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 South african championship 1965

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5 posters
Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 16:52

Would you be interested to make the South African championship 1965?

9 races ( and 6 non championship races ):

South african championship 1965 Rsa_ch10

they began with engines 1.5L L4

South african championship 1965 Sa_for10

South african championship 1965 Alfa10

South african championship 1965 Sa_fpf10

then they changed for engines up to 2.7L L4

South african championship 1965 Sa2_2510

South african championship 1965 Sa210
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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 17:31

salut Eric,
c'est une plate forme Rfactor ou GPL ?  scratch
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 17:33


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Yannick Lampure
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Yannick Lampure

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 17:41

yep merci Wink
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Jacob Fredriksson
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Jacob Fredriksson

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 20:04

wow, nicely done!
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Jason White
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Jason White

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 20:09

Interesting how most of the rounds comprised two heats.

Do you know how the points system worked?
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Eric Daon
Experienced Driver
Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeWed 10 Feb 2016 - 22:00

Interesting how most of the rounds comprised two heats.

only 2 races with 1 heat : the Rand Winter Trophy and Rand Spring Trophy 40 laps ( at Kyalami)

other have 2x25 , 2x32 and 2x33 laps

I do not know the number of laps for the non championship races  , except Lourenço Marques 40 laps

in 1966 they used 9,6,4,3,2,1 points for each race ( they added the 2 heats times )
in 1965 probably the same

All these cars were made by adapting the cars of mod 1965 (V2 or V3)
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Eric Daon
Experienced Driver
Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 12 Feb 2016 - 21:34


If you want to test, install the mini mod as usual.
You will get 3 car folders
SA: Part 1 65 championship

SA2: end of the 65 championship, after the 5th or 6th race
(actually they do not have all changed at the same time but the dates are not known)

SA3; 2 additional cars that allow with SA2 to repeat the 1966 championship

There are the talent files, you can race with the AI by adjusting the aggressiveness between 15 and 20%
for their speed, decrease of approximately 10% from SA to SA2

Tracks 65 :
East London , 70Kyalami , Killarney , Roy Hesketh
Tracks 66 :
same + Lourenço Marques and Kumalo ( can be replaced by Tony Rust )
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
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Registration date : 2008-12-12

South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Feb 2016 - 0:23

The South African championship is the first part of this:


So if you've tried it, think about giving me your opinions
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Eric Daon
Experienced Driver
Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Feb 2016 - 15:48

I make a fix for sounds
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeSun 14 Feb 2016 - 16:39

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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 26 Feb 2016 - 16:02

screens here :
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeSun 28 Feb 2016 - 21:08

new download link here :
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 10:32

Good job ED :top: . The South African Drivers' Championship is a source of a lot of confusion, and reliable information is hard to find. The internet is responsible for spreading a lot of false facts about it, erroneously calling it "South African F1 Championship" for instance, or often adding the Rhodesia and Mozambique races to its schedule, etc. Another source of confusion is the points system. It seems the regular 9-6-4-3-2-1 system was in fact never used. I have some sources saying it used a 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 system, others a 10-8-6-4-3-2 system Suspect and I have yet to find a definite answer about that depending on which year we are talking about :smil20: .

The 1965 championship is notable for the fact that it was run to 3-litre rules, preceding by one year the switch from 1500cc to 3000cc that the International Formula n°1 had scheduled for 1966. But, due to the lack of available 3-litre engines, most SA cars still ran on 1500cc engines for most of the year, with only a few guys using old ICF/Tasman Climax FPF 4-cylinder engines in 2.5 or 2.7 form.

As for the 1965 schedule, to the best of my knowledge it was in fact :

1. 1964 Rand GP, Kyalami
2. 1964 South African GP, East London
3. Cape South Easter Trophy, Killarney
4. Rand Autumn Trophy, Kyalami
5. Coronation Trophy, Pietermaritzburg
6. SA Republic Day Trophy, Kyalami
7. Natal Winter Trophy, Pietermaritzburg
8. Border 100, East London
9. Rand Winter Trophy, Kyalami
10. Pat Fairfield Trophy, Pietermaritzburg
11. Van Riebeeck Trophy, Killarney
12. Rand Spring Trophy, Kyalami

With the following N/C races :

Atkinson Trophy, Killarney
Bulawayo 100, Kumalo (Rhodesia)
Ray Amm Trophy, Marlborough (Rhodesia)
Taça Governardo General de Mozambique, Lourenço Marques (Portugal)
Des World Trophy, Marlborough (Rhodesia)
Rhodesian GP, Kumalo (Rhodesia)

Hope this helps Wink
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

Number of posts : 341
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Registration date : 2008-12-12

South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 10:58

Une suite est en préparation :
tasman series et goldstar 1965
ANF cosworth FPF 2.5 225 HP
ANF 1.5 Ford E109

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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 11:07

:slurp: Looking good :top: Surely some tracks must be missing though, particularly for the NZ races ? Dunedin ? Waimate ? Renwick ?
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 11:39

Frank Verplanken wrote:
:slurp: Looking good :top: Surely some tracks must be missing though, particularly for the NZ races ? Dunedin ? Waimate ? Renwick ?
not a problem, these tracks are not used for the Tasman Series 65 or the Australian Goldstar
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 11:43

Yes sorry I got mixed up with the NZ Gold Star thread drunken Do you have a Mallala for the OZ Gold Star ?
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Eric Daon
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Eric Daon

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South african championship 1965 Empty
PostSubject: Re: South african championship 1965   South african championship 1965 Icon_minitimeFri 18 Mar 2016 - 11:59

Phil Rob just made a new version ( Sad  , not really 60's)
(And if not, I made a small update for the former)

He prepares a TrackPack "Tasman" , 3 tracks are yet ready : Levin, Wigram and lakeside
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South african championship 1965
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