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 NetKar Pro Racing

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4 posters
Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: NetKar Pro Racing   NetKar Pro Racing Icon_minitimeThu 8 May 2014 - 17:22

Just bought NetKar for a massive £2, I know it's a old game, well the original release is from a while back, Just wondered if any of you guys had an opinion on it?

Cheers  :top:
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Matthew Allington
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Matthew Allington

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NetKar Pro Racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: NetKar Pro Racing   NetKar Pro Racing Icon_minitimeFri 9 May 2014 - 6:33

I, personally, love this game, if for the open-wheel phtsics and the Trento Bondone hillclimb if nothing else! Razz

Assetto Corsa is basically a sequel to this thing - not a bad starting point :top: Just lacking in mods.
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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NetKar Pro Racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: NetKar Pro Racing   NetKar Pro Racing Icon_minitimeFri 9 May 2014 - 12:16

I think for physics, NkPro beats any game. But because the community is small, and there isn't much content, it is let down a bit.
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Richard Coxon
Racing Legend
Richard Coxon

Number of posts : 16590
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Location : Sheffield, England
Registration date : 2012-06-29

NetKar Pro Racing Empty
PostSubject: Re: NetKar Pro Racing   NetKar Pro Racing Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2014 - 23:27

Think my driver died in his last accident?  lol!

NetKar Pro Racing Nkscr_10
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Registration date : 2009-07-29

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PostSubject: Re: NetKar Pro Racing   NetKar Pro Racing Icon_minitimeMon 12 May 2014 - 23:30

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PostSubject: Re: NetKar Pro Racing   NetKar Pro Racing Icon_minitime

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