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 Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa

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3 posters
Petr Hlavac
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Petr Hlavac

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Registration date : 2015-01-11

Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Empty
PostSubject: Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa   Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Icon_minitimeSat 24 Nov 2018 - 21:16

I know AC is not the most popular title here at HSO , but i encourage you to give this mod a try. I grew up on GPL, so it's quite hard to please me with any 1967 F1 mod, but the first impressions are VERY good :top:

Download: https://bit.ly/2S7p87n

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Michal Janak
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Michal Janak

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Registration date : 2010-03-25

Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa   Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Icon_minitimeSun 25 Nov 2018 - 23:51

totaly super, try BRM at Bridgehamton and absolutely blast to drive looon 4 wheel drifts but still controlable , in FF feeling evry hole on track , great sound and graphics :top:
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

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Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa   Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Icon_minitimeMon 26 Nov 2018 - 0:14

i tried it.

Not a bad effort, but over the limit you still get the silly slidy forever tire physics from AC. The lazy spins at very low speeds look ridiculous, if you watch videos of it.
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Michal Janak
Racing Legend
Michal Janak

Number of posts : 1082
Age : 52
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa   Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Icon_minitimeMon 26 Nov 2018 - 0:56

hm i am dayly racing in AC in many many diffeerent cars and no problem you wrote about and if it is only the problem, against buggy AMS , crap online sound which is very abrupt, the FF is not too very good , the lags when someone conect (ended many times in walll by this ) cars disapering in starts of the races etc. so i feel much much bettter in AC then in AMS and finaly in AC are working shakeit pedals which makes the immersion a lot lot higher
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Richard Wilks
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Richard Wilks

Number of posts : 2212
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Registration date : 2015-01-07

Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa   Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Icon_minitimeMon 26 Nov 2018 - 1:07

Janak, look, if you don't like AMS, you can just go away, seriously, you have done NOTHING BUT BITCHING THE WHOLE YEAR, and honestly, we are all fed up of hearing. I know you drive in AC, we all know this, and if you like it a lot more, WHY THE HELL are you here?!?

We gave you one of the best cars in the grid, people were willing to help you all the time, so why do you INSIST on talking bad about our platform of choice, our mods, our drivers, etc etc? If you are so miserable all the time, either keep it to yourself, or go somewhere else, because we cannot allow you running around lowering the good spirit of the league.

And i do hope you are smart enough to not even reply to this.

Pascal Mikula likes this post

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PostSubject: Re: Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa   Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa Icon_minitime

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Grand Prix Legends 2.0 for Assetto Corsa
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