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 Multiple rFactor1 installation

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4 posters
Karel Marciniszyn
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Karel Marciniszyn

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PostSubject: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeSun 8 Jan 2017 - 22:14

Dear friends,
as there are so many experienced simracers and mainly with rFactor I think there is no better place to ask the question.
I´ve had a HDD crash and now with fresh HDD I would like to make multiple rF installations. My idea is that I will have one main installation with tracks and profile and multiple installations for mods. There are quite a lot modes where it is better to have it as a standalone rF installation (VLM ProtoC, Historic, etc.). These standalone installations should use the locations and profile from main rFactor. From what I found online it is possible, I also have an idea how to do that...but I prefer to ask and not to develop the wheel again :-)

Thank you in advance for any hints & tips!
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeSun 8 Jan 2017 - 22:24

I took the rF lite installer and made a new installation in a new folder. Smile
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Karel Marciniszyn
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Karel Marciniszyn

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jan 2017 - 8:30

Michael Drechsler wrote:
I took the rF lite installer and made a new installation in a new folder. Smile

yes, that should be fine, but I would like to have one installation with profile and tracks and others should take these data from the "main" installation.
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Bob Holada
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Bob Holada

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jan 2017 - 13:48

I have also gone the route of multiple RF lite installations. But I find that I have to resetup a lot of options that I may have forgotten how to do. Like the virtual mirrors, controller settings and video settings. I had seen descriptions on how to achieve what the OP is asking for. But this info is scattered all over the place and I'm not sure where I saw it.
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jan 2017 - 13:56

In the config.ini in the main rFactor folder you can set the paths for many files. I have for example a back up lite install which I copy for any new separate mod (I have in general one install per mod) and a separate folder with the tracks. I don't think however that you can share a single profile while having separate lite installs for each mod. Reason is, when you switch from one mod to the other the profile expects to find the next mod in the same main folder as the one you were using till that moment.
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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeMon 9 Jan 2017 - 17:34

Karel Marciniszyn wrote:
Michael Drechsler wrote:
I took the rF lite installer and made a new installation in a new folder. Smile

yes, that should be fine, but I would like to have one installation with profile and tracks and others should take these data from the "main" installation.

I don't know what system you are running, I do all racing and surfing on my 'User' account of Windows, where all rF installations get their data from the rF folder in the user files.
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Karel Marciniszyn
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Karel Marciniszyn

Number of posts : 954
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Registration date : 2009-11-03

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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitimeTue 10 Jan 2017 - 11:50

I finaly found what I was looking for Smile

http://isiforums.net/f/showthread.php/282-How-do-I-set-up-multiple-rFactor-installs post #3...I tried and it works very well!
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PostSubject: Re: Multiple rFactor1 installation   Multiple rFactor1 installation Icon_minitime

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