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 Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]

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Jonatan Acerclinth
Ben Paulet
Jason White
Yves Plaçais
Miroslav Havlík
Michal Janak
Simon Wattman
Honza Mild
David Jundt
Dave Simmons
Raul Jereb
Jacob Fredriksson
Jon Hawkins
Ludovic Tiengou
Ricard Suanya
Jan Titz
Karel Marciniszyn
Raymond Riddall
Peter Blom
Oyvind Andersen
Sky Willis
Greg Hunt
Petr Hlavac
Juha Bos
Alberto Ibañez
Mick Chapman
Jan Kowalski
Richard Coxon
32 posters
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Mick Chapman
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Mick Chapman

Number of posts : 695
Age : 58
Location : Wales/Pays de Galles
Registration date : 2014-01-04

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 21:35

I don't have 4 Gig of RAM (or does it not work like that?) Task Manager shows it never going over 1Gb.

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 655
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Dave Simmons
Club Driver

Number of posts : 116
Age : 35
Location : Cheltenham
Registration date : 2012-12-16

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 21:41

internet disconnected... will rejoin for Q2... works fine all week then when you want to use it is screws up!!
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Jacob Fredriksson
Racing Legend
Jacob Fredriksson

Number of posts : 1047
Age : 35
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-01-15

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 21:45

CTD while in heavy smoke on lap 1... Rolling Eyes could that explain some of the CTD's? Turning the smoke effects down for race 2.

"I'm going for first!" "...the man's an animal..."
Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 669
Happy and proud 1988 CART Champion! ~ 2017
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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

Number of posts : 1079
Age : 69
Location : Beausoleil, France
Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 21:50

Impossible de joindre le serveur pour la course 2... Curent session closed... Twisted Evil

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 7
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 21:55

Il est toujours la première course. Il est tard.

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 22:18

Session is open for the 2nd drivers.

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 462
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Ludovic Tiengou
Racing Legend
Ludovic Tiengou

Number of posts : 2986
Age : 56
Location : Grenoble far away from Brittany, France
Registration date : 2008-12-12

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 22:23

Premiere course catastrophique. 10 km/h plus lent que tout le monde. Une voiture qui patine et aucune motricité. Un frein totalement aux fraises (ca bloque, ca survire dès que je l'ai touche ou bien c'est carrement pedale à fond et....ben pas de freinage)
Je me suis fait mechamment fait ch.... la b.... pour le coup. Je patauge encore plus dans les réglages qu'avec la Ligier c'est peu dire.
Un début de saison vraiment pas top car je me fais encore virer de la piste à la dernière épingle. La motivation du début de saison a déjà totalement disparue vu les courses pourries que j'ai.

EDIT: bon je laisse tomber. Mes reglages sont aux fraises (a voiture équivalente je roule 10km/h moins vite et je me fais coller deux secondes au tour pale )je me traine et ne m'amuse pas du tout.
Le pire c'est que Donnington c'est une piste où je roule plutot bien. Qu'est ce que cela va être sur les autres où je me traine Neutral

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 030
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Jacob Fredriksson
Racing Legend
Jacob Fredriksson

Number of posts : 1047
Age : 35
Location : Sweden
Registration date : 2014-01-15

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 23:33

When I finally got to race, it was a lot of fun! Had a great battle with Kowalski, with Karel not so much. I saw how he battled Jan, which was a bit too dirty, but when it was my turn, he was quite easy to out-fox: just make him go defensive for a couple of corners, then let him out-brake himself into the chicane. Job: done.

Jan then got into a similar situation, but he was harder to fight off. I eventually got a gap, which I could keep. Lucky with 4th when Gregoire ran out of fuel on the last lap.

I hope I can score a full-time ride in this series, and preferably not the Nissan! It is very easy to drive, but that mean it got no bite! I tried to make it as evil as possible, but it wasn't better than 9th on the grid in my hands. Hats off to Ricard for his performance with it!

Congrats podium finishers. Tough competition in this series!

"I'm going for first!" "...the man's an animal..."
Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 669
Happy and proud 1988 CART Champion! ~ 2017
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Dave Simmons
Club Driver

Number of posts : 116
Age : 35
Location : Cheltenham
Registration date : 2012-12-16

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 23:34

Q1 was 3rd of the total cup runners.. i knew i can challenge.

R1 but rfactor discon'd on the grid arghh. Enjoyable racing on the broadcast.

Q1 1st in total cup runners 15th overall.

R2 started well made the most of others mistakes and was running 7/8th for a while then the top guys started to catch back up.. im entitlted to challenge so i did not make it easy for them.. defending or chasing on their tails.. my car obviously was under power so some slipped away. held out for 11th overall and 1st in Total cup (i think)... i knew i can challenge, i had a great feel with the car..

Thank you HSO admins and broadcast team.
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Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 23:48

Well that was a waste of an evening, the amount of incidents in the opening laps of both races is completely umexceptable Mad both my races were ruined because of them, I know I was going to be racing at the back since my BMW has turned itself into a shopping trolley since the patch but was still hoping for some enjoyable races! :grrr:
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Richard Wilks
Racing Legend
Richard Wilks

Number of posts : 2212
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Registration date : 2015-01-07

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeWed 18 Jan 2017 - 23:57

Well i nearly binned it in both races... was really intense, and i was surprised with my good starts in both races! I guess a podium on both is nothing to be ashamed off since i am banging doors with the best of the best! Smile

I hope everybody enjoyed the racing part. I apologize to all who had problems, we will try to correct as much as we can :top:

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 700

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!
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Petr Hlavac
Pro Driver
Petr Hlavac

Number of posts : 873
Age : 41
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:05

Now what the he'll was that??? After installing the 4gb patch, the game completely forgot all settings. Controllers, graphics, connection, even all adjustments in plr and controller.ini files. As a result, I got cockpit vibrations, steering sensitivity, wrong steering rate, it was just awful. I had to steer as if I was driving a bus, literally three quarters of a turn in the fast sections, full G25 range just to make the hairpins. Time to reinstall rFactor. Horrible. On the bright side, I made some points even the messed up second race and these cars are just awesome. Great job, I can't wait for the next race!
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Karel Marciniszyn
Pro Driver
Karel Marciniszyn

Number of posts : 954
Age : 41
Location : Czech republic
Registration date : 2009-11-03

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:05

Quite a strange races but I enjoyed that very much. If I am not stupid it could be much better. I tried to stay as clean as possible in the battles but it was not always easy and possible. I was kicked out of the track two or three times but it was always ok as a part of the racing...in the second heat I was kicked out of track which resulted in cca +3 position :D :D but there was no safer way as running back on the track was not avoidable and running there in low speed will couse massive first (or second? :hum: ) lap crash. Volvo is a beast in fast sections and it was not easy to control in the twisty fast 1st part of the track when you cannot keep the foot on the floor because of slower cars in front.

As the battles were very very intensive, it was youte hard for me to concentrate when there were no cars around...

I hope I didnt do anything bad to anyone in the close battles and I have to say I enjoy every second of every battle. Thanks HSO for this mod and league. You guys are still the top of simracing world as you were until now from the very first moment I came to HSO 8 years ago

I am ashamed for my stats way too much to show them :D

Last edited by Karel Marciniszyn on Thu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:08; edited 1 time in total
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Jonatan Acerclinth
Racing Legend
Jonatan Acerclinth

Number of posts : 1837
Age : 31
Location : Gräv, Sweden
Registration date : 2012-12-10

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:07

The main broadcast has been processed and is now available on Youtube.

Main Broadcast:

The 2nd Camera broadcast is currently being processed so it's a bits away still but it should be ready soon enough for those preferring to watch the race from the eyes of Pascal instead.

2nd Camera:

Unfortunately, at the time of adding the 2nd camera Broadcast, it has been messed up for some reason (only 15 seconds to show right now) but hopefully that'll fix itself as the night goes on.

I hope you all will enjoy the broadcast(s) and thank you for a very exciting evening of racing, was a lot of fun to watch Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 3108518133

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 539

2019 | 1996 British Touring Car Championship :second: | Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 St_btcc96_03
2019 | 1995 Super Tourenwagen Cup  :first: | Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 St_stw95_22

If you are scared entering a corner, you are pushing to hard,
if you are bored entering a corner, you aren't pushing enough,
if you hit it perfectly, it will be better than love

Last edited by Jonatan Acerclinth on Thu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:16; edited 1 time in total
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:09

Thank you HSO for organising this. Virtual FWD has never been this much fun.

Race 1 can be described easily: a disaster. I avoid the mess at the Old Hairpin, but I ran out of luck at the chicane. The gap which was large enough for a Mondeo when I went for it, but it wasn't when we reached the chicane. I escaped in 7th place but without rear wing. On the first lap through the Craner Curves it still handled nicely, on the second lap I went for the wall. Car still running, but gone was the possible points finish.

For Race 2, I'd run out of superlatives to describe it. Exciting, intense, spectacular, and hug fun! I made the usual hash of qually and had to start in 13th. I spent the majority of the race just outside the points, chasing Michal in the 406 and Oyvind in the Carina, and having to defend against Yves' BMW. Then I had Greg's Volvo, Jan's Audi and both Renaults heading the chase for my Mondeo. Now the Mondeo isn't bad, but I wasn't able to fend them off.

Fast forward a few laps, and I find a way past Michal, Oyvind goes on two wheels and I get through, Richards spins, and suddenly I'm in the points. However I had Richard's Renault filling my mirrors. Resistance proved useless and I opted to tag on to the Renault's rear bumper and learn his lines and braking points.

That worked out nicely, to the point when I got in front again. It was a great duel for the final point and together we chased Dave's independent Vauxhall and Jan's works Vauxhall. I didn't hold much hope for it, but the battling between both Vauxhalls meant we could close in and we overtook Dave. Exiting the chicane I had Richard and Jan in front of me and Dave right behind. I decided to go for it, made a move on the inside of the Melbourne Hairpin and exited sandwiched between two cars. Three abreast we went for the final hairpin, the Mondeo-meat's brakes where better than that of the Vauxhall/Renault bread and I came out first. It looked a good move, except for the Mondeo's understeer sending me into the grass. I was going through the gears, screaming my car to the line and barely made it!

It was close. :D

8 Juha Bos + 43.72
9 Richard Coxon + 43.79
10 Jan Kowalski + 43.94
11 Dave Simmons + 44.64

I'm really looking forward to Brands Hatch!

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!

Last edited by Juha Bos on Thu 19 Jan 2017 - 9:10; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Typo)
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Ricard Suanya
Experienced Driver
Ricard Suanya

Number of posts : 256
Age : 28
Location : Manresa (Barcelona)
Registration date : 2013-03-28

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:09

Wow that was great fun! Both races were just fantastic.
I wanted the Honda for this champ, but as it was already taken and i saw the Nissan was, I went for it before all cars were taken. I quickly realised that, despite being easy to drive and quite nimble, it lacked a bit of power. I made the setup so the front had good grip and pointed where i wanted it to, and managed to get some good times.  Very Happy

Q1: Not great. Couldn't find the pace and i didn't manage to get lower than 37.2 which was good for 5th place.
R1: Decent start but Jan went through on the inside, after that, in the next few corners all the leading 4 cars went out so Jan and I found ourselves 1st and 2nd. I stuck to his bumper and tried to overtake but it was nearly impossible. Richard caught us and passed me, but after a few laps he went off in Turn 1, so I was left alone behind Jan, again. Same story as before, couldn't overtake him even though I tried, and after another tough fight right until the end, I finished 2nd.Very Happy

Q2: Unbelievable, i don't even know how i did that lap, but i think it was the perfect lap, 36.6 and pole.
While training the best i could get was 36.8 so i don't know how i found 2 tenths there.  

R2: Stayed 1st after the start, Richard took the lead for a moment but he went long, and just after that I saw many top 5 cars crashing in old hairpin. I was leading followed closely by both Hondas. Pushed like there was no tomorrow, and we had a superb race. Peter eventually overtook me, I was able to fight with him and almost retake the lead, but Richard was closing from behind.
He was faster than me but after a few tries, he went out at McLeans.
After that, i realised that I hadn't added fuel for this race, so I was going to cross the line with 0L. Saved a bit of fuel in the last laps and made it with 1L.affraid

Two second places, after two breathtaking races, can't ask for more!cheers

Congrats to Jan and Peter for the wins! :first: And also thanks to Jan, Richard and Peter for the great racing. :conduit: :chinois: :top:

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 591
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
Age : 37
Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 0:23

Results and points are up :flag:

The Independants cup is having an issue at the moment. I will update the table when the issue is solved.

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 462
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Juha Bos
Racing Legend
Juha Bos

Number of posts : 1687
Age : 37
Location : Belgium
Registration date : 2016-05-11

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 1:12

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Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!
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Peter Blom
Pro Driver
Peter Blom

Number of posts : 818
Age : 43
Location : Amsterdam
Registration date : 2012-11-01

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 1:21

Great racing guys!

Race 1: Richard Coxon made a very good start, I was hanging on his arse through the 2nd corner and tried to outbrake him but I made a classical mistake and outbraked myself on cold tires and brakes...Richard had to steer in eventually if he wanted to make the corner so we touched and both went off. I was not quite sure at the time if it was all my blame but still decided to wait for Richard to let him pass me because I felt very sorry at the moment.
This way we were both dead last after half a lap  :urgence:  
Rest of the race I had some nice dicing with several guys and finished 6th I think. @Karel please watch out with moving under braking mate..see race 1 lap 5 at the chicane...I lost two places there. Gratz to Jan for the Audi win! Wink

Race 2: Again I had a difficult start but this time I made sure lap 1 was clean :hihi:
I decided to follow Richard Wilks and Ricard for a while, they had quite a chaotic battle in front of me. I was waiting for some mistakes by them and eventually I could first pass Richard W. and one lap later Ricard due to another mistake. Rest of the laps Ricard was in my tail and I could not drive away from him..that bloody spaniard made me sweat Razz   Very nice dicing especially with you Ricard...from what I saw you are a very fast and clean racer, always knowing where the other cars are on track. I respect that kind of intelligent driving very much. Happy with my first BTCC win  :first:

Looking forward to the next races!

Thx to HSO and the broadcasting team, nice to listen to your enthusiastic commentary :D

2019 HSO 1996 BTCC Championship  1st :flag:
2017 HSO 1996 BTCC Championship  1st :flag:
2016 HSO 1973 Indianapolis 500   1st :flag:
2015 HSO 1973 Indianapolis 500  3rd :flag:  
2014 HSO 1988 Deutsche Tourenwagen Meisterschaft  4th :flag: :hihi:  

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 499
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Karel Marciniszyn
Pro Driver
Karel Marciniszyn

Number of posts : 954
Age : 41
Location : Czech republic
Registration date : 2009-11-03

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 8:44

Peter Blom wrote:
Great racing guys!

Race 1: ... @Karel please watch out with moving under braking mate..see race 1 lap 5 at the chicane...I lost two places there.....

Thank you for note Peter, I will take a look at that!! study

I am ashamed for my stats way too much to show them :D
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Honza Mild
Pro Driver
Honza Mild

Number of posts : 534
Age : 49
Location : Czech republic, South Bohemia
Registration date : 2009-11-04

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 8:51

Well, that was again adrenalin racing. Q1 my PB, but with fuel to race.... so i feel it could be good racing tempo.

Race1 was from my opinion great, great battles with Oyvind, good racing speed. Some moments was very very dramatic, especialy when quicker cars overrun me from both sides and i think it must be also from above and bellow, because during 5 sec i lost 5 places :D :D :D But in this confusion i overtook Oyvind and if i am not wrong it was 1st place between independendent.

Q2 again PB without full fuel :D But there was bad luck, i dont know who and i dont know when but somebody damage my car from behind, packed my rear wing and i was drifting through all race. At the end of race i must hard defending position before Rays BMW, but everything was clear and fair. Thanks Ray!

I am sorry for my english.

Thank you HSO, excellent mod, excellent racing, excellent broadcasting which i saw this morning!!! You are all best guys!!!

PS: Independetn Mondeo is very nice shopping car, not racing lol!

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Karel Marciniszyn
Pro Driver
Karel Marciniszyn

Number of posts : 954
Age : 41
Location : Czech republic
Registration date : 2009-11-03

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 8:59

Jonatan Acerclinth wrote:
The main broadcast has been processed and is now available on Youtube.

Great job guys!!! And a real proof that I cannot be a celebrity as no one can say my name lol! lol! please don´t hesitate to use simple "Karel" :hello:

I am ashamed for my stats way too much to show them :D
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Miroslav Havlík
Club Driver

Number of posts : 93
Age : 63
Location : czech
Registration date : 2016-01-26

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 16:20

I'm sorry,it stopped working the internet.Please leave me a Vectra to other races,thank you.
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Petr Hlavac
Pro Driver
Petr Hlavac

Number of posts : 873
Age : 41
Location : Brno, Czech Republic
Registration date : 2015-01-11

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 16:57

The issue is resolved, I've done separate Lite installs for each mod, i hope it will be fine, though the whole thing is a complete mystery to me.

Anyway, back to the cars and races. I loved to watch this era of BTCC back then. So even if i'm not into FWD (not even in real life), i was really looking forward to this. Also, i expected a nice change and do some "trading paint" with others, which is totally different from what we do with single seaters. And it all came true once the green flag dropped Wink

The first race was a little less eventful than the second one, but still there was a lot of door-to-door action. P4 is where i expected to end up, so i was quite happy (although podium would be nice). The second race, well, that's a different story. Due to the unpleasant surprise with all settings deleted, i barely managed to enter the race at the back of the grid. Steering was messed up, cockpit view shaky, picture lagging due to too high graphic settings for my PC to handle. But the race itself was fun. Of course, it helped a lot that several people became victims of various clashes, but i was battling with someone from start to finish and P7 was way more than i ever expected.

I think this mod has given us everything we expected and more, it's awesome and i can't wait for the next race :top:
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]   Round 1 -  Donington Park GP [Jan 18th] - Page 5 Icon_minitimeThu 19 Jan 2017 - 17:09

2 courses décevantes pour moi , a chacune je me fais sortir dans le 1 er tour et je repars bon dernier :smil20:

niveau fun ce fut cool puisque j ai fini les 2 courses en 5 eme position donc il y a eu du monde a dépassé .

dommage pour la derniere , j avais oublié de rajouter les 2 l de plus que j avais mis pour la course 1 donc j ai du faire les 2 derniers tours avec juste 3 l alors que je consommais 2.04 l par tour , j ai donc perdu la 4 eme place dans le dernier virage car fuel 0 depuis deja 3 virages

thanks to Yan to have let me pass in the both races :top:

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Round 1 - Donington Park GP [Jan 18th]
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