modern F1 rates, free for kids under 15. Many of the cars we run this year including those of the 1979 F1 and 1954 Endurance mods will be on track at Monaco Cool.

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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: Historic Racing Scene   Historic Racing Scene Icon_minitimeSun 23 Feb 2020 - 17:53

It is indeed sad how motorsports has declined in modern times in many aspects. And even those nice historic series are using so much modern equipment in tires, suspension etc, that cars do no longer behave as they did in the 60s-80s  Sad not to mention the drivers are great quality ... but obviously don't fit in the shoes the size of the old heroes.  Neutral

Worse even, we get many sim mods created following the physics that become apparent in such videos instead of the historically correct ones  affraid which ends up in appalling handling in many cars, with shortcuts, misinterpretations and crappy jobs enough to wet the most resistant eyes  Evil or Very Mad 

On the bright side though, you sometimes get to see some REAL drivers with balls of a size to raise them 2 inches when sitting in the cockpit putting those machines to a test, and you instantly get  rhâââ lovely rhâââ lovely rhâââ lovely rhâââ lovely

Exhibit one  :D :

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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

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PostSubject: Re: Historic Racing Scene   Historic Racing Scene Icon_minitimeSun 23 Feb 2020 - 23:19

After having been to it last year already, my father asked me on the phone if I wanted to accompany him and his friend to the AVD Oldtimer GP at the Nürburgring again, and since the schedule of myself looks good, I'll probably be there again :banane:
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PostSubject: Re: Historic Racing Scene   Historic Racing Scene Icon_minitime

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