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 1974 IMSA - Entry List

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Austin Johnson
Ghovand Keanie
Jimmy Dion
Sergio Mengual
Osni Kniess
Mateusz Wasiñski
Maciej Pasnicki
Josh Noack
Stephane Pras
Ruben Freitas
Mick Chapman
Jean-Marie Placais
James Knowles
Samy Hamlaoui
Thomas Cazorla
Yves Plaçais
Diego Dário
Gérard Ryon
Guillaume Siebert
Antoine de Mautor
Jean-François Bovy
Jens Kraft
finally gone :)
Carl Larrad
Cyril Derkir
Tiago Malafaya
Glenn Corliss
Jason White
Philippe Martinelli
Vincent Beretta
Richard Coxon
Patrick Marucco
Alberto Ibañez
Mike Becnel
Greg Hunt
Frank Verplanken
Martin Audran
Ben Paulet
42 posters
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Registration date : 2012-06-24

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 14:38

Mick Chapman wrote:
Jens Kraft wrote:
cant find a teammate. still asking around but no driver is active anymore xD

the one we raced 3 years ago put it into the loop and says he aint good at rF. wah!

I'll be your team mate if you be mine. Watch my paint job though Smile

Jens cannot drive in the SCCA Capri. He is too fast for it.
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 14:53

Hmm there is no restriction on the Capri RS 2600 so Jens can drive it I think Wink
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Mike Becnel
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Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Registration date : 2012-06-24

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 15:15

Frank Verplanken wrote:
Hmm there is no restriction on the Capri RS 2600 so Jens can drive it I think Wink

OK - restriction lifted. Have at it Jens.
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Mick Chapman
Pro Driver
Mick Chapman

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1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 20:30

Oh dear, what have I done now?

I drive Capri in SCCA, and Porsche in IMSA. I intended driving Porsche at Atlanta. Am I going to have to purchase a tow hitch? Or are you saying, he can borrow my Capri for Atlanta? Not that would help his problem. A crate of Red Bull most probably would. I was joking though, about helping him out on this occasion. He dragged me into this mess, he should have asked me then :)I dont think my tiny brain could cope with driver change procedure. I struggled just finding the server (forgot to update multiplayer.ini when correcting my player profile)
Have I created conflict of interest already?

Edit-Sorry folks, I just found thread regarding IMSA/SCCA cars racing at same track. If I understand them correctly, I might consider taking my SCCA capri, as I had lots of fun in it at Texas. To be honest, I dont realy want Jens Kraft anywhere near my cars as I hear he can a bit messy (crisp packet, McDonalds packaging, beer cans etc)
I will have to be more careful what I say in future. Trying to het worms back inthe can is messy
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:10

At Road Atlanta Mick you can drive either of your two cars or even the two cars. Only the SCCA one will give you SCCA points, but both cars can score in the IMSA GT Challenge Wink
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Registration date : 2008-12-15

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:18

Finalement, je vais rendre ma 914, c'est pas raisonnable de monopoliser une voiture pour ne faire que la moitié du championnat. Mais j'espère pouvoir en récupérer une pour les courses courtes.
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:21

Vincent Beretta wrote:
Finalement, je vais rendre ma 914, c'est pas raisonnable de monopoliser une voiture pour ne faire que la moitié du championnat. Mais j'espère pouvoir en récupérer une pour les courses courtes.
Je te la laisse pour le moment, elle ne manquera à personne. Y'en a déjà une autre de libre. :frank: 
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Vincent Beretta
Racing Legend
Vincent Beretta

Number of posts : 1398
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Registration date : 2008-12-15

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeMon 13 Jan 2014 - 21:38

Ben Paulet wrote:
Vincent Beretta wrote:
Finalement, je vais rendre ma 914, c'est pas raisonnable de monopoliser une voiture pour ne faire que la moitié du championnat. Mais j'espère pouvoir en récupérer une pour les courses courtes.
Je te la laisse pour le moment, elle ne manquera à personne. Y'en a déjà une autre de libre. :frank: 
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 14 Jan 2014 - 20:53

Jens - I have deleted your last two very confusing posts, in the hope that you will read and understand the rules after having come to your senses...

There is only one 6-hours race Sunday  Rolling Eyes 
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Maciej Pasnicki
Maciej Pasnicki

Number of posts : 10
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Registration date : 2011-12-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 14 Jan 2014 - 22:14

Hi all

ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm ‘70
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Mateusz Wasiñski
Mateusz Wasiñski

Number of posts : 38
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Registration date : 2013-05-08

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 14 Jan 2014 - 23:21

Salut !

Please Porsche 911 2,5 ST #32

Mateusz Wasiñski / Adrian Majewski.
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 14 Jan 2014 - 23:34

Maciej Pasnicki wrote:
Hi all

ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm ‘70
Ok, #35 is yours.
Mateusz Wasiński wrote:
Salut !

Please Porsche 911 2,5 ST #32

Mateusz Wasiñski / Adrian Majewski.
Sorry but there isn't #32, there are #31 or #20?

P.S : there is an HSO addon, you can get here : 1974 IMSA Rules
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Mateusz Wasiñski
Mateusz Wasiñski

Number of posts : 38
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Location : Poland
Registration date : 2013-05-08

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeTue 14 Jan 2014 - 23:59

Look on the game, is 32 in addon, not 31
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 15 Jan 2014 - 0:49

Mateusz Wasiński wrote:
Look on the game, is 32  in addon, not 31
Sorry, you're right.  :D
So #32 is yours.
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Osni Kniess
Osni Kniess

Number of posts : 44
Age : 50
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2011-12-06

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 15 Jan 2014 - 19:59

I am looking for a driver to run with me in '72 Porsche 911ST 2.5. # 80.

My old partner, Diego Dario can not participate in this championship.
Thus, there is a free seat in this car.

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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeWed 15 Jan 2014 - 22:25

Osni Kniess wrote:
I am looking for a driver to run with me in '72 Porsche 911ST 2.5. # 80.

My old partner, Diego Dario can not participate in this championship.
Thus, there is a free seat in this car.

Try to pm Leo Menegucci, Thiago Lemos, they're brazilians too, and maybe interest for an IMSA race.
There's also Laurent Binet, he owns a 911 st 2.5 too.
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Sergio Mengual
Club Driver
Sergio Mengual

Number of posts : 72
Age : 55
Location : Barcelona
Registration date : 2013-08-26

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 16 Jan 2014 - 4:58

Hi all and salut, it's possible to take a :

ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm ‘70

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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
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Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 16 Jan 2014 - 5:01

Osni Kniess wrote:
I am looking for a driver to run with me in '72 Porsche 911ST 2.5. # 80.

My old partner, Diego Dario can not participate in this championship.
Thus, there is a free seat in this car.

Osni, I recommend you PM Austin Johnson. He is extremely fast. He won SCCA race 1 Sedan B by a full lap.
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Osni Kniess
Osni Kniess

Number of posts : 44
Age : 50
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2011-12-06

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 16 Jan 2014 - 11:15

Thanks for the tips, Ben and Mike, I will contact them immediately!

Best regards,

Kniess, Osni
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Osni Kniess
Osni Kniess

Number of posts : 44
Age : 50
Location : Brazil
Registration date : 2011-12-06

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 16 Jan 2014 - 18:50

Please, can put the pilot Austin Johnson along with me in the car '72 Porsche 911ST 2.5. # 80, replacing the driver Diego Dario.

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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeThu 16 Jan 2014 - 20:05

Osni Kniess wrote:
Please, can put the pilot Austin Johnson along with me in the car '72 Porsche 911ST 2.5. # 80, replacing the driver Diego Dario.

Happy that you find a teammate for the race.  :top: 
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Jens Kraft
Experienced Driver
Jens Kraft

Number of posts : 385
Age : 41
Location : Ruhr District, Germany
Registration date : 2010-01-31

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Jan 2014 - 10:04


My Porsche 914 is free (its a quick car, look at the photo) #370.

i would also drive alone all the race, because i felt comfortable with the car.
i have offset a spline and have pain in the back, meaning that i can barely sit at the moment.

you can drive my car and also drive it with a teammate. i can try to help out, but i cannot guarantee i can drive at all or some laps.


i have a "perfect" setup for my taste and was looking forward to the race!
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Jimmy Dion
Jimmy Dion

Number of posts : 6
Age : 33
Location : France
Registration date : 2011-12-18

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Jan 2014 - 16:51

Encore possible de s'inscrire ou pas svp ?
Juste pour mon plaisir Wink soit sur la Porsche 2.5 #20 soit sur la 2002 Tii #202
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Ghovand Keanie
Ghovand Keanie

Number of posts : 45
Age : 28
Location : Amsterdam
Registration date : 2012-11-27

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Jan 2014 - 16:59

ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm ‘70
#27 Ghovand Keanie
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1974 IMSA - Entry List   1974 IMSA - Entry List - Page 4 Icon_minitimeSat 18 Jan 2014 - 19:42

Jimmy Dion wrote:
Encore possible de s'inscrire ou pas svp ?
Juste pour mon plaisir ;)soit sur la Porsche 2.5 #20 soit sur la 2002 Tii #202
Il est encore temps de s'inscrire, bien sûr. La Porsche 2.5 #20 est à toi.  Very Happy

Ghovand Keanie wrote:
ALFA-Romeo 2000 GTAm ‘70
#27 Ghovand Keanie
Ok, it's yours.
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