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 Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??

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4 posters
Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

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Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeWed 15 Apr 2009 - 15:55


Je crée ce post car je me pose quand même pas mal de question pour la config graphique de GTP

Mon PC est le suivant :
Athlon 2.8
Carte mere Asus A7V8X-X
1 gb RAM
Carte graphique radeon X1950pro 512 Mb

Je prends l'exemple de Jarama.
Toutes les ombres desactivées, sauf voiture. Detail voiture sur moyen. Vision 80%.
Tous les trucs habituel pour amelioré GTP sont déjà faits dans les fichier .ini
8 sons , 5 voitures devant, 2 derrière. Retroviseur sur moyen et volant actif.
Si je fait une course avec 15 AI, en partant derriere, j'ai entre 35 et 60 fps selon les endroit. Donc j'ai quand même un peu peur pour la course. C'est limite en paquet le cas échéant.
Ce que j'ai du mal à comprendre, c'est que j'ai les même fps en baissant la resolution et la config carte au minimum, ou bien en mettant une resolution haute et la carte à fond ! Exactement pareil au niveau fps !!

Il n'y a que si j'enlève le retro que j'ai quasiment 30 fps de plus partout affraid
Pas essayé avec le volant.

Donc je m'interroge vraiment. Est-ce que tout ce joue avec le processeur dans GTP ???. Là c'est comme si je peux de toute façon mettre ma carte à fond, et que je suis uniquement limité par le processeur.
La réponse à cette question est importante pour la courses en general, car je ne vois pas pourquoi je me priverai de chouettes graphiques et resolution puisque de toute maniere baisser les details graphiques de la cartes n'apporte rien au niveau fps.

Vous en pensez quoi ??

I have some question regarding the grafic configuration for GTP
My PC is the following
Athlon 2.8
Motherboard Asus A7V8X-X
1 gb RAM
Grafic card radeon X1950pro 512 Mb

I take for exeample Jarama
All the shaders off, only car on. Details car of middle. Vision 80%.
All the common tweaks for GTP already made (.ini ....)
8 sounds , 5 cars in front, 2 behind. Mirror of middle, wheel on.
If I make a race with 15 AIs, start from behind, I have between 35 and 60 fps depinding on the location on the track. I am a little afraid for saturday.
What I don't understand very good is that I have exactly the same fps with a small or big screen resolution. The same with minimal grafic configuration or full configuration (AA AF, ...) ! exactly the same for the fps !!

There is only one thing which could work. Mirrors. Without it, 30 more fps affraid
I didn't try with the wheel.

Is only the processor important with GTP ??? It seems that I just can push full options on my grafic card and that I am only limited by my processor. The question is important for the races, because I don't see why I should limit the grafics if it makes anything for improving the fps. Rolling Eyes

What do you think about that ?
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Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeWed 15 Apr 2009 - 16:41

Emmanuel Soriano wrote:

Ce que j'ai du mal à comprendre, c'est que j'ai les même fps en baissant la resolution et la config carte au minimum, ou bien en mettant une resolution haute et la carte à fond ! Exactement pareil au niveau fps !!

J'avais en gros le même souci que toi avant que je grille ma carte mère. Maintenant NR2003 passe impec (sauf que j'y joue plus :raclure: )
Par contre GPL j'ai + de saccades en online uniquement.
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009 - 20:32

Bof, 35 fps si c'est juste au départ c'est suffisant.
Si ça peut te rassurer j'en ai 15 de moins sur ces phases de courses; GTP est carrément plus gourmand que la Cup de NR03.
A voir les réglage anisotropique et anti aliasing de ta carte, faut les mettre au mini, c'est du luxe sinon.
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Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

Number of posts : 77
Age : 57
Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009 - 20:43

En fait, je pense que mon processeur bride ma carte.
Et j'ai lu quelque part que dans ce cas il ne faut pas hesiter à charger la config carte.
Paradoxalement ça soulage le processeur.

En fait chez moi, que je mette tout à fond ou pas, 10 ou 15 concurrents, c'est pareil à 2 ou 3 fps près.
Bizarre quand même.

Je ne suis pas certain d'avoir aussi les bonnes valeurs pour ma carte 512mb

A suivre.
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Thomas Cazorla
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Thomas Cazorla

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Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeFri 17 Apr 2009 - 20:59

Emmanuel Soriano wrote:
En fait, je pense que mon processeur bride ma carte.
Et j'ai lu quelque part que dans ce cas il ne faut pas hesiter à charger la config carte.
Paradoxalement ça soulage le processeur.

En fait chez moi, que je mette tout à fond ou pas, 10 ou 15 concurrents, c'est pareil à 2 ou 3 fps près.
Bizarre quand même.

A suivre.

Je pense aussi, j'avais eu le même pb y a 2 ans, je m'étais payé une carte puissante; tout à fond 25 fps et tout au mini 25fps scratch
Du coup je l'ai revendu et suis revenu sur ma vieille 9550 qui elle tout au mini me permet de facilement les dépasser ces 25fps.

Et j'avais un athlon 1800 à l'époque, là ça serait mieux avec mon 2200 geek

Donc pareil, je pense que c'est le proco qui travaille le plus, et donc qui est le plus important pour NR2003/GTP.
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Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

Number of posts : 77
Age : 57
Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeWed 22 Apr 2009 - 7:34

Salut .

Je poursuis par curiosité mes investigation graphique.
En fouinant un peu sur le net, j'ai trouvé des discussion concernant les pixel shaders et autre vertex shaders.


certains preconisent de modifier le player ini pour activer en quelque sorte les vertex.
De même, si on regarde les gains apporter par le dernier patch Nascar 2003, on a ce commentaire

When using the DirectX D3D renderer Car shadows can now be rendered using Shadow Volumes on hardware that supports Stencil Buffers. This feature allows for more realistic car shadows that can be cast on walls. This feature also eliminate the "double-dark" shadows that would be seen when multiple car shadows overlapped. To enable this new feature, you will need to manually edit your PLAYER.INI, changing default "0" to a "1" as shown below:

[Graphic Options]
enable_ShadowVolumes=1 ; set to 1 to enable shadow volumes

When using the DirectX D3D renderer multi-pass rendering can now be made more efficient on cards with advanced shader capabilities. To enable this new feature, you will need to manually edit your PLAYER.INI, changing default "0" to a "1" as shown below:

[Graphic Options]
enable_CarMegaShader=1 ; set to 1 to enable advanced shaders where applicable

Etant donné qu'on a tous des cartes avec shade 3.0 et directX 9, j'ai essayé hier soir sur Brands hatch et j'ai mis ces 2 options sur 1 .
Pas de gain fps (à vrai dire rien remarqué). Par contre, j'ai l'impression que les couleurs sont differentes. Plus belles. Un peu plus douce je dirai.
Je ne sais pas si c'est juste une impression, ou si effectivement un réel changement. J'essayerai de confirmer.
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Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

Number of posts : 77
Age : 57
Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeWed 2 Sep 2009 - 7:13

Hello everybody.

My GTP mod has been working very well and stable until for about one week (just before the Hockenheim race).

I have recently tried an update of my X1950pro drivers. It was not successful and I came back to the old one.
I also installed ATI tray tools instead of Conctrol center from ATI.
It works perfectly with all the games (Netkar pro +30 fps :banane: ), except the mod GTP.

My system seems to be unstable with this mod
I can load the track an do a training session almost 100% time. I say almost because sometimes the track just doesn't load and I have blackscreen, then a CTD (without error message).
When I try to do a race with AI, it depends on the track. About 50-70% of the time, I just can't load the track. Sometimes I can't start the qualification phase. And sometimes I can even do the race :frank:

I have tried that on tracks which were already used to race online and to train with AI without any problem .
I have NEVER had problems until now.
Particularly, I have big problems with spa GTP. The track seems to be very difficult to load, impossible with AI.
I don't know if I will have the problem online too. Hockenheim seems to work perfectly for racing with the AI .

I also try the "standard" tweaks for GTP, Texturesetsize and so on, different things on the .ini files, but it doesn't help.
It seems that every change makes it worser !! (paranoia ?? pale )

I feel desperate because I hate to deal with PC configuration.
Yesterday, I have deinstall ATI tray tool and reinstall my drivers with CCM.

Do you have some ideas ????????

Athlon 2.8 Ghz
Radeon X1950 pro
Catalyst 7.3+CCM
1 Giga Ram
1280x1024 (impossible to load the game with 1600x1200 ! ; for example, Netkar pro works 120fps with 1600x1200, AA6x, AF16X)
Windows XP SP2

My render_dxg.ini:

[3D Accelerator Analysis]
Vendor=Radeon X1950 Pro
Version=Product 6 Version 14.10 Build 6677
TextureSetSize=515899392 (same as gtp.ini)

Mx Gtp.ini

TextureSetSize=515899392 (calcul with GTP launcher)

LastSelectedSkin_GTN0=1 ChaD.gtn.car
LastSelectedSkin_GTN1=3 ChaA.gtn.car
LastSelectedSkin_GTN2=4 ChaC.gtn.car
LastSelectedSkin_GTN3=2 ChaB.gtn.car
LastSelectedSkin_GTP3=2 ChaB.gtp.car




my player.ini :

debris=1 ; Debris on or off
dirt=1 ; Dirt on or off
dust=1 ; Dust on or off
filtering_level=2 ; Bilinear, Trilinear, or Anisotropic
fog=0 ; Fog on or off
lightmaps=0 ; Lightmaps on or off
reflections_on_cars=0 ; Reflections on or off
reflections_on_structures=0 ; Reflections on or off
shadows=1 ; Shadows on or off
skid_marks=0 ; Skid marks on or off
smoke=1 ; Smoke on or off
sparks=1 ; Sparks on or off

animatedobjs=0 ; Animated Objects on or off
pitcrew=1 ; Animated Pit Crew on or off
steeringwheel=0 ; Animated Steering Wheel on or off
windshield=0 ; Windshield (+ buildup) on or off

[Graphic Options]
allow_setting_gamma=1 ; allow setting gamma and brightness
brightness=0 ; brightness adjustment [-50..50]
car_detail=2 ; 0=low, 1=med, 2=high
cockpitLookDeadZone=0.050000 ; 0-1 value for deadzone. 0 is no deadzone.
cockpitLookSmoothingTime=0.055556 ; Time value (secs) used in joystick smoothing
draw_ahead_distance=95 ; draw ahead distance [0..100]
draw_behind_distance=66 ; mirror draw distance [0..100]
enable_CarMegaShader=0 ; set to 1 to enable advanced shaders where applicable
enable_ShadowVolumes=0 ; set to 1 to enable shadow volumes
envmap_method=0 ; environment map rendering (0 = Hardware, 1 = Software)
field_of_view=65.001312 ; cockpit field of view, in degrees
force_no_DX_specular_effect=0 ; set to 1 to disable specular-only effect rendering
gamma=100 ; gamma correction [100..250]
lensfx=0 ; lens fx enabling
mirror_detail=1 ; 0=off, 1=low, 2=high
on_car_shadow_cockpit=0 ; 0/1 to disable/enable
on_car_shadow_disable_hw=0 ; set to 1 to disable HW optimization
on_car_shadow_max_lod=5 ; max lod of cars receiving on-car shadow
on_car_shadow_method=2 ; method of rendering on-car shadows (0 = disable, 1 = render world, 2 = render lightmaps)
on_car_shadow_min_lod=5 ; lod of cars rendered into on-car shadow
on_car_shadow_options=5 ; options (mathematically add values) for rendering on-car shadows (0 = none, 1 = object, 2 = cars, 4 = walls)
on_car_shadow_tex_height=512 ; texture height of on-car shadow texture
on_car_shadow_tex_res=128 ; texture resolution of on-car shadow texture
on_car_shadow_tex_width=256 ; texture width of on-car shadow texture
oppPitcrew_detail=0 ; 0=none, 1=low, 2=high
render_speed_weight=0 ; relative balance between speed & quality
texture_quality=100 ; texture quality [0..100], -1 for auto
track_lighting=0 ; enable track lighting
track_specular=0 ; enable track specular
trkspec_subd_maxdst=75.000000 ; max dist for subdivision
trkspec_subd_mindst=50.000000 ; min dist for subdivision
trkspec_subd_minres=1.000000 ; min resolution for subdivision
TSObject_level=2 ; 0=minimal, 1=some, 2=all
world_detail=2 ; affects relative balance between speed & quality, Mirror Objects, and TSO's

Last edited by Emmanuel Soriano on Wed 2 Sep 2009 - 7:33; edited 1 time in total
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Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

Number of posts : 77
Age : 57
Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeWed 2 Sep 2009 - 7:29

I forgot to say that I have the problems with different cars and player.ini.

Other thing, What do you have selected in your GTP launcher ? is the option "override Texturesetsize" unticle or ticle ?

Thanks for comments.
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Milt Minter Jr
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Milt Minter Jr

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Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeWed 2 Sep 2009 - 15:01

I have about the same system except for dual video cards..I turn off shadows off cars and reflections off structures..2 big grafix hogs!GL Dude! Twisted Evil
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Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

Number of posts : 77
Age : 57
Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeThu 3 Sep 2009 - 7:35

I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice.

But I have to say that until now I never had any problem, included with shadows from car to ground, different screen resolution and so on (excepted 1600x1200; don't work with nascar 2003 by me, same as GPL :hum: ) Maybe some inpact on the fps, but as my PC is limited by my proc and not the X1950pro, it doesn't make a lot of difference with or without candy effect. I have all the time about the same fps, beetween about 40 and 90 fps.

I have installed yesterday again my drivers after cleaning with driver cleaner.
And no installed ATi tray tools. => same configuration as before the problem.
I have to try that before everything. I hope it will work again.
AI is not the big problem. I just hope I could train and join the only real race, the online one :banane:
I really think that the game doesn't recognize my video ram or card possibility. It is not normal that the game crashes, as if the card was overloaded. I say that because I have check with ATI tray tools. In game, It remains about 430 Mb of video memory free of 512Mb ! It works exactly as if I had a 64mb or a 128mb old graphic card. I have change the Texturesetsize and everything, but it seems that the game don't use that, at least with races . And I have only 15 AIs, 5 cars front and 2 behind on the options, and not a full fied.

Nascar 2003 is definately very demanding in comparison with some more recent games.
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Emmanuel Soriano
Club Driver

Number of posts : 77
Age : 57
Location : Huningue / France
Registration date : 2008-11-17

Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ??   Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Icon_minitimeFri 4 Sep 2009 - 7:49

It seems to work again .

I have cleaned my old driver under safe boot, and then made a fresh installation of the driver again.
After that I have put Maxblocksize = Poolsize for 512Mb only (instead of 1Gb RAM) . I can race now also with the AI, just to check my fps for the race online.
I also have put the right numbers for video card 512Mb on Texturesetsize.
I can now select also the AA, AF, and so on.

I am not sure if ATI tray tools was involved or not. I will stay currently with the control center ATI.

I hope It will keep on working until the end of the season.
I hate Computers :jp:
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Conguration graphique GTP / Graphical configuration GTP ?? Empty
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