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 ECGT76 Skins

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Tiago Malafaya
Ludovic Tiengou
Antoine de Mautor
David Conan
Vincent Beretta
Carl Larrad
Frank Labédan
Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 18:03

Comme pour le SSC66 les skins persos sont autorisés et doivent être des répliques, pas forcément exactes, de vraies livrées, pas forcément de 1976.

Voila déjà une sélection de skins pour des BMW. Si vous voulez utiliser un de ces skins, indiquez le ici, et précisez dans le topic des réservations de voiture que vous utiliserez un skin perso. Enfin, si vous voulez utiliser une BMW, merci d'indiquer si vous voulez que votre voiture ait les performances de la BMW Schnitzer ou de la BMW Alpina (la Schnitzer étant la plus performante).

J'ajouterai des propositions de skins Porsche et Pantera plus tard.

Bien sur vous pouvez aussi faire votre propre skin, à condition de prouver, photo à l'appuis, qu'il a existé Wink


As for the SCC66 series, custom liveries are allowed and must be replicas (not necessarily 100% accurate) of actual liveries, not necessarily from 1976.

Here is a selection of paintschemes for BMWs. If you want to use one of these, tell here, and precise in the car booking topic that you're planning on using a custom skin. If you want to drive a BMW, please tell whether you want a car with Schnitzer or Alpina performance. (Schnitzer being faster).

I will add Porsches and Panteras later on.

Of course you can make your own carfile, if you prove with a picture that the paintscheme actually existed Wink

ECGT76 Skins BMW1

ECGT76 Skins BMW2

ECGT76 Skins BMW3

ECGT76 Skins BMW4

ECGT76 Skins BMW5

ECGT76 Skins BMW6

ECGT76 Skins BMW7

ECGT76 Skins BMW8

Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Fri 31 Jul 2009 - 18:41; edited 1 time in total
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 18:09

Voila mon skin Smile
Si quelqu'un veut la meme, avec son nom dessus, précisez moi juste le modèle (Alpina ou Schnitzer) Wink

Here's my skin Smile
If somebody want the same, with his name on it, just tell me which car model you want (Alpina or Schnitzer) Wink

ECGT76 Skins MaBMW
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Frank Labédan
Racing Legend
Frank Labédan

Number of posts : 1043
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Registration date : 2008-10-28

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 18:46

Je veux bien le meme pour ma BMW Schnitzer (avec le fond blanc au lieu de noir si il faut differencier quelque chose ...)
Très beau skin en tout cas Gui :top:
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 18:53

Frank Labédan wrote:
Je veux bien le meme pour ma BMW Schnitzer (avec le fond blanc au lieu de noir si il faut differencier quelque chose ...)
Très beau skin en tout cas Gui :top:

Ok, je te mets le numéro 76 alors. Par contre pas de fond blanc (elle n'a pas existé en blanc il me semble), mais je vais changer la couleur du pare soleil Wink
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Frank Labédan
Racing Legend
Frank Labédan

Number of posts : 1043
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Registration date : 2008-10-28

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 18:57

Ah oui merci !!super !!
pas 75 ...je veux pas passer pour un parisien lol!
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 19:11

Now im jealous thats a beautiful skin on your car Gui are all off those other Bmw
skins available in the game or did u paint them
I always thought the skin you had was on a really dark purple base coat
not black it looks awesome and must have taken a while to paint .... affraid

I Think i might have to paint one Know....
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 19:24

Hey Gui
can i have ago at this one

I Quite like the fact that im driving an Unidentified Flying Object ....

ECGT76 Skins Ufocsl10
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 19:54

Yes sure Carl, you can paint it.

And no I didnt paint those skins, these are just skins for the GTL game I converted to rFactor Wink
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 19:55

Ce sera la BMW Schnitzer 83 de Calder

ECGT76 Skins 1975_bmw_30_csl_alexander_calder-01

Ca va encore faire des grilles magnifiques tout ça :banane:
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 20:08

Superbe Vincent, bonne chance quand meme :D
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Carl Larrad
Racing Legend
Carl Larrad

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Registration date : 2008-12-20

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 20:08

Vincent Beretta wrote:
Ce sera la BMW Schnitzer 83 de Calder

Ca va encore faire des grilles magnifiques tout ça :banane:
You can grab this skin from RFactor central
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Vincent Beretta
Racing Legend
Vincent Beretta

Number of posts : 1398
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Registration date : 2008-12-15

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 22:28

Carl Larrad wrote:
Vincent Beretta wrote:
Ce sera la BMW Schnitzer 83 de Calder

Ca va encore faire des grilles magnifiques tout ça :banane:
You can grab this skin from RFactor central

That's why I gave the link Wink (when you choose Historic GT, it's on page 7 of 8 pages )

Le skin de rFcentral est magnifique, ça a du être un trés gros boulot :top:

Last edited by Vincent Beretta on Fri 31 Jul 2009 - 22:38; edited 1 time in total
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Carl Larrad
Racing Legend
Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Location : Swindon , UK
Registration date : 2008-12-20

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 22:31

When i click on the link it takes me to the RFactor Painters directory page .... scratch
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 22:44

Here's Vincent's skin Smile

ECGT76 Skins 16-Jul-08-9051-render2

Tu vas le modifier ou je le mets direct comme ça dans le skinpack Vincent ?
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Vincent Beretta
Racing Legend
Vincent Beretta

Number of posts : 1398
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Registration date : 2008-12-15

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeFri 31 Jul 2009 - 23:28

il est parfait comme ça :top:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Registration date : 2008-12-20

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeSat 1 Aug 2009 - 15:37

While doing a bit of digging on the Luigi BMW csl UFO Car look what i found

ECGT76 Skins 77csl010

see link http://www.m3-motorsport.demon.co.uk/page2b_h.htm

There was only a 3 car team

They finished the race 2/3/4

Team UFO anybody LOL !!!!

And talk about weird car no5 was driven by my very own Carlo Facetti
my Alfa 33 Driver ... Now that has to be a sign ...
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David Conan
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David Conan

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeSun 2 Aug 2009 - 17:01

J'ai essayer d'installer mon skin provisoire pour voir ce que ça donne, mais il n'apparait pas dans le jeu. J'ai créer le dossier du skin à partir d'une copie de "...\GTC-TC-76\porsche911\2004\81" que j'ai renommé "74". Tous les noms de fichiers ont été modifier de la même manière ainsi que le 74.veh... Je ne comprends pas pourquoi ça ne fonctionne pas.

Dans la template, il y avait 3 style de carrosserie au choix, j'ai choisis la "rsr #81 style", ça devrait être bon pourtant, non ?
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
Age : 37
Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeSun 2 Aug 2009 - 17:12

Hoste le repertoire de ton skin quelque part, je regarde ça Smile
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeTue 4 Aug 2009 - 1:54

Sorry to mess about but
Im thinking of switching to a Porsche 3.0 RSR
and ive always loved this colourscheme would it be ok to use ....
ECGT76 Skins Vailla10

Last edited by Carl Larrad on Tue 4 Aug 2009 - 1:57; edited 1 time in total
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Location : Swindon , UK
Registration date : 2008-12-20

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeTue 4 Aug 2009 - 1:55

Download Link
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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeTue 4 Aug 2009 - 12:40

Yes it's Wollek's car, it's OK ! Wink
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeTue 4 Aug 2009 - 17:11

Great livery mate, but did you manage to download it from RFcentral ? There's an error when I try to download it scratch
If yes, please give me a download link in PM Smile
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Registration date : 2008-12-20

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeMon 17 Aug 2009 - 22:56

Now i dont no i just cant make my mind up

ECGT76 Skins I_dont10

Managed to find this car in another mod and converted for

Only to be used on HSO ....
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeTue 18 Aug 2009 - 20:36

OK Ive decided im sticking with the Porka so if
anyone would like to drive the UFO 2 car team available Wink
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Guillaume Siebert
League Owner
Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Location : Paris, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitimeTue 18 Aug 2009 - 21:46

Carl reste sur la Porsche, donc si quelqu'un veut utiliser son skin UFO pour sa BMW (Alpina ou Schnitzer), qu'il le dise maintenant ou se taise à jamais :D
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ECGT76 Skins Empty
PostSubject: Re: ECGT76 Skins   ECGT76 Skins Icon_minitime

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ECGT76 Skins
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