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 **HSO Rulings | Round 1 - Zolder**

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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

**HSO Rulings | Round 1 - Zolder** Empty
PostSubject: **HSO Rulings | Round 1 - Zolder**   **HSO Rulings | Round 1 - Zolder** Icon_minitimeWed 18 Sep 2019 - 20:30

After reviewing the replay from round 1 the admins have made the following decisions.

Race 1:

Mattos Maul recieves a Warning for avoidable contact with Jukka Maattanen at Turn 4 on Lap 13.

Having made a small mistake at Turn 1 Mattos is passed by Jukka going through Turn 2. Upon arrival at Turn 4 Mattos seems to look up the inside but brakes too late, takes to the grass and hits Jukka in the right rear door.

While both drivers are able to continue, their remaining laps are slowed down by the damage caused. We request Mattos to drive with more foresight in the future to avoid similar incidents.

A repeat incident of this kind will draw further disciplinary action from the league.

Race 2:

Denis Takistani recieves a Warning for aggressive driving on laps 1 and 4.

On the opening lap Denis seems to be looking for every possible gap. When the field arrives at Turn 7 (The fast sweeping lefthander before the 2nd Chicane) the cars in front of Denis are running side by side and brake a bit earlier for the chicane to make up for that fact. Denis fails to take this into account and hits the rear of Andrew Griffith's BMW, sending him off the road. Denis fails to stop and wait for him.

On Lap 4, Denis now sits behind Jukka Maattanen. Jukka makes a mistake at the 2nd chicane and Denis has a run on him. When they arrive at the Hairpin, Jukka brakes at his usual spot but Denis fails to once again take into account the way others will drive and brakes too late and sends Jukka off the road. Again, he fails to stop and wait for Jukka to get back going.

Remember to always drive with a bit of foresight and respect for others. Waiting for anyone you've mistakenly taken off the road, will lessen the chance of penalties and show a sporting nature which we prefer to see here at HSO.

A repeat incident of this kind will draw further disciplinary action from the league.
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**HSO Rulings | Round 1 - Zolder**
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