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 DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH

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3 posters
Matthew Sibanyoni

Number of posts : 18
Age : 23
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2020-09-25

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH   DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitimeSat 27 Feb 2021 - 19:23

***Organised by, production and conversions- Matthew Sibanyoni (UnfunnyName)***

-Brickyard Legends Team
-DRM Modding Team
-Absolute Modding Team
-ThePanzafahra (Pascal Mikula)
-GT Italia
-slowmotion and 51iN
-Richard Wilks
-The Cookie Monster Unofficial
**Troubleshooting & Testing**
-The Cookie Monster Unofficial
-ThePanzafahra (Pascal Mikula)


After too many years gone by, it's about time people stepped up to the plate few would step up to. Moving the content of DRM Revival in Assetto Corsa as best we can to other games. No more half and half conversions. No more poor physics and unfinished models. We plan to not only recreate the mod as best we can (as close as we can to a recreation, to our ability with the models possible while optimising) but go beyond, adding more skins and cars that we can find spanning from 1976 to 1982, implementing new physics (subject to AMS, the boost system) and giving a starved niche of Group 5 fans what they so ever-loving deserve. This is DRM Revival 1.3, for AMS and rFactor.

**Have Fun!**

*EXTRA, performance options:







This is my first finished project for AMT, please be gentle with the criticism!

WE RUN RACES WITH THE MOD HERE: https://discord.gg/JcdVj9KdfZ

(For those who saw the old post, the K3 used in this version is NOT from BLT, but as mentioned in the credits, there are a couple cars from BLT added to fill the roster.)

MOD WITH ALL PATCHES: https://mega.nz/file/ifITUQDR#MvoCiY8K5qHsDB_xz965UI5S2-sgpThx7cFyCdaSBT4

DRM Revival by [CMH] V 3.0 FULL CHANGELOG:

-320s - Needles fixed, Gearing adjusted, tires adjusted, 2002 shifting algorithm rpms adjusted
-2002s - Gearing adjusted / ADDED OLD GR.2 VERSION/Teams adjusted upgrades took away limiter rpms adjusted
-M1 - Lowered revs to 9200 rpms

-Starter timing changed / no pit limiter, lowered revs to 9200 rpms

-Baby - 5th gear has been acquired / Now seperated from the other Porsches Fixed gauges
-77 - Now seperated from the other Porsches / MORE TEAMS / Fixed gauges
-K3 - eyepoint changed (did not add bonnet to save FPS) mirrors adjusted
-76 - unchanged
-911 ADDED /Teams, adjusted upgrades, took away limiter


-Turbo Escort - Cockpit LEDs adjusted, needles adjusted, mirrors adjusted, brake force lowered, gen adjusted, rpms adjusted, new engine

76 Escort (CANCLED) - new engine, materials adjusted. - TRASHED, NEW CAR: PORSCHE 911 RSR - 76 Escort ENGINE WE HAD WAS INACCURATE, SO REPLACED WITH GR.4 911 RSR AND GR.4 BMW 2002

-Turbo Capri - 9200 rpms

-New engine

-Synced tach needle with the revs, no limiter, 9200 rpms. FULL COCKPIT OVERHAUL

-Soft and Hard compounds only.
-rpms adjusted

(Previously, due to the revs not being proper, after adjusting the revs, engines will actually take damage over time now)

Added DRM intro movie!

Fixed a talent file

Added new Turbo physics```

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Drm_bo10

FULL CAR STATS SHEET: https://mega.nz/file/yGRg1Zbb#sktSQ4zZmEUKpmIzmt48V0CqZdkeMsmHQpXkg4wff_4

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH 1612307568834

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German Soto
German Soto

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DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: Re: DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH   DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitimeThu 4 Mar 2021 - 1:39

Hi, fantastic mod !!! How could this mod be added to the GTPC, I know that there is a patch with some Gr5 for the GTPC but there are not some of these cars that this mod brings such as the Ferrari 308, the Lotus Europa, and the version of the Porsche 935 K3 . From now on I would appreciate if you tell me how it can be done so I do it, I would like to add these cars to the GTPC. Greetings. Sorry for my english

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Matthew Sibanyoni

Number of posts : 18
Age : 23
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2020-09-25

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: Re: DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH   DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitimeThu 4 Mar 2021 - 9:53

German Soto wrote:
Hi, fantastic mod !!! How could this mod be added to the GTPC, I know that there is a patch with some Gr5 for the GTPC but there are not some of these cars that this mod brings such as the Ferrari 308, the Lotus Europa, and the version of the Porsche 935 K3 . From now on I would appreciate if you tell me how it can be done so I do it, I would like to add these cars to the GTPC. Greetings. Sorry for my english

In the rFm of GTPC, copy all classes into the DRM rFm, then remove the Vehicle directory override. Have fun!
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Matthew Sibanyoni

Number of posts : 18
Age : 23
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2020-09-25

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: Coming soon...the 'Round 2' Update    DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitimeMon 8 Mar 2021 - 13:08

The new update is dubbed 'Round 2' as the league the mod is used in is patching some issues. Physics rewrites, new tire files, and even a new chassis for one of the cars! The new update is dubbed 'Round 2' as the league the mod is used in is patching some issues. Physics rewrites, new tire files, and even a new chassis for one of the cars! DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH NEW792
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Number of posts : 2
Age : 57
Location : Deutschland
Registration date : 2021-08-23

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: Re: DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH   DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitimeMon 23 Aug 2021 - 8:22

Hello here is the DRM MODDING TEAM  :hello:

You have used models from the Assetto Corsa V1.3 version of the DRM REVIVAL MOD, which we have not approved for conversion to rF1/AMS. These cars created by the DRM MODDING TEAM ( Porsche 935 K3 and Ford Escort ) are subject to our intellectual property and are the property of  the DRM MODDING TEAM. This is a violation of copyright see on out homepage drm-modding-team.com
We request the admin of HSO to delete this and other thread on DRM AC 1.3 , which are used to distribute illegal and unauthorized models.
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Matthew Sibanyoni

Number of posts : 18
Age : 23
Location : Ireland
Registration date : 2020-09-25

DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: Re: DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH   DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitimeSat 18 Dec 2021 - 18:34

REMOVED: (Grand Touring Group 5 near release)

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DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Empty
PostSubject: Re: DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH   DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH Icon_minitime

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DRM AC 1.3 To rFactor FULL | FINAL **RELEASED** by CMH
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