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 Race sim story and movies

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Timo Vermeersch
Racing Legend
Timo Vermeersch

Number of posts : 1345
Age : 55
Location : Brussels
Registration date : 2009-08-11

Race sim story and movies Empty
PostSubject: Race sim story and movies   Race sim story and movies Icon_minitimeThu 18 Feb 2021 - 13:09

Hey guys,

to break the growing monotony of the current lock-down, I somewhat rekindled an old project of mine: write a story that is partially based on simraces.

The story is currently being published in weekly installments on Wattpad. You can read it HERE.

In addition to that, I also plan on making some short movies containing some illustrations to the story. The first one is here below:

I hope you enjoy them.

For those of you who are interested, there is also still some HSO-history up on my blog: www.intersectiondiaries.com. Mainly race-reports from a former Procar-series and a Trans-Am series we ran here.


Visit Intersection Diaries: the tale of a young racing career..
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