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 Funny motorsports quotes

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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

Number of posts : 16788
Age : 121
Location : International Simracing Organisation
Registration date : 2010-09-17

Funny motorsports quotes Empty
PostSubject: Funny motorsports quotes   Funny motorsports quotes Icon_minitimeSat 1 Feb 2014 - 14:36

I am currently reading Bobby Unser's biography and had to laugh at some things he tells, so I though I could share some really funny quotes (I'm using one already on my sig, by Andretti) and see what others you guys know.

Here's what Unser comments about his difficult beginnings, while he was driving for Van Liew and trying really hard:

"In a three day period ... I wrecked a sprint car on saturday night; crash landed my airplane and turned over the tractor I was using to pull a water tower off the landing strip; and monday morning broke a stub axle on Van Liew's newest car and hit the wall and demolished that sumbitch too. Then I flew home, commercially"

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