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 Funny and emotional

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Greg Hunt
Ben Paulet
Carl Larrad
Alberto Ibañez
Richard Coxon
Tiago Malafaya
10 posters
Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 1:20

Well, I know not all of you are football fans, but since I was inside it, I could never stop having an emotional or theorical side of it, specially in this kind of ocasions.

Portugal Cup: Benfica lost 0-1 against Porto in in 1st leg at Dragão Stadium ( I live very close to it  :doh: ) at March 26th

2nd leg (today): Benfica won 3-1 with 10 against 11 players after a player been shown the red card at 30' game.

Why I show you this: Benfica won 3-1 after a portuguese youngster scoring the benfica's 3rd goal, and me having been in football with youngsters, in this kind of situation (not everyone is Cristiano Ronaldo) scoring such an important goal and with such magic, is really the key for a career and to have someone to support you. I had to share it with you guys, since I might start with football again in a shorter time than I thought, and I couldn't stop a tear while watching this Smile 

BTW, just enjoy Platini's face at 0:57 after seeing a fan hugging the players (0:49). I bet he couldn't believe just how passionate we are  :clap: 

Well, here it is:


Last edited by Tiago Malafaya on Thu 17 Apr 2014 - 13:55; edited 1 time in total
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 9:54

What a fantsatic goal! The build up was epic and the Little flick over the defender was world class!

I know the feeling, My team (Sheffield United) was playing at Wembley at the weekend (FA Cup semi final, May have heard of it) Was fantastic seeing them on TV playing well and beating a Premiership team. (We are in the 3rd tier) That was until the 2nd half and they then went on to win 5-3, But all in all the passion felt in that room when we took the lead twice was fantastic.

Great video again though  :top: 
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

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PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 12:58

These claims by the TV are driving me crazy  :doh: 
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Richard Coxon
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Richard Coxon

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Registration date : 2012-06-29

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PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 13:49

Shocking  Evil or Very Mad 
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

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PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 13:55

Found a new one
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 14:27

I don't like soccer at all, but I know your feeling for that guy and I share it. It's great, it's so many things at a time ... rewarding those who trusted in you, prooving your own's worth, making happy so many people you share emotions with ...

Computers will never replace us, there's too much in our souls that can't be programmed into a machine  :top: 
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 15:55

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
I don't like soccer at all,

 Shocked you sound like an american
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
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Registration date : 2010-09-17

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 17:01

Well no, I reckon that I also don't like baseball, basket, american football, rugby, cricket, tennis or golf.

To be honest the only sports I like are just motorsports, sailing, fighting/martial arts and shooting :hihi: 
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 17 Apr 2014 - 18:28

I Support Chelsea seen them a couple of times including at Anfield which was amazing
but i've kind of fallen out of love with football ...

Its just obscene the amount of Money involved these days when you look at a Diva like Wayne Rooney his wages are just ridiculous no one is worth £300.000 a week ...

Credit where credit is due though i do believe that is a wonder goal Tiago Thanks for sharing ,he really takes it well , great ball control ,and what a stunning goal ...  :drink: 

I understand your passion and i do love to see young kids play football i think its great to see the game at grass roots level and i go and watch my nephews play reguarly ..
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 24 Apr 2014 - 20:08

Liverpool is my prefered team in UK.
Why Liverpool? 4 fabulous guys came from there. :D 
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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 24 Apr 2014 - 20:22

dont ton preferé Ringo  Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing 
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

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Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeFri 25 Apr 2014 - 0:16

Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Well no, I reckon that I also don't like baseball, basket, american football, rugby, cricket, tennis or golf.

To be honest the only sports I like are just motorsports, sailing, fighting/martial arts and shooting :hihi: 

Scores for likes:

Motor sports +5
MMA +2
Shooting +10
Sailing +0

Scores for dislikes

Soccer -0 out of pity
Baseball -0 we all understand over here.
Basket(ball) -2
Rugby -2
Cricket +10 again, we all understand over here...we did have multiple reasons for the War of Independence.
Tennis -2
Golf -2
American football -infinity (oh so much fail)

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Austin Johnson
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Austin Johnson

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Registration date : 2013-01-14

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeFri 25 Apr 2014 - 1:05

Mike Becnel wrote:
Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Well no, I reckon that I also don't like baseball, basket, american football, rugby, cricket, tennis or golf.

To be honest the only sports I like are just motorsports, sailing, fighting/martial arts and shooting :hihi: 

Scores for likes:

Motor sports +5
MMA +2
Shooting +10
Sailing +0

Scores for dislikes

Soccer -0 out of pity
Baseball -0 we all understand over here.
Basket(ball) -2
Rugby -2
Cricket +10 again, we all understand over here...we did have multiple reasons for the War of Independence.
Tennis -2
Golf -2
American football -infinity (oh so much fail)

Wtf football at the bottom, u trader lol. I dont understand why eveyone hates football, only till these recent years when all the old football players became broke and making bs alegations against the nfl. Then they started making wenie ass rules, but they all know when u strap on that helmit anything can happen. So yes its going towards the bottom but sailing i almost just fell asleep saying sailing  lol!
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeMon 28 Apr 2014 - 2:49

I love Football (U.S soccer) mostly since I started working on the football environment; always supported Benfica and all the portuguese around the world. I'm working again in football, this time with 9 year old kids and I'm glad I'm with them. I know see why there's so many youngsters with a lot of physical handicaps when reaching teen years ( don't know if I expressed myself the right way).

And to conclude, here's a video from a Benfica fan after conquering this year's title (sorry if I don't translate, basically he says that we lost everything last year at the last minute, but we could still believe them for this year, then we lost Eusébio who we thought would live forever ,and ended in a magical way, where we can win eveything this year).

Oh, and Richard, there's the video of that great goal of the youngster in much better quality Smile

Cheers guys

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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeMon 28 Apr 2014 - 22:10

Tiago Malafaya wrote:
I love Football (U.S soccer) mostly since I started working on the football environment; always supported Benfica and all the portuguese around the world.

I don't support Benfica but happy to see what they did to Juve last Thursday  lol! 
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Tiago Malafaya
Racing Legend
Tiago Malafaya

Number of posts : 3384
Age : 47
Location : Porto, Portugal
Registration date : 2008-10-05

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2014 - 0:39

Alessio Campigotto wrote:
I don't support Benfica but happy to see what they did to Juve last Thursday  lol! 

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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeWed 30 Apr 2014 - 3:14

Austin Johnson wrote:
Mike Becnel wrote:
Alberto Ibañez wrote:
Well no, I reckon that I also don't like baseball, basket, american football, rugby, cricket, tennis or golf.

To be honest the only sports I like are just motorsports, sailing, fighting/martial arts and shooting :hihi: 

Scores for likes:

Motor sports +5
MMA +2
Shooting +10
Sailing +0

Scores for dislikes

Soccer -0 out of pity
Baseball -0 we all understand over here.
Basket(ball) -2
Rugby -2
Cricket +10 again, we all understand over here...we did have multiple reasons for the War of Independence.
Tennis -2
Golf -2
American football -infinity (oh so much fail)

Wtf football at the bottom, u trader lol. I dont understand why eveyone hates football, only till these recent years when all the old football players became broke and making bs alegations against the nfl. Then they started making wenie ass rules, but they all know when u strap on that helmit anything can happen. So yes its going towards the bottom but sailing i almost just fell asleep saying sailing  lol!

I am giving HIM a - infinity score dipstick!!  lol! 

I loooooove 'merican football.

Edit: for the easily offended "dipstick" is a perfectly legal jab on any car related site. Ashtrayhole also usually acceptable  Razz 
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Funny and emotional Empty
PostSubject: Re: Funny and emotional   Funny and emotional Icon_minitimeThu 1 May 2014 - 21:46

I think someone just shat his pants :hihi: 
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