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 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List

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David Jaques
Mick Chapman
Mark Craggs
Alberto Iquino
Pascal Mikula
Andre Cunha
Yann Laprevotte
Thiago Canola
John Cook
Jukka Närhi
Jason White
Chris Stephens
Raymond Riddall
Philippe Martinelli
Gérard Ryon
Peter Blom
Jonatan Acerclinth
Petr Hlavac
Gabriel Sterr
Karel Marciniszyn
Yves Plaçais
David Sabre
Raul Jereb
Tonga Guardia
Grant Riddall
Greg Hunt
Jari Bruppacher
Richard Wilks
Tom Rogerson
Jason Whited
Filippo Marazzi
Gabriele Del Piccolo
Florkin Marc
Jacob Fredriksson
Timo Vermeersch
Martin Lacina
Jason Fitch
Joe Miller
Dana Schurer
Juha Bos
Brian Janik
Bruno Chacon
François Remmen
Jan Kowalski
Dylan Canton
Steve Parker
Rossetti Paolo
Austin Johnson
David Jundt
Alberto Ibañez
Pascal Kalide
Victor Montenegro
Michal Janak
Richard Coxon
58 posters
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
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Registration date : 2012-07-14

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:01

Because I am back to using a Cosworth V8? :hihi:

David Jundt wrote:

EDIT: Actually only noticed now that I am the guy with the Alfa-Romeo engine(so yeah, "red ITALIAN teapot"). Are there differences in the engine note between Cosworth V8 and Alfa-Romeo V8?

Now just noticed that Galli went back to driving a Cosworth V8 for the remaining races. Are we mirroring that in some way or are both engines the same here?
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Jan Kowalski
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Jan Kowalski

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1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:02

David Jundt wrote:
"And here comes 'tea set' Jundt in his read teapot with attached tray"

Let's see what I can achieve with it in the last few races.

EDIT: Actually only noticed now that I am the guy with the Alfa-Romeo engine(so yeah, "red ITALIAN teapot"). Are there differences in the engine note between Cosworth V8 and Alfa-Romeo V8?

you should have the cosworth engine for all races. At Paul Ricard a podium was possible for me, so you will do well and have good results
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:09

You only have the Cosworth. Galli jumped in the Di Adamich car from time to time. When that happened, Buettler or Soler Roig drove the 3rd car.  We decided to keep Di Adamich (Whited) in the Alfa car, since they were only there because of him. We had Soler Roig and Galli sharing the 3rd car in game.
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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:15

Ah right :top:

Do the engines sound different? Or both have the same note?
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:19

David Jundt wrote:
Ah right :top:

Do the engines sound different? Or both have the same note?

You've never noticed? The Alfa sounds much throatier, even from external views. The Alfa is probably on par with the S9 Cosworth, maybe a bit better. It has its own physics.  :top:
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:20

Richard Coxon wrote:


1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Bell_23
March #23 is now available for full-time drives.
Please declare your interest within the next 24 hours.

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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 17:39

To my embarrassment, nope Embarassed
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Dave Miller
Experienced Driver
Dave Miller

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Registration date : 2012-07-10

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 13 Sep 2018 - 19:16

Can I have the #23 Please?
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeFri 14 Sep 2018 - 14:41

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Bell_23
Dave Miller gets the #23 March.

I will update the entry list ASAP.
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Gabriel Sterr
Club Driver
Gabriel Sterr

Number of posts : 86
Age : 33
Location : Deggendorf, Germany
Registration date : 2018-01-03

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Sep 2018 - 9:47

The last race clearly showed that I can't keep up with two championships while finishing my thesis, getting a new job and moving. In order to concentrate the free time I have on the CanAm championship I'd like to free up the #26 Hahne Ecurie Arnold.

Thanks, it has been a pleasure!
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeSun 16 Sep 2018 - 10:37

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Jarier_26
March #26 is now available for full-time drives.
Please declare your interest within the next 24 hours.
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 17 Sep 2018 - 12:37

Richard Coxon wrote:
1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Jarier_26
March #26 is now available for full-time drives.
Please declare your interest within the next 24 hours.

The #26 March is now available on a first come first serve basis.
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Peter Blom
Pro Driver
Peter Blom

Number of posts : 818
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Location : Amsterdam
Registration date : 2012-11-01

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 11 Oct 2018 - 20:27

Sadly I have to abandon this championship. My ankle injury is getting worse even after surgery last June so driving a Grand Prix distance is not a good idea at the moment. I'm probably out for the rest of the year. I will try to join one off races next season to try my fitness.

Hope someone can take my car and enjoy. Good luck! :top:
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 14:48

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Cevert_10b
1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Pescarolo_22c
1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Bell_29

The #10 Tyrrell Racing Organisation MKII#22 Frank Williams March 711 and the Team Surtees TS9 are both available for people to claim within the next 24 hours. Anyone, except people who have already switched full time rides, can ask for these cars, even if you do not currently have a car for the season. Feel free to list more than one car in order of preference.
Admin will assign the cars after the time period.

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Jarier_26
The #26 Hahne Ecurie Arnold March 711 is available on a first come first serve basis.

Last edited by Richard Coxon on Mon 15 Oct 2018 - 15:53; edited 1 time in total
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Bruno Chacon
Experienced Driver
Bruno Chacon

Number of posts : 476
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Registration date : 2017-03-08

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 15:49

Tyrrell #10 please. for full time is possible?
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 15:53

Bruno Chacon wrote:
Tyrrell #10 please. for full time is possible?

It's possible yes, we will announce who will take which car in roughly 24 hours.

P.S, if you wish you can list more than one of the free cars in case you don't get your first choice.
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Bruno Chacon
Experienced Driver
Bruno Chacon

Number of posts : 476
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Registration date : 2017-03-08

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 16:00

Tyrrell #10
Surtees TS9 #29
for full time
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Pascal Mikula
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Pascal Mikula

Number of posts : 1189
Age : 23
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Registration date : 2016-01-04

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 16:04

I'd also like to express interest in the Tyrrell, but only in the Tyrrell as I'd keep the Brabham if someone else gets it, IIRC.
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 16:07

Just a note to you both, i really recommend you both try the Tyrrell before 100% committing to switching, it is a very very tricky car to drive quickly. I wouldn't want any of you to switch and then realise your struggling with it. I've nothing against either of you, or anyone for that matter having the car, i'm just offering some advice. Smile
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 17:11

Richard Coxon wrote:
1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Cevert_10b
1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Pescarolo_22c
1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Bell_29

The #10 Tyrrell Racing Organisation MKII#22 Frank Williams March 711 and the Team Surtees TS9 are both available for people to claim within the next 24 hours. Anyone, except people who have already switched full time rides, can ask for these cars, even if you do not currently have a car for the season. Feel free to list more than one car in order of preference.
Admin will assign the cars after the time period.

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Jarier_26
The #26 Hahne Ecurie Arnold March 711 is available on a first come first serve basis.

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Martin Lacina
Experienced Driver
Martin Lacina

Number of posts : 475
Age : 43
Location : Czech Republic
Registration date : 2016-02-16

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 20:42

Im interested in Tyrell.
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Jason Fitch
Pro Driver
Jason Fitch

Number of posts : 664
Age : 44
Location : Frankfort, IN
Registration date : 2015-04-18

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeMon 15 Oct 2018 - 22:03

What are the rules on re-claiming my March?

I'm assuming I need to wait until this 24 hour period is over and it opens to the First Come First Serve portion? or can I make a claim now?

If so.. #22 please?
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Thiago Canola
Experienced Driver
Thiago Canola

Number of posts : 204
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Registration date : 2017-01-23

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2018 - 0:20

I'm also interested in the #10 Tyrrel.


#29 Surtees.

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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeTue 16 Oct 2018 - 7:23

Jason Fitch wrote:

What are the rules on re-claiming my March?

I'm assuming I need to wait until this 24 hour period is over and it opens to the First Come First Serve portion? or can I make a claim now?

If so.. #22 please?

No, you can it claim now. We will announce the car assignments later.
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitimeThu 18 Oct 2018 - 10:55

Sorry it's late but here it the free car allocations.

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Cevert_10b
Pascal Mikula gets the #10 Tyrrell MKII with 4 starts, the same as Thiago Canola and Martin Lacina, but Pascal asked first.

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Pescarolo_22c
Jason Fitch re-claims his #22 March 711

1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Bell_29
Thiago Canola gets the #29 Surtees TS9 with 4 starts.


1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Schenken_8c

The #8 Brabham BT33 is now free, please state within 24 hours if you wish to drive this car.


1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Jarier_26

The #26 March 701 remains on a first come first serve basis.

EDIT: I edited the drivers awarded cars as i made a mistake, sorry for any confusion caused.
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1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List   1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List - Page 13 Icon_minitime

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1971 FIA Formula One World Championship - Entry List
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