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 1987 Kyalami Sportscar Sprint [May 5th]

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Sven de Vries
Simon Wattman
Jason White
David Jaques
Jorge Alonso
Alberto Ibañez
Mark Holdampf
Paul Nadeau
Ben Paulet
Yves Plaçais
Gérard Ryon
Jean-louis Petillot
Hervé Sabathé
Ruben Freitas
Jean-François Bovy
Daniel Gomez
Nicola Musolino
Damian Baldi
Michael Labelle
Jukka Närhi
Arnaud Plum
Vito Boffa
Martin Audran
Francis Houard
Greg Hunt
Frank Verplanken
Samuli Leinonen
Tom Mountjoy
Richard Coxon
Bernard Jeanmart
Jonatan Acerclinth
Mike Becnel
Carl Larrad
Antoine de Mautor
Mike Bishop
David Jundt
Imre Bende
Ricard Suanya
Tiago Malafaya
Jean-Marie Placais
Joel Sixou
Alessio Campigotto
Guillaume Siebert
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Mike Becnel
Racing Legend
Mike Becnel

Number of posts : 4741
Age : 56
Location : Sugar Land, TX, USA
Registration date : 2012-06-24

1987 Kyalami Sportscar Sprint [May 5th] - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1987 Kyalami Sportscar Sprint [May 5th]   1987 Kyalami Sportscar Sprint [May 5th] - Page 8 Icon_minitimeSun 19 May 2013 - 19:40

Yes, it was a turbo. No pop off valve but it was electronically top end limited. I must add the owner cranked the wings to max downforce. The front wing made little con trails like you see on an jumbo jet taking off. It was pretty cool.

1987 Kyalami Sportscar Sprint [May 5th] - Page 8 458
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1987 Kyalami Sportscar Sprint [May 5th]
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