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 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.

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Pascal Mikula
Jan Kowalski
Richard Wilks
David Sabre
Austin Johnson
Alberto Ibañez
Jacob Fredriksson
Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2018 - 12:41

Please post and bugs or glitches regarding the F3 mod in this thread. Feel free to discuss the mod in here too.
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2018 - 13:10

Awesome, thanks! Won't make the race on the 23rd, but will happily test the mod! cheers
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2018 - 17:56

Lots of fun thrashing around these cars around Cadwell! I really like these cars that you have to steer with the throttle, so to speak. Not that they are immensly powerful, but know how to use the throttle also at corner entry really makes a big difference in lap times. Timing and finess is the name of the game with these cars.

1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. GRAB-000 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. GRAB-003
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2018 - 22:01

They are indeed great and we will be having lots of fun next year for a whole championship with them :drink:
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Austin Johnson
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Austin Johnson

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2018 - 22:47

Don't know much about these cars but I see a black #3 :top: lol!

I haven't tested any of them yet but they look fantastic! are they all about the same speed and handling wise? asking so I don't try and choose the wrong car.
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 5 Dec 2018 - 23:03

Austin Johnson wrote:
I haven't tested any of them yet but they look fantastic! are they all about the same speed and handling wise? asking so I don't try and choose the wrong car.
Probably the slowest car is #17 Dastle Mk10 Hesketh Racing. I can't see a problem with you asking for that car. All of the cars are capable of similar laptimes. The same chassis can have different engine tuners which gives them different power outputs.
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Austin Johnson
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Austin Johnson

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeThu 6 Dec 2018 - 0:23

David Sabre wrote:
Austin Johnson wrote:
I haven't tested any of them yet but they look fantastic! are they all about the same speed and handling wise? asking so I don't try and choose the wrong car.
Probably the slowest car is #17 Dastle Mk10 Hesketh Racing. I can't see a problem with you asking for that car. All of the cars are capable of similar laptimes. The same chassis can have different engine tuners which gives them different power outputs.

So does this mean I can choose the 3 car?...
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David Sabre
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David Sabre

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeThu 6 Dec 2018 - 1:42

I understand why the black #3 is of interest to you but it might make the race very dull for a driver of your ability. There again maybe it's a chance for you to have a car that you want. Anyway it's Richard"s decision.
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Austin Johnson
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Austin Johnson

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeThu 6 Dec 2018 - 1:51

David Sabre wrote:
I understand why the black #3 is of interest to you but it might make the race very dull for a driver of your ability. There again maybe it's a chance for you to have a car that you want. Anyway it's Richard"s decision.

I was just curious. I understand now. So that narrows it down to about 1 car lol. I better get my ass practicing then.... :rigol: :rigol:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeThu 6 Dec 2018 - 7:36

You can pick any car for the open. It will help us judge for the championship later next year.

You can have #3 if you wish. Should no one pick it before you.
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeFri 7 Dec 2018 - 18:04

I've been doing quite a lot of AI racing these past few days and have made AI setups for the faster tracks (default gearing is quite short) and made talent files for the AI too. That works very well, can upload if anyone wants them.

Noticed some strange sounds when driving, especially in close racing. Some kind of weird suction sound? A very squeaky sound, like a tyre deflating or something. At first I thought it was just that, first time I heard it was after I rubbed wheels with another car. But now I hear at the most random times. Anyone knows what I'm talking about?
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeFri 7 Dec 2018 - 18:09

I can make the default gearing longer for the AI, you think that helps Jacob?

Talent fils is a nice touch if yo ucan provide them, i am sure we can include them in the final version Smile

AS for the sound, i don't know what you mean scratch if anyone can show an example of that, i would appreciate it.
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Jacob Fredriksson
Racing Legend
Jacob Fredriksson

Number of posts : 1047
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Registration date : 2014-01-15

1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeSat 8 Dec 2018 - 9:38

Richard Wilks wrote:
I can make the default gearing longer for the AI, you think that helps Jacob?

Talent fils is a nice touch if yo ucan provide them, i am sure we can include them in the final version Smile

AS for the sound, i don't know what you mean scratch  if anyone can show an example of that, i would appreciate it.

I can try make a sound recording of it.

Is that a different default setup just for the AI? Making AI setups for the tracks with longer straights is no fuss.

Talent files: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x44tmtbkja11f17/Talent.rar/file
I've made the more renowned drivers a bit faster (like Jones, Laffite, Brise, Perkins, Leclerc, Lombardi, etc), and those who never got that far up in the racing ladder a bit slower, but not that spread out.
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2018 - 21:58

how much is the time difference with these cars? <1s?
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2018 - 22:23

All cars are very similar. I'd say around a second spreads the field.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2018 - 22:49

Just wanted to take them for a spin but I can't even select the series.

For some reason it seems to conflict with skin series packs specifically Formula Classic 1988 or Formula Retro 1975 (by Keith Windsor). I've tried removing, reinstalling, etc. all three packs, (F3 73, F_Classic88, F_Retro75) but I always have either the F_Classic88 or the F_Retro75 icon twice in the menu with the second one just not being hooked up to anything.. 

It's really weird. Probably some kind of file compatibility mismatch thing but I thought I could bring it up here in hope of someone knowing a fix.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2018 - 22:55

Shouldn’t clash unless their srs file is named the same as our.
I’d double check everything has installed correctly.
You can also Make sure the cars appear in all cars and tracks mode.

If you’ve removed them, maybe try reinstalling again.
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeMon 10 Dec 2018 - 22:57

Richard Coxon wrote:
Shouldn’t clash unless their srs file is named the same as our.
I’d double check everything has installed correctly.
You can also Make sure the cars appear in all cars and tracks mode.

If you’ve removed them, maybe try reinstalling again.
The F3 file is named differently than the other ones. F_C88 is called "reiza88FC" and F_R75 is called "reiza75FR" or something. But I've also checked and all the files are in their correct locations... well I can just try re-installing and re-installing.
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Number of posts : 3
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Registration date : 2016-05-02

1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 12 Dec 2018 - 3:44

I noticed the advanced transmission values appear to be perhaps too high on both directions. Not sure if this is intentional or not so I though I'd mention it. Rolling Eyes
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Grant Riddall
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Grant Riddall

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeWed 19 Dec 2018 - 22:46

Not really a bug but thought id just post anyway.

When driving the BT41 I noticed my steering wheel was in my mirrors in a black silhouette. Thought maybe a bug with the car but found out due to my seat positioning being so far back caused it.

Thought id post here just in case anyone else finds this
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeSat 22 Dec 2018 - 16:27

Jacob Fredriksson wrote:

I can try make a sound recording of it.

Is that a different default setup just for the AI? Making AI setups for the tracks with longer straights is no fuss.

Talent files: https://www.mediafire.com/file/x44tmtbkja11f17/Talent.rar/file
I've made the more renowned drivers a bit faster (like Jones, Laffite, Brise, Perkins, Leclerc, Lombardi, etc), and those who never got that far up in the racing ladder a bit slower, but not that spread out.

Why would you make Lombardi faster? I read through the results and apart from one heat where she finished around 3rd and advanced to the final(where she apparently finished last of all cars still running), it didn't look like she left a big impression on F3(at least not that season)? scratch

Kuwashima appeared more often near the front of the field I think... but he also seemed to crash a few more times :hihi:
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitimeSat 22 Dec 2018 - 19:35

Grant Riddall wrote:
Not really a bug but thought id just post anyway.

When driving the BT41 I noticed my steering wheel was in my mirrors in a black silhouette. Thought maybe a bug with the car but found out due to my seat positioning being so far back caused it.

Thought id post here just in case anyone else finds this

Thx, Grant ! :hello:
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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.   1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc. Icon_minitime

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1973 F3 - Bugs, Glitches, Driving tips etc.
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