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 Japan GP

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Jacob Fredriksson
Frank Penk
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Frank Penk

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 14:57

Hello. This is a carset that represents the Japan GP I've been working on between my various mods. I'm not the author of the 3D models nor I do take credit for anything included in this mod so far. I merely converted it (With permissions) and gave it a couple of updates like srpl shaders, lens flares (On cars that actually had headlights that is  Rolling Eyes ) other than making sure all cars would work togheter without issues or ctds both offline and online.

It's not perfect and not complete, but I do intend to fix the last couple of remaining bugs (Mainly graphical and restricted to the Toyota 7).

It includes 31 cars that raced in the 1967 and 1968 editions of the Japan GP held at Fuji and all models are either scratch made or modified from something else (906 based on the Simbin/PnG 906 or Mk2 and Mk3 based on the CSGT Mk3B for example). Skins were all made from scratch.

What's included for the moment, in no particolar order of manufacturer or year:

Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-3slsev Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-36ospp Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-359s48 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-3d7sqp Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-3l4spi Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-3fhs5s Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-3oyss3 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-39ysxe Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4h3sgx Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4wtsxa Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4vjsvy Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4xbs77 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-48ws2e Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-48csg0 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4rysv5 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-41ssnf Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-49is43 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4x2st0 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4l2s7v Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4bgs4n Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4tpsn1 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4m9ssq Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-42ws84 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4hcsvm Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4odseq Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-42rsgx Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-459s4n Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4ors2a Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4n5s33 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-4bksa6 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1015-42ysf3

For the near future, I have already planned to skin some cars from 1969 and 1970 (And possibly 1966 because I already made the '66 winning 904 -> http://abload.de/img/rfactor2016-08-1311-3sbom8.jpg ) and some missing 1967 and 1968 GT cars here and there.

In case there is somebody willing to help modelling new cars that are still missing from this collection, please do contact me. I gathered tons of references through the years but lack the ability to do 3D modelling myself. I only know how to skin cars.

Let me know if you'd be interested into racing with these.

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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 15:07

Wow. That's really impressive. Great job!

"I'm going for first!" "...the man's an animal..."
Japan GP 669
Happy and proud 1988 CART Champion! ~ 2017
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Sky Willis
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Sky Willis

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 15:17

ooo nice. is that from when fuji had the big banked first corner too?
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 15:37

Interesting set of cars to race around the old Fuji.

Sky, the banking was used in the 60's and for the first half of the 70's, so these cars have raced on it.

Japan GP Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

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Michael Drechsler
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Michael Drechsler

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 17:23

Odd enough to catch my attention. I'm a sucker for 60s/early 70s japanese cars anyways. I'd love to assist, but I don't know if I'd been much of a help as its been ages I've modelled something.
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Frank Penk

Number of posts : 20
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Registration date : 2015-01-26

Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 20:30

Michael Drechsler wrote:
Odd enough to catch my attention. I'm a sucker for 60s/early 70s japanese cars anyways. I'd love to assist, but I don't know if I'd been much of a help as its been ages I've modelled something.
As of today, there aren't a lot of cars missing, actually. The 31 above are the main contenders for '67 and '68 and they're all represented. But there were some other interesting cars. All raced between 1966 and 1969.
Daihatsu P3 (+P7).
Japan GP Attachment

Macransa Tojiro III.
Japan GP JC-08

Karasu S600.
Japan GP Dome-Karasu-Honda-S600

Keroyon RSB.
Japan GP 67RSBfirstraceFunabashi6

RQ Coniglio (That's an italian name, "Coniglio" > "Rabbit").
Japan GP 20120320000822

Hino Samurai.
Japan GP 518

As far as prototypes go, that's pretty much it.

Then there were other cars, small GTs and even smaller Ts mainly. Toyota 2000s, Lotus 47s and Elans/Elites, Shelby Cobra Daytonas, Honda T800s, Triumphs, Skylines, Isuzus, etc. I already have accurate models for most of those, it would only be a matter of skinning them which I can do without problems over time.
Japan GP Suzuka_02
Japan GP 2c664d41748ac0a1cad5ddd6fe488921

There were more prototypes that ran in 1969 and/or 1966, such as Prince R380/Nissan R380-III, Porsche 906s, 908s, 910s and 917s and Isuzu Bellett R6s but there's no need to model any of them as I already have all accurate 3Ds for them (Minus the R6, but I can use the Matra M630 instead as it actually has a very similar shape, and Prince R380/Nissan R380-III, but the Nissan R380-I and -II will do just fine for both).
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Juha Bos
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Juha Bos

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSat 10 Sep 2016 - 23:31

The Karasu looks like a modified Honda S800, with a more aerodynamic front?

I like the last photo, very different compared to what you'd see in Europe in the same era.

Japan GP Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA

Join the current HSO team as we move to ISO in 2020!
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Frank Penk

Number of posts : 20
Age : 31
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2015-01-26

Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeSun 11 Sep 2016 - 11:35

Juha Bos wrote:
The Karasu looks like a modified Honda S800, with a more aerodynamic front?

I like the last photo, very different compared to what you'd see in Europe in the same era.
The racing version of the S600 was developed by Dome, togheter with the S800 actually, but it was very different.
Japan GP Karasu4
Japan GP Img_0232-550x330
Speaking of which..
Japan GP Bandicam2016-09-1112-e5r2z
Lot of work ahead, but it's something I will eventually get done.

And I do agree with you. The japs always had a thing for painting everything in flashy, vibrant and bright colors. Wish more cars from the '60s that raced in the WSC were as colorful as these ones. Sometimes it's a boredom for me to work on those models and see the same livery patterns for 40+ cars.

The only con is that it's hard to find any resource on japs cars, unlike european ones. And even if I speak japanese among 4 other languages, it's very hard to translate what's written on those cars when all you have is a 400*600 b/w photo taken from weird angles.
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Marie de Lacrowe
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Marie de Lacrowe

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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeMon 12 Sep 2016 - 15:26

Japan GP Ac_113
Japan GP Ac_211
Japan GP Ac_311
Japan GP Ac_410
Japan GP Ac_510

study I believe that the legendary Porsche 906 resume the round lines and sharp little of the famous 60s.
At first glance, the car seems very successful, and its shape is very reminiscent of all the cars that raced in those years.
I believe the choice to take a car so beautiful, has given a new light in this era of the past.
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Frank Penk

Number of posts : 20
Age : 31
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2015-01-26

Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeMon 12 Sep 2016 - 20:24

First 2 non-prototypes. The Daytonas from 1966 #21 and 1968 #35.

Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1221-1y3bic Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-1221-1nmbrq

The 3D was heavily updated aswell, it shares the same base as PnG (Which is Simbin), but other than that this is to be treated like an entire new model.
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Frank Penk

Number of posts : 20
Age : 31
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2015-01-26

Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitimeFri 30 Sep 2016 - 21:08

917 K #05 from 1971, 2nd overall. Model + livery converted from GTL. Not sure whether or not I'll keep it. I have a far better model of this car with race by race specs, so maybe in the end I'll repaint it on that one and scrap this.

Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-3022-05iug0 Japan GP Rfactor2016-09-3022-0leukk

To give it some competition, I'm in the process of painting the 512 S #2 from 1970
Japan GP Moretti_Manfredini_Ferrari_512_s_Fuji_1970
Japan GP Moretti_Manfredini_Ferrari_512_s_Fuji_1970_2

And the 512 M #21 from 1971 (1st overall in front of the #05 917 K) which was the same car that raced at Watkins Glen in the 6 Hours race, so livery will be shared for both JGP and WSC projects.
Japan GP 1971&img=Watkins_Glen-1971-07-25-021
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Japan GP Empty
PostSubject: Re: Japan GP   Japan GP Icon_minitime

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Japan GP
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