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 Newbie needs help

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Bob Holada
Club Driver
Bob Holada

Number of posts : 119
Age : 74
Location : Fort Wayne, Indiana
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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PostSubject: Newbie needs help   Newbie needs help Icon_minitimeTue 24 May 2016 - 1:01

I'm looking for a tutorial or post HSO mod for dummies. I did manage to download the files that I think I need for the 73 USAC MOD. I manually moved the files into my Rfactor folders. The track stuff is in LOCATIONS
and the cars are in the VEHICLE folder. I can load the IMS track that I downloaded but can not figure how to load any of the INDY cars. I did see something about a cheat ISI_BABY Factory.
I also can not find how to turn off auto help (shifting and who knows what else)

I must be slower than your typical newbie. But I think this site could be a little more user friendly

Bob Holada
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie needs help   Newbie needs help Icon_minitimeTue 24 May 2016 - 8:28

Asuming everything is installed correctly, you need to go to the player menu and select the mod "HSO 1973 Championship cars", or the generic "All tracks, all cars". Then you will be able to see the cars in the menu. If they don't appear, the mod is not correctly installed.

The cheat you mention is for getting money and unlocking any cars that you had to buy. That should not be necessary for our cars, but it won't hurt (Especially if you get fined a lot for speeding in the pitlane as I do :hihi: ). To enable the cheat, you just enter whatever track with whatever car, and type in the chat: ISI_BABYFACTORY. Click ENTER and, unlike any normal message, it won't appear in the chat screen but just vanish. Now exit the track, and you will see your money count skyrocketing and all cars unlocked.

Newbie needs help Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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Bob Holada
Club Driver
Bob Holada

Number of posts : 119
Age : 74
Location : Fort Wayne, Indiana
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie needs help   Newbie needs help Icon_minitimeTue 24 May 2016 - 17:40

[quote="Alberto Ibañez"]Asuming everything is installed correctly, you need to go to the player menu and select the mod "HSO 1973 Championship cars", or the generic "All tracks, all cars". Then you will be able to see the cars in the menu. If they don't appear, the mod is not correctly installed.

Yes. I think the key for me is if I actually downloaded everything I needed. It appears that I downloaded a track and cars but I did not download the actual MOD, which is in a different part of the forum or at least in a different post. I have been to the spot in Rfactor where I could pick "All tracks, all cars" and saw no mention of 73 USAC. Shall see.

Bob Holada
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Bob Holada
Club Driver
Bob Holada

Number of posts : 119
Age : 74
Location : Fort Wayne, Indiana
Registration date : 2016-05-17

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie needs help   Newbie needs help Icon_minitimeWed 25 May 2016 - 16:06

BoB Holada wrote:
Alberto Ibañez wrote:

Yes.  I think the key for me is if I actually downloaded everything I needed. It appears that I downloaded a track and cars but I did not download the actual MOD,  which is in a different part of the forum or at least in a different post. I have been to the spot in Rfactor where I could pick "All tracks, all cars" and saw no mention of 73 USAC.  Shall see.

Bob Holada

I did finally download and install the actual MOD files for 73 USAC.

I can now see and select the Champ cars and load IMS.  I am still at "all tracks, all cars" under Customize. I did not see any mention of 73 USAC under Customize.
I put in my first laps(offline) at IMS in various Champ cars.  Not under 50 sec yet.

I'll watch for the release of the Milwaukee Mile update (June 5th I hear).  I've seen hints about using separate installs of Rfactor Lite .But I'm not sure why.

It appears that in the vehicle folder all the cars are thrown in one folder. So when I download the Milwaukee files there will be a new set of cars that will overwrite what ever I currently have in there for 73 USAC?

Sorry if I'm making this over complicated.

BoB Holada
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

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PostSubject: Re: Newbie needs help   Newbie needs help Icon_minitimeWed 25 May 2016 - 18:30

Quote :
It appears that in the vehicle folder all the cars are thrown in one folder. So when I download the Milwaukee files there will be a new set of cars that will overwrite what ever I currently have in there for 73 USAC?

The Milwaukee files are just the track, which will not overwrite anything in the cars, don't worry Smile 

Quote :
I did not see any mention of 73 USAC under Customize.

If you see the cars in the menu they are correctly installed. You should be able to select the mod by selecting first the player menu (Red arrow) and then scrolling through the installed mods (Lime green arrow)

Newbie needs help Menu

Quote :
I've seen hints about using separate installs of Rfactor Lite .But I'm not sure why.

rFactor was created mostly as a modding platform and not as much as a standalone game. The cars and tracks that came with it were mostly samples to get the modders started. So when you start adding your own mods, it can happen that some interfere with each other. Sometimes one uses common files shared by others and modifies them, sometimes modders were not careful enough to separate well their work ina  different folder and with different paths from what other people can do.
So the safest course of action, and also what seems to make this quicker when switching from one mod to another is to have separate installs of rfactor lite, each one with one mod you use. I did that and then created a shared tracks folder, so that I don't have to copy them over to each lite install that I want to use with those tracks. In the case of the USAC mod and its tracks, you can probably spare yourself that as you will be racing in them just with our champcars. So you can throw it all into a custom lite install. 

Quote :
Sorry if I'm making this over complicated.

Don't worry, we will try to help always. It's just that we are busy and can't always reply quickly. Anything, just ask Wink

Newbie needs help Ik0uEqBjC0LKiLMueGfA
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