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 1976 SA Atlantic - Schedule

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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
Age : 49
Location : Nice, France
Registration date : 2008-09-08

1976 SA Atlantic - Schedule Empty
PostSubject: 1976 SA Atlantic - Schedule   1976 SA Atlantic - Schedule Icon_minitimeFri 6 Dec 2013 - 17:40


Each track will be made available for download in the relevant race topic.

#MapDate Event Circuit Distance
11976 SA Atlantic - Schedule KillarneyJan 8Cape South Easter TrophyKillarney40 laps
21976 SA Atlantic - Schedule LourencoJan 22Taça Governador GeneralLourenço Marques40 laps
31976 SA Atlantic - Schedule AldoFeb 5Scribante Summer RacesAldo Scribante50 laps
41976 SA Atlantic - Schedule RoyheskFeb 26Coronation 100Roy Hesketh42 laps
51976 SA Atlantic - Schedule EastlondonMar 12Cape Winter TrophyEast London35 laps
61976 SA Atlantic - Schedule KyalamiApr 2SA Republic Day TrophyKyalami32 laps
71976 SA Atlantic - Schedule KyalamiApr 23Rand Winter TrophyKyalami32 laps
81976 SA Atlantic - Schedule RoyheskMay 14Natal Spring TrophyRoy Hesketh42 laps
91976 SA Atlantic - Schedule KyalamiJune 4Rand Spring TrophyKyalami32 laps
101976 SA Atlantic - Schedule KillarneyJune 18False Bay 100Killarney40 laps
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1976 SA Atlantic - Schedule
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