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 Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]

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Matias Estrela
Michael Griffiths
Simon Wattman
Mick Chapman
Grant Riddall
Juha Bos
Victor Alcocer
Jukka Närhi
Dave Miller
Matthias Weber
Mattos Maul
Raymond Riddall
Anders Nilsson
Steve Parker
Oyvind Andersen
Jacob Fredriksson
David Sabre
Honza Mild
Richard Wilks
Bruno Chacon
Richard Coxon
Jason White
Jonatan Acerclinth
27 posters
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2019 - 18:59

Round 3 - Österreichring

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Stw9503

We'll be using the in-game version of the track (Spielberg)

=> MOD UPDATE V1.21 <=
=> BMW 318i Mirror Fix <=
We kindly ask everyone to install the BMW Mirror Fix as it sorts out the mirrors on all cars.


Wednesday October 9th (all times given are Paris Time) :

20:00 - Free Practice
20:35 - Qualifying 1
20:50 - Warmup
21:00 - Race 1 Start (10 Laps)
21:35 - Warmup
21:45 - Race 2 Start (17 Laps)*

* May start earlier depending on duration of race 1

Server IP :
Server Password : hso95
A training server will be running 24/7 (same password).

Behaviour on track

- As for all HSO races, it is required you use your real name both in-game and on the forum. Thank you.

- Chatting is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in race session. It is allowed in qualifying sessions for technical issues only.

- Drive Through : If a driver has to do a drive through, even if there is no pit lane speed limit, he has to drive through the pitlane at 100km/h max (60mph). If he doesn't respect this, he will get a 30s penalty at the end of the race.

- Shortcuts : If a driver gains a position after shortcutting a turn, he is required to give it back as soon as possible. In the case where a driver would not do it rapidly, a 30-second penalty will be added to his total race time. In the event of abusive and intentional shortcutting, severe sanctions will be applied (up to definitive a ban from the league). To make sure you never shortcut a turn, try to always keep two wheels on the track.

- Respect the red light at the end of the pitlane.

Application and Interpretation of the Regulations

The admins alone are qualified to solve any problems raised by the application and the interpretation of the present regulations.


Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread. Names will turn bold when the driver confirms his presence. Presence/absence must be given 24 hours before the start of Official Practice, otherwise the car will be made free as a one-off car.


Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  St_stw95_15
#15 Ford Mondeo 4x4 | Ford Mondeo Team Schübel | Kris Nissen

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  St_stw95_32
#32 BMW 318iS | AM-Holzer Motorsports | Alexander Gaggl


#2 BMW Team Bigazzi - Marcello Oliveira
#3 BMW Team Bigazzi - David Sabre
#4 ROC Compétition - Fernando Alves Pinheiro
#5 Audi Sport Italia - Mick Chapman
#6 Ford Mondeo Team Schübel - Jacob Fredriksson
#7 Ford Mondeo Team Schübel - Jukka Maattanen
#8 Team Schnitzer - David Jundt
#9 Team Schnitzer - Grant Riddall
#10 Team Schnitzer - Ray Riddall
#11 AZK Team Scheider - Juha Bos
#12 Honda Team Linder - Michael Griffiths
#14 Honda Team Linder - Oyvind Andersen
#15 Ford Mondeo Team Schübel - TBA
#16 Ford Mondeo Team Wolf - Jason White
#17 Ford Mondeo Team Eggenberger - Victor Alcocer
#18 Ford Mondeo Team Eggenberger - Denis Takistani
#19 Team Kaucuk Isert - Jan Titz
#20 BMW Team Isert - Mattos Maul
#21 BMW Team Isert - Bruno Chacon
#22 Nissan Primera Racing - Jonatan Acerclinth
#23 Nissan Primera Racing - Richard Coxon
#24 Nissan Primera Racing - Mathias Weber
#27 Lauderbach Motorsport - Dave Miller
#29 PM Car Sports - Steve Parker
#31 AM-Holzer Motorsports - Anders Nilsson
#32 AM-Holzer Motorsports - TBA
#33 PM Car Sports - Andrew Griffiths
#34 PM Car Sports - Rodrigo Beltrame
#35 MIG Motorsport Interessen - Jan Kowalski
#39 AM-Holzer Motorsports - Raul Jereb
#40 Ford Mondeo Team Wolf - Cesar Silva
#42 AZK Team Scheider - Richard Wilks
#44 AZK Team Scheider - Matias Estrela
#45 ROC Compétition - Simon Wattman

Last edited by Jonatan Acerclinth on Wed 9 Oct 2019 - 16:17; edited 8 times in total
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2019 - 19:00

I'll be around trying to survive :aie:
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Jason White
Racing Legend
Jason White

Number of posts : 14725
Age : 47
Location : Ferndale, MI USA
Registration date : 2011-12-25

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2019 - 20:22

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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2019 - 20:57

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Bruno Chacon
Experienced Driver
Bruno Chacon

Number of posts : 476
Age : 64
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2017-03-08

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2019 - 21:22

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Richard Wilks
Racing Legend
Richard Wilks

Number of posts : 2212
Age : 41
Location : Portugal
Registration date : 2015-01-07

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeWed 2 Oct 2019 - 22:25

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Honza Mild
Pro Driver
Honza Mild

Number of posts : 534
Age : 48
Location : Czech republic, South Bohemia
Registration date : 2009-11-04

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 8:50

I will be there :yaa:
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David Sabre
Racing Legend
David Sabre

Number of posts : 5340
Age : 60
Location : england
Registration date : 2012-02-25

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 10:04

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Jacob Fredriksson
Racing Legend
Jacob Fredriksson

Number of posts : 1047
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Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-01-15

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 10:07

:conduit: :conduit: :conduit: :conduit: :conduit: :conduit:
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Oyvind Andersen
Club Driver
Oyvind Andersen

Number of posts : 182
Age : 72
Location : Norway
Registration date : 2016-05-05

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 11:07

:conduit: :conduit: :conduit:
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Steve Parker
Racing Legend
Steve Parker

Number of posts : 2000
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Registration date : 2008-12-22

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 11:55

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Anders Nilsson
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Anders Nilsson

Number of posts : 182
Age : 56
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2012-06-06

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 14:46

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Raymond Riddall
Experienced Driver
Raymond Riddall

Number of posts : 329
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Registration date : 2015-08-03

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeThu 3 Oct 2019 - 16:49

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Mattos Maul
Mattos Maul

Number of posts : 27
Age : 49
Location : Wales. United Kingdom
Registration date : 2019-04-11

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeSat 5 Oct 2019 - 8:28

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Matthias Weber
Pro Driver
Matthias Weber

Number of posts : 520
Age : 40
Location : Remscheid, Germany
Registration date : 2013-08-06

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeSat 5 Oct 2019 - 12:13

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Dave Miller
Experienced Driver
Dave Miller

Number of posts : 301
Location : England
Registration date : 2012-07-10

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeSat 5 Oct 2019 - 12:57

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Jukka Närhi
Racing Legend
Jukka Närhi

Number of posts : 1905
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Registration date : 2009-12-17

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeSun 6 Oct 2019 - 19:45

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Victor Alcocer
Club Driver
Victor Alcocer

Number of posts : 140
Age : 29
Location : France
Registration date : 2012-11-17

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeSun 6 Oct 2019 - 20:40

Zère :conduit:
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeMon 7 Oct 2019 - 10:55

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Grant Riddall
Experienced Driver
Grant Riddall

Number of posts : 313
Age : 34
Location : England
Registration date : 2015-12-10

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeMon 7 Oct 2019 - 21:33

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Mick Chapman
Pro Driver
Mick Chapman

Number of posts : 695
Age : 58
Location : Wales/Pays de Galles
Registration date : 2014-01-04

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeMon 7 Oct 2019 - 22:07

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Simon Wattman
Experienced Driver
Simon Wattman

Number of posts : 270
Age : 36
Location : Stockholm
Registration date : 2012-01-22

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeTue 8 Oct 2019 - 14:13

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Michael Griffiths
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Michael Griffiths

Number of posts : 145
Age : 55
Location : uk
Registration date : 2018-11-17

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeTue 8 Oct 2019 - 15:15


Can I confirm for A Griffiths too?
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeTue 8 Oct 2019 - 16:19

Michael Griffiths wrote:

Can I confirm for A Griffiths too?  

Considering you're brothers I'd say that ought to be allright :hihi:
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Victor Alcocer
Club Driver
Victor Alcocer

Number of posts : 140
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Location : France
Registration date : 2012-11-17

Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitimeTue 8 Oct 2019 - 18:31

I thinks there is some problem with the hotlaps,i almost made 50 laps yesterday and only 20 are counted,and my best lap is not appearing.scratch

By the way i've a question,how you guys could you maje some 54 or 55.0 Suspect ,there is not so many hairpin or low corner,what's the magic behind that ? :D
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Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]    Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]  Icon_minitime

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Round 3 - Preis der Stadt Wunstorf - Österreichring [Oct 9th]
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