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 hello from New Zealand

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2 posters
Martin van der Loeff

Number of posts : 3
Location : New Zealand
Registration date : 2020-06-27

hello from New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: hello from New Zealand   hello from New Zealand Icon_minitimeSat 27 Jun 2020 - 4:59

Hi all.    I am a slow and steady sim-racer, starting way back in 1990s off-line with SCGT and a cheap plastic wheel, then on-line with GPL and a MS Sidewinder, then rF1 and a G25.   Have done some league admin with KiwiSimRacing, highlight was three good seasons with rF1 HistoriX mod, 20-30 car fields.    Haven't done much on-line in the last 5 years, but still get the wheel out for some off-line rF1 HistorX.

Haven't done much rF2 as I prefer historics and local rF2 leagues normally race modern GTs / Sports.

(edit - I asked about mod links but have found the 1954 woohoo mod, I hadn't noticed this in the workshop before)

Your time zone is OK for me to race an occasional Monday morning, on a "work from home" day.    Not sure about lag, but I will be at the back so only a problem when I am being lapped. ;-)

In real life I don't do motorsports, but have a couple of old Vespa scooters and help organise a 4 day 1000 mile touring event for classic geared scooters motoretta.co.nz.   There is a similar event happening in France at this moment - facebook "Rallye des 3 Massifs - Grenoble".
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

hello from New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from New Zealand   hello from New Zealand Icon_minitimeSat 27 Jun 2020 - 11:20

Unfortunately this league has no activity right now and the last races since march have been all cancelled or not even attempted. It seems that real life has taken a big toll on the admins that currently run this after we (The team now at ISO) moved to our new place, as they have been absent for two months already :smil20:

hello from New Zealand Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Martin van der Loeff

Number of posts : 3
Location : New Zealand
Registration date : 2020-06-27

hello from New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from New Zealand   hello from New Zealand Icon_minitimeSat 27 Jun 2020 - 11:27

Am sorry to hear that - I assumed cancelled races were perhaps related to Covid issues? I will investigate ISO.
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

hello from New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from New Zealand   hello from New Zealand Icon_minitimeSat 27 Jun 2020 - 11:57

I guess so yes, Covid has hit hard many people and one of the admins here has a job related to health care I believe. 

Regarding ISO, we are an AMS based league, also dedicated to historic stuff and creating our own contents/mods. It started as a side project of HSO but became fully autonomous to focus on AMS while HSO moved to rF2, so we are complementary so to speak.

hello from New Zealand Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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hello from New Zealand Empty
PostSubject: Re: hello from New Zealand   hello from New Zealand Icon_minitime

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hello from New Zealand
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