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 Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]

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Peter Lengyel
Lee Gibson
Mike Becnel
Jose Berenguer
Cláudio Augusto
Mick Chapman
Roberto Mello
Philippe Martinelli
Ben Paulet
David Jaques
Yves Plaçais
Alberto Ibañez
Yannick Lampure
Patrice Gibelin
Jan Kowalski
Didier Conjeaud
Matthias Weber
Jonatan Acerclinth
David Jundt
Pascal Mikula
Dylan Canton
Richard Coxon
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Roy Magnes
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Roy Magnes

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 20 Jan 2016 - 23:52

Richard Coxon wrote:
If you noticed it at the beginning, why only mention I on teamspeak, why not on the in game chat, it is a technical issue and your allowed to talk for them.
It was human error, we all make them. All we can do I apologise.

It might be because we both thought that you had introduced something new without us taking notice of it, we are a bit slow like that Smile
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Ole Marius Myrvold
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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 0:03

Richard Coxon wrote:
If you noticed it at the beginning, why only mention I on teamspeak, why not on the in game chat, it is a technical issue and your allowed to talk for them.
It was human error, we all make them. All we can do I apologise.

But anyway, thankyou Ben for hosting in my absence.

Because I just mentioned it, so we didn't drive too many laps. It never occured to me that it might've been wrong. And it was the same for everyone. I must admit I found it strange with such a long session for 8 laps.

Mike Becnel wrote:
Ole we agree the decisions were a little slow. Apologies there. Reason was we were discussing options on how to fix. We attempted a fix to remove the DQs via admin commands but it did not work. As soon as that was determined Ben reset.

The second reset was to allow a rejoin to the race.

Yup, I get the attempt on that Smile It just took much time without any communication at all.
And I have no issues with either of the restarts, the more the merrier. It's just that at the time it felt like it took very long time. It felt like people asked, and discussed if it should be a restart or not etc.
When in reality anyone of you could just cut through and say that there will be a restart. Or that "there will not be any DQ's, we are working on it".

Just a tip for the future, as it dragged on a bit tonight Smile
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Ole Marius Myrvold
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Registration date : 2012-10-23

Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 0:03

Roy Magnes wrote:
Richard Coxon wrote:
If you noticed it at the beginning, why only mention I on teamspeak, why not on the in game chat, it is a technical issue and your allowed to talk for them.
It was human error, we all make them. All we can do I apologise.

It might be because we both thought that you had introduced something new without us taking notice of it, we are a bit slow like that Smile

Slow? Speak for yourself Slowpoke! :champ:
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 0:09

Wait a minute, I don't have to apologizes about time decision. If it's too late, type escape and go bed.
First, the boss decision was to ignore that DQ. If you respect the lights, there's no DQ. I was finaly too nice. Second, I didn't keep fingers on my wheel during that moment. I tried some command line, but I've no success. I heared you, so next time, no reboot. Hoping, it won't be you the needy. :frank:
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 0:35

I had two great races with Jose, who should have won both, but two mistakes made him lose the lead to me.

Now that I hear it, I am actually worried about the first chicane. As it said "two wheels on asphalt", I thought I always did it just right(except when I overshot at the start of R1 and gave the lead back to Jose aswell as me missing my braking point for the Variante della Roggia and giving the lead once again to Jose), although I had some issues not getting my line wrong when I actally locked up the brakes and ran a bit too deep.

But even with the close calls at the first chicane, it was only me VS Jose for the race win. I was very surprised we were so quick.

I think everyone knew we were allowed to use the full run-off area at the Variante Ascari, right? :hum:
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 0:46

Yes, you could blow out on Ascari as much as desired. As promised, I repainted that wall twice.
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Raul Jereb
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Raul Jereb

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 8:23

Ben, I think your amdinistrating of the race was ok, fair, and no need to appologise to anyone!!!

I was sure that there was a limit of 8 laps for qualy, but that I missed that info somehow. Its same for all, and therefore, I think there was no need to restart it. But its MO, and I respect admins deccision. Im really suprised with a lot of (veteran) drivers, who are not sure how to drive limited laps. We had same problem in CART, somehow it was a frentic panic what to do after finishing 1 timed lap or so... If we are limited to 8 laps, its one IN, 6 timed and one OUT. Im sure not DQs would apear!

As for restarting race, Im always for it, expecialy if somebody loses connection on the start, and if its more people. Mistakes like RED lighs are human, and due to adrenaline rush, and Im sure it wont repeat, and Im glad Ben decided to restart race.

My only suggestion would go to abandoning reconnaissance laps. In such short races, it takes too much time IMO. And then doubled... :hihi:

Anyway, nice champ overall, it could be fun, 2x short race format is something that my mind finds allmost relaxing :clap:

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Matthias Weber
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Matthias Weber

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 9:14

Ben, I think you don't have to justify for that, everything was fine.

To the races:
First race was great, had nice battles, lost P3 at the end, because I didn't want to cut the Variante della Roggia.
Drove the first race on hard tires, because they felt good and I had no long run before.

Second race meant a better start for me and I tried the softs to compete with José and David Jundt, but I could not gain any time from that. Softs felt horrible....
Very fair driving in my area. I hope I can get alittle bit more speed out of the Sierra in the next races, Peter showed that it's possible :hum:

Just watched the replay and I think I can understand Philippe Henrique now, I think there really is some work for the admins this time :papy:
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Peter Lengyel
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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 10:14

It was great to race again cars which are a bit closer to me. First race was ruined myself at the start, I had the usual tiny lag just before braking, I slammed into Jonathan I think, spun, and had to recover from the end of the field. 6th was the maximum I could make in such condition. Second race, started better, until I had a lag before Ascari, next picture is I'm in the braking zone with Raul in front of me (He was after me before), slammed the brake but I punched him out of the track. I also DNF myself, I did not want to gather others with my problem. Despite I have lowered the visible cars to eliminate lags, they are just keep me bothering. Sad

See you next round!
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 10:16

When you finish the 8 laps you get a very visible chequered flag on screen that tells you the session is over for you. I don't know how people missed it, even if it was set by error to only 8 laps. I was surprised myself but quit after the chequered flag and that's it. 

Anyway, for those of you that did not know, Richard is the series main admin and he was in hospital some days ago, therefore Ben replaced him on short notice.

And I think his administrating was not inferior to, uh, some driving standards we saw on track Laughing

Monza is not very representative, next tracks will be easier for everyone. See you there  :top:
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Jonatan Acerclinth
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Jonatan Acerclinth

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 10:41

Ah, so that's what happened Peter. I had full concentration on David and Jose ahead so I wasn't sure if I had braked way earlier than needed and you had tried for a move so I pulled to the grass after the chicane to let you by.
What you could do is try to lower Special Effects, Shadows and Oponent Details, especially Shadows and Oponent Details tend to put a huge strain on computers.

As for my event:

I had a graphics card failure on my old computer last week and just got it put together and ready yesterday so was lacking a lot of practice for the event so knew that I'd struggle.

In Qualifying I did what I could to set a good lap, did the session on my race setup as I had no time to put into a Q one. Managed to get into the top 10 and was very close to Peter and Matthias so I was very happy with that Very Happy

The Race got underway and I managed to get a decent start and found myself in 3rd braking for Turn 1. Then I turned in and hadn't noticed that Peter had gone down the inside, had I noticed I would have shortcut the chicane and try to save both our races.

Took a moment and then decided to wait for him so dropped back and let Peter by Smile

The rest of the race I tried to get as far up the grid as I could. Many was very curtious in letting me by, thank you to everyone Smile
And sorry Jan for holding you up. I made a massive misstake in the initial Chicane after you had let me by and ended up out of the grove, took me a few corners to find it again.

In the end managed to get 8th overall so a very good salvage operation Smile

2nd Race got underway and I had a much worse start. After a while still found myself in the top 5 which I was surprised with.

Spent most of the race trying to catch David for 4th or 3rd, not sure which, but his car was way too quick in a straight line for me to catch up. Almost had the draft when I finally made a misstake at Ascari, spinning up the wheels and slamming into the outside wall when I overcorrected the slide caused by the wheel spin.

Limped home the last 4 laps with steering and suspension damage, only just managed to keep it on track. Again, sorry Lee for escorting you to the grass on the final lap Sad


A 8th and a 4th with lacking practice and on a track that doesn't suit my style, it bodes well for the championship but I doubt I'll be able to give David, David or Jose a run for their money after seeing their pace last night but we'll see, will pull out the Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 1623587389 and see if I can improve :hihi:
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 10:49

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
When you finish the 8 laps you get a very visible chequered flag on screen that tells you the session is over for you. I don't know how people missed it, even if it was set by error to only 8 laps. I was surprised myself but quit after the chequered flag and that's it. 

It even tells you to enter the pits to avoid exceeding your total amount of laps allowed.
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 12:11

Indeed with weak pc : shadows, anti-aliasing are the first things to lowered. You can decrease opponents numbers and details in a second time, if it is still too low fps.
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 15:08

Points are up :flag:
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Patrice Gibelin
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Patrice Gibelin

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 21:27

Yannick Lampure wrote:
je suis vraiment désolé Patrice Embarassed Embarassed j'ai vraiment pas été bon la Crying or Very sad
j’espère que tu as pas trop cassée la voiture.
encore désolé.:doh:

Non, j'ai eu du bol :D , j'ai tapé le mur avec les portières :aie: . Du coup j'ai rien cassé, j'ai pu finir la course :flag: . Je freine souvent plus tôt que la moyenne (pédalier moisi) , des fois ça peut surprendre.
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Jose Berenguer
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Jose Berenguer

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 21:33

First of all , I want to congratulate David Jundt by two very good races you have made, the truth that a very high pace and without mistakes. :clap:
For my part , I had pace to win both races but a sum of small errors , already committed since even before the race , coupled with the excellent performance of David , they made me stay in a good second place , but above all were two very fun and exciting races :top:

Antes de nada , quiero felicitar a David Jundt por las dos muy buenas carreras que realizó , la verdad que a un ritmo de  muy alto y sin cometer errores. :clap:
Yo por mi parte , tenia ritmo para poder ganar las dos carreras pero una suma de pequeños errores , que ya cometí desde antes incluso de la carrera, unido a la excelente actuación de David, me hicieron quedar en una buena segunda posición , pero ante todo fueron 2 carreras muy divertidas y emocionantes :top:
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jan 2016 - 23:03

Patrice Gibelin wrote:
Yannick Lampure wrote:
je suis vraiment désolé Patrice Embarassed Embarassed j'ai vraiment pas été bon la Crying or Very sad
j’espère que tu as pas trop cassée la voiture.
encore désolé.:doh:

Non, j'ai eu du bol  :D , j'ai tapé le mur avec les portières  :aie: . Du coup j'ai rien cassé, j'ai pu finir la course  :flag: .  Je freine souvent plus tôt que la moyenne (pédalier moisi) , des fois ça peut surprendre.
Pour avoir vu la scène en direct, tu as beaucoup de chance de t'en sortir Patrice. :D
Bon esprit les gars. :top:
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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]   Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th] - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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Round 1 - 24e Trofeo Mario Angiolini - Monza [Jan 20th]
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