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 Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]

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Carl Larrad
Frank Verplanken
Jean-François Bovy
Ludovic Tagli
Greg Hunt
Vincent Beretta
Gérard Ryon
Arnaud Plum
Laurent Binet
Philippe Marot
Yves Plaçais
Yannick Lampure
Jonatan Acerclinth
Christian Bergmann
Alessio Campigotto
David Jundt
Guillaume Siebert
Patrick Marucco
Jon Lasa
Ole Marius Myrvold
Dave Miller
Philippe Bousquet
Giuseppe Scaccia
Peter Blom
Antoine de Mautor
Joel Sixou
Ben Paulet
31 posters
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:08

Had an awesome first 4 laps battle with Carl, Franck and Ben before I ran wide trying to brake later than Franck. Thanks for slowing down Franck, was really cool of you to do that but unfortunately it cost you a position to Phillipe I think. I saw you had slowed down for me, and I wanted to let you back past me so I took a wide line and ran myself off the circuit :doh: Then spun into the first corner, and I sort of gave up from there. In the next 2 laps I spun each time at the entrance to the Stadium so I gave up.

On a different situation, I spent the entire first lap with the driver behind me flashing his lights? Why??? I think it was Phillipe Bousquets, I'm not sure, but it really irritated me for the whole way round until you finally stopped...
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Jean-François Bovy
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Jean-François Bovy

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Registration date : 2008-09-20

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:27

j'ai bien fait d'accourir, c'était simplement excellent
merci Philippe et Ludo pour l'arsouille
et une découverte: Hockenheim en poussette
je reviendrai, thanks HSO :top:
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Arnaud Plum
Club Driver
Arnaud Plum

Number of posts : 109
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Location : Bruxelles
Registration date : 2011-03-19

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:31

Sorry for my 180° in the beginning of lap 3, from my point of view, nobody was coming in the way but I've realised soon after that it was because my connection was lagging just at that time. Suspect

As you can see, it's only at the end of the video that the cars are re-appearing again. Hope that nobody suffer from my "blind" move. Neutral

My race was blasted after the push by Philippe. Sad At least, I've managed to pass the line one time with the lead...

And sorry for the message in the chat, I was trying to shut down my engine in the pit but it appears that my button is'nt assignated the same way that with my rFactor EIIC installation.
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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Registration date : 2009-08-08

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:56

TC1, qualification correcte mais je n'arrive pas à faire un départ correct avec l'escort résultat je me fais doubler de partout. Ensuite, bah j'ai léon blum qui m'envoie dans l'herbe dans le grand droit du bout. Le temps de repartir je suis loin mais ca va me donner l'occasion de batailler avec Phillipe Martinelli. Mon dieu que sa voiture est large !! Je dis ça en plaisantant car je sais que c'est un pilote fairplay mais ce fût compliqué de le doubler Smile A un moment, on a même fait du nascar pare choc contre par choc moi à l'aspi Smile J'ai du le doubler puis j'ai fait une erreur, il est repassé, je ne l'ai jamais revu mais j'ai encore bataillé avec quelqu'un c'était fun. Je ne sais même pas combien je finis, peu importe

TC3: L"afla 1.6 ou la voiture qui ne tourne pas ! J'étais qualifié 9ème quand je rate la première chicane dans le dernier tour de qualif et comme un idiot, je passe la ligne en ayant gagné 2.5 sec sur mon temps précédent, je suis qualif 4ème je crois. J'ai demandé à ben de me déclasser mais finalement on est parti comme ça. Je n'ai de toute façon profité de rien car la encore, je n'arrive pas à démarrer correctement, de 4 je me retrouve 9 ou 10 au premier virage.

Ensuite, une belle bataille mais je ne sais plus avec qui Smile puis avec Yves sur lequel j'ai eu du mal à revenir. Finalement je le double et je crois qu'il se sort en voulant m'éviter dans la seconde chicane alors que j'étais en train de perdre le contrôle. Désolé. Et tout d'un coup, je regarde le classement, je suis 4ème derrière guillaume qui est loin. Et puis guillaume abandonne, il reste 6 tours, j'ai 14 sec d'avance sur ben mais 25 de retard sur JP, il me reste donc à éviter les erreurs.

Chose faite, premier podium de ma brillante carrière chez HSO Smile Ca y est je suis un star !!

En résumé, soirée sympa.
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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:57

Peter your screen are splendid :top:
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Yves Plaçais
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Yves Plaçais

Number of posts : 1981
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Registration date : 2008-12-18

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeWed 27 Mar 2013 - 23:59

Laurent Binet wrote:

Ensuite, une belle bataille mais je ne sais plus avec qui Smile puis avec Yves sur lequel j'ai eu du mal à revenir. Finalement je le double et je crois qu'il se sort en voulant m'éviter dans la seconde chicane alors que j'étais en train de perdre le contrôle. Désolé.

Pas de problème, je me suis trop amusé ce soir au volant de cette Abarth, au milieu des Alfas !

Et comment j'ai enrhumé la deuxième ligne au départ ! Hi, hi, hi ! :jp:
Bon, ça a pas duré longtemps, mais c'était bon, ce départ !

Last edited by Yves Plaçais on Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 1:17; edited 1 time in total
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Philippe Bousquet
Club Driver
Philippe Bousquet

Number of posts : 143
Age : 51
Location : Albi france
Registration date : 2010-06-15

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 0:00

Arnaud Plum wrote:

My race was blasted after the push by Philippe. Sad At least, I've managed to pass the line one time with the lead...

And sorry for the message in the chat, I was trying to shut down my engine in the pit but it appears that my button is'nt assignated the same way that with my rFactor EIIC installation.

Désolé Arnaud si je t'ai poussé. Embarassed
Moi dans ma voiture je n'ai absolument pas senti que je t'avais taper et il n'y avais aucuns dégats. Surprised
Je me suis juste décalé a l'interieur car tu m'a surpris au freinage, mais si j'avais su que je t'avais poussé, je t'aurais attendu.
Par conséquent, si j'ai commis une erreur, je veut bien être déclassé. (replay a regardé).
De toute façon, c'est bien dommage car on aurais pu faire une belle course tous les deux

A part ça, super soirée avec un début de première course terrible avec Franck, Arnaud et Peter. :top:

La deuxième course était tout simplement excellente avec David et sa mini qui m'a pas laché jusqu'a l'arrivée. :clap:
On fini côte a côte.

Bravo a tous et merci pour l'organisation.

Last edited by Philippe Bousquet on Thu 28 Mar 2013 - 12:45; edited 1 time in total
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Frank Verplanken
League Owner
Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 0:11

Results and standings are updated on the website. :frank:
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

Number of posts : 6751
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Registration date : 2008-12-20

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 0:14

1st race
Was SOooooo Boring i nearly fell asleep and then i see one of the quicker cars come out of the pits i could see he was faster than me so i wait for him to pass but then he BumpDraft me and i c*** myself ...Nice Kiss Gui affraid lol! The bigger Alfa handles really nice but is so slow At Hockenhiem .... Sleep Sleep

2nd Race
I was happy to get into Top 10 for qualifying and had an awesome race it was so different to the 1st one there was exciting action for the whole race ... Had 4 or 5 great laps with Alessio, until his problem and then spent some close laps with Larent and Ben but most of the race i was chasing Ben he was faster but seemed to struggle with the handling more .... Was surprised to see Yves towards the end of the race he was unlucky and was doing a great job in the Fiat i think he made a mistake and me and Ben sneaked through into 4th and 5th ... Towards the end i tried really hard to keep up with Ben but was really struggling for grip Yves was closing really fast and i was worried i was going to lose my 5th place and then i see in my mirrors that Yves rolled His Fiat going into the stadium ...

I Concentrated on catching Ben once more and realised i had very little fuel left i had to slow to nearly a crawl and i had 1 L of fuel left as i crossed the line ... So Really Happy with 5th ... :banane:

THX Ben ,Yves ,Laurent,Alessio for a really nice race :drink:
Well Done Philippe and JP ..Thx HSO and congrats all finishers :champ:
Well Done to Laurent for his 1st Podium finish :champ:
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Giuseppe Scaccia
Experienced Driver
Giuseppe Scaccia

Number of posts : 236
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Registration date : 2012-09-30

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 12:46

Alessio Campigotto wrote:
I spent the entire first lap with the driver behind me flashing his lights? Why??? I think it was Phillipe Bousquets, I'm not sure, but it really irritated me for the whole way round until you finally stopped...

Same situation happened to me with a Mini behind Suspect

I never use lights...others always do this

Sorry Simon for contact from behind...my fault...wrong braking..accept my apologizes
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Philippe Bousquet
Club Driver
Philippe Bousquet

Number of posts : 143
Age : 51
Location : Albi france
Registration date : 2010-06-15

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 13:20


Je viens de regarder le replay de la première course et je présente a nouveau toutes mes excuses a Arnaud car effectivement je l'ai carrément éjecté de la piste.
Sincèrement lors de la course je m'en suis pas aperçu.
J'assume l'entière responsabilité de mon erreur et j'attend les sanctions.

Alessio Campigotto wrote:
Had an awesome first 4 laps battle with Carl, Franck and Ben before I ran wide trying to brake later than Franck. Thanks for slowing down Franck, was really cool of you to do that but unfortunately it cost you a position to Phillipe I think. I saw you had slowed down for me, and I wanted to let you back past me so I took a wide line and ran myself off the circuit :doh: Then spun into the first corner, and I sort of gave up from there. In the next 2 laps I spun each time at the entrance to the Stadium so I gave up.

On a different situation, I spent the entire first lap with the driver behind me flashing his lights? Why??? I think it was Phillipe Bousquets, I'm not sure, but it really irritated me for the whole way round until you finally stopped...

Non, Alessio ce n'était pas moi.
Je ne fait jamais d'appel de phare en continu pendant une course.
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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
Age : 50
Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 13:41

2 bonnes petites courses pour ma part. La première en tant que chasseur, et la deuxième en tant que chassé, et jamais plus de 2-3 sec d'écart.
J'ai du faire les 10 premiers tours de la course TC1 derrière Peter Blom. Mais je n'ai pas réussi à lui ravir sa place. On a fait un passage assez chaud dans notre dernier tour à la chicane, mais il est resté devant.
Nice job Peter, it was hot in our last lap at the first chicane. :D
Pour la 2ème course TC3, c'est Carlito qui reprenait mon rôle de la première course. Et comme Peter, je n'allais pas craqué jusqu'à la ligne franchie.
No Carl, you won't overtake me. :D

Bravo Philou pour ta P6 au général et P3 en TC1 dans la première course, ça me ravit. Very Happy
Bravo Laurent pour ton premier podium. :top:

Pour ce qui est des sanctions, Philippe, je regarderai ça. Et je demanderai l'avis d'Arnaud, si d'ailleurs tu peux me faire par de ta réaction par mp, c'est cool.
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Philippe Martinelli
Racing Legend

Number of posts : 1079
Age : 69
Location : Beausoleil, France
Registration date : 2008-12-13

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 14:37

Mardi dernier je ne pensais pas pouvoir m'amuser sur ce mod et avec cette voiture, Ben le sait bien, nous en avions parlé...

Et puis des réglages de setup appropriés ont rendus la voiture moins incontrôlable et comme ce circuit avantage beaucoup mon moteur, j'ai pu prendre du plaisir dans la course 1 de la soirée.

C'est vrai Laurent, la Capri est large... Laughing et c'est aussi grâce à son moteur que je t'ai contenu... Merci pour ton bon esprit Wink

Comme je n'ai pas fait de faute j'ai aussi réussi a ennuier JP toute la course avec mes 20km/h de plus en ligne droite sur son Alfa... Merci à toi aussi c'était très sympa Wink

Dans la course 2 c'était moins facile. Belle bagarre avec Jieffe au début de course qui finit par me lâcher avec sa Mini.
Puis un accrochage avec une Abarth, je ne sais plus à qui... Mais je ne peux l'éviter dans la première chicane et on passe de longs moments aux stands pour réparer et repartir bien loin... Pas grâve on fait tous des erreurs.

Merci Ben pour tes encouragements (c'est toi qui m'a motivé pour courir hier soir) et bravo pour tes deux courses :top:
Si çà se trouve on va finir par l'aimer ce mod... :hihi:

Bravo aux vainqueurs et aux podiums :top:

Merci HSO Very Happy
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finally gone :)
Racing Legend

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 15:10

Héhé oui, c'était bien sympa en effet :top: Tu as sauvé ma course de l'ennui, j'avais perdu le peloton de devant en roulant un peu n'importe comment, sachant que je voulais assurer des points en attendant la course TC3. Et on a presque eu une arrivée côte à côte :D
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 16:11

Giuseppe Scaccia wrote:
Alessio Campigotto wrote:
I spent the entire first lap with the driver behind me flashing his lights? Why??? I think it was Phillipe Bousquets, I'm not sure, but it really irritated me for the whole way round until you finally stopped...

Same situation happened to me with a Mini behind Suspect

That was me. But why are you surprised? You forced me onto the grass when I was alongside!

You were holding me up even though I was driving a Mini, especially in the few corners.

And then you blew your engine...

Sorry if that was harsh on you, but with the Mini, I have to rely on braking late for the chicanes and take them as fast as possible to even out the straights Sad

I had some fun yesterday though. Couldn't get an overall podium because I spun once too much in R1, but 4th isn't bad. I barely managed to beat Christian over the line.

But nobody able to challenge Philippe, not even the TC1 cars Shocked Maybe we should secretly add some weight to his car :jp:

R2: Qualified 10th with the Mini, but I was soon overtaken left and right by Fiats and Alfas, some if which spun soon enough though. As mentioned above, I had to battle Mr Scaccia, who held me up(!) with his more powerful Alfa.

I went through when the engine of the Alfa blew, and later started an awesome battle with Mr Bousquets, who's actually not as frightening if you battle him in similiar car! Razz

We were bumper to bumper in the last few laps, exchanging some paint while I used his slipstream on the straights to keep up, I even managed to pass him but his superior top speed allowed him to overtake me each time again Sad

In the end, we were side by side on the finish and he beat me by 0.003 of a second! affraid

Oh btw, Philippe, c'est pour toi:

DRM Escort(MKII):

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 5147518737_13360878fd
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Giuseppe Scaccia
Experienced Driver
Giuseppe Scaccia

Number of posts : 236
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Location : Italy
Registration date : 2012-09-30

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 17:00

David Jundt wrote:
Giuseppe Scaccia wrote:
Alessio Campigotto wrote:
I spent the entire first lap with the driver behind me flashing his lights? Why??? I think it was Phillipe Bousquets, I'm not sure, but it really irritated me for the whole way round until you finally stopped...

Same situation happened to me with a Mini behind Suspect

That was me. But why are you surprised? You forced me onto the grass when I was alongside!

You were holding me up even though I was driving a Mini, especially in the few corners.

And then you blew your engine...

Sorry if that was harsh on you, but with the Mini, I have to rely on braking late for the chicanes and take them as fast as possible to even out the straights Sad

R2: Qualified 10th with the Mini, but I was soon overtaken left and right by Fiats and Alfas, some if which spun soon enough though. As mentioned above, I had to battle Mr Scaccia, who held me up(!) with his more powerful Alfa

With car like Alfa or Camaro always in sliding it is so simple to talk saying "you forced me"...unfortunately this situation is the same in every corner...it seems so strange to see you surprised.Everybody knows that these things in race happens but it is so useless to flash lights in every corner every single minute.That is no good.Can happens one time not always.
Hso's community knows that i'm a fair driver and after every race i apologizes to everyone if i caused a contact e and i do the same thing with you if you think i was uncorrect but i dont't think so.
The Alfa is true that is powerful but also the heavyest...i was thinking in this track that there were more differences of performances but if a faster driver like you drives a Mini and a slower like me drive the Alfa is not a surprise if we made similar timelaps...


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Ben Paulet
Racing Legend
Ben Paulet

Number of posts : 8291
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Location : Cagnes sur mer France
Registration date : 2009-07-29

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 17:11

Philippe Martinelli wrote:

Si çà se trouve on va finir par l'aimer ce mod... :hihi:

T'enflammes pas quand même. :D
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Laurent Binet
Pro Driver
Laurent Binet

Number of posts : 718
Age : 35
Location : paris
Registration date : 2009-08-08

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 17:29

David Jundt wrote:
Giuseppe Scaccia wrote:
Alessio Campigotto wrote:
I spent the entire first lap with the driver behind me flashing his lights? Why??? I think it was Phillipe Bousquets, I'm not sure, but it really irritated me for the whole way round until you finally stopped...

Same situation happened to me with a Mini behind Suspect

That was me. But why are you surprised? You forced me onto the grass when I was alongside!

You were holding me up even though I was driving a Mini, especially in the few corners.

And then you blew your engine...

Sorry if that was harsh on you, but with the Mini, I have to rely on braking late for the chicanes and take them as fast as possible to even out the straights Sad

Well, using lights should be restricted to cars overlaping. If you use your lights to tell the guy in front on you that he is slow, just overtake him ... Using your lights will have only one consequence, you'll make your opponent angry, he's gonna fight harder and will close the door everytime he can. If you are faster, you dont need your lights. And if you cant overtake, it means you are not faster than your opponent

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David Jundt
Racing Legend
David Jundt

Number of posts : 2647
Age : 35
Location : Binningen, Switzerland
Registration date : 2012-07-14

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 17:41

Giuseppe Scaccia wrote:

With car like Alfa or Camaro always in sliding it is so simple to talk saying "you forced me"...unfortunately this situation is the same in every corner...it seems so strange to see you surprised.Everybody knows that these things in race happens but it is so useless to flash lights in every corner every single minute.That is no good.Can happens one time not always.
Hso's community knows that i'm a fair driver and after every race i apologizes to everyone if i caused a contact e and i do the same thing with you if you think i was uncorrect but i dont't think so.
The Alfa is true that is powerful but also the heavyest...i was thinking in this track that there were more differences of performances but if a faster driver like you drives a Mini and a slower like me drive the Alfa is not a surprise if we made similar timelaps...


1. I know that the Alfa is harder to drive than a Mini with FWD. But after the first chicane, you ran all the way to the left and forced me onto the grass. You can't have had so much wheel spin... especially in 2nd or 3rd gear? scratch And to me, an Alfa is much lighter than a Camaro or Mustang.

2. I didn't flash every corner. That's just not true.

3. I am a fair driver aswell. I could have tried to "knock on your door" but I didn't. Bump drafting wasn't possible with you as I could only have given you an inital bump but then I'd have lost any slipstream I could have got.

4. I tested both cars. I didn't like the Alfa that much. But even though I am not used to FWD, it felt better to control at least Smile

Also, my father owns a Mini Automatic so I have my reason for driving the Mini.

@Laurent: I flashed because of the incident after the chicane, not because he was slower.

And your theory of "if you can't overtake then you are not faster" is not a good example at Hockenheim as the track consists of straights, and the Mini is slower than the Alfa there Sad

Actually, let's forget about this. Nobody got crashed out, I was just in "the wrong car" at "the wrong track".
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Greg Hunt
Racing Legend
Greg Hunt

Number of posts : 4322
Age : 40
Location : HOSSEGOR
Registration date : 2010-03-25

Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 17:44

Ben Paulet wrote:
Philippe Martinelli wrote:

Si çà se trouve on va finir par l'aimer ce mod... :hihi:

T'enflammes pas quand même. :D

lol! lol! lol!
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Laurent Binet
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Laurent Binet

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 17:53

David Jundt wrote:

@Laurent: I flashed because of the incident after the chicane, not because he was slower.

And your theory of "if you can't overtake then you are not faster" is not a good example at Hockenheim as the track consists of straights, and the Mini is slower than the Alfa there Sad

Well, it means you used your lights because you were frustrated you got pushed in the grass. Those things happen, it's not fun, but that's part of the race, deal with it specially with this mod where cars are not always easy to handle.

for the second point, you gave the answer, you were slower with the mini than him and his alfa. CQFD
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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 18:30

Très bonne soirée! Des premiers tours épiques :conduit: affraid Laughing

Des adversaires hyper fair-play :top:
Heureusement car avec les petits moteurs, il fallait parfois planter des freinages à la Sato pour aller chercher une place dans le sinueux... Afin d'essayer de profiter un max de l'aspi dans les droits qui suivaient :hihi:

Merci a tous ceux avec je me suis arsouillé :top: :top: :top: Je cite pas de nom car comme Vettel j'ai peur d'en oublier lol!

Bravo devant :clap: Merci HSO pour l'orga :chinois:
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David Jundt
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David Jundt

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 19:33

Laurent Binet wrote:
David Jundt wrote:

@Laurent: I flashed because of the incident after the chicane, not because he was slower.

And your theory of "if you can't overtake then you are not faster" is not a good example at Hockenheim as the track consists of straights, and the Mini is slower than the Alfa there Sad

Well, it means you used your lights because you were frustrated you got pushed in the grass. Those things happen, it's not fun, but that's part of the race, deal with it specially with this mod where cars are not always easy to handle.

for the second point, you gave the answer, you were slower with the mini than him and his alfa. CQFD

1. I can at least tell him "watch out" at least? Or is that forbidden too?

2. So you tell me because my car doesn't fit the track configuration at all I am not allowed to try overtaking him at all? Wow.

That means you basically tell all guys that had a Mini for TC3 to "stay behind the other cars, don't attack, you have no chance anyway"?

Yes, I am exaggerating I guess, but I want to hear your answer Laurent. What if I put you in a Mini and I'd be holding you up with an Alfa? lol!
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 19:44

Courses de merde hier :D

En TC1, Arnaud revient comme un cochon sur la piste au T1, je ne peux l'éviter. Le choc est pas énorme mais suffisant pour me faire perdre 4-5km/h en pointe. Résultat impossible de suivre les Capri. Après un spin je laisse un trio de BMW TC2 se tirer la bourre sans interférer, roulant peinard pour rejoindre l'arrivée 3ème. Mais Rocky spinne dans le dernier virage et me revient dessus. Caisse tordue, 3min de réparations, je finis 19ème, surement mon pire résultat ici :first:

En TC3 j'essaie tant bien que mal de suivre Rocky et JP, et pouf le moteur. :bangry:
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitimeThu 28 Mar 2013 - 19:55

Guillaume Siebert wrote:

En TC3 j'essaie tant bien que mal de suivre Rocky et JP, et pouf le moteur. :bangry:
Espèce de boucher. :D
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Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th]   Round 5 - Rhein-Pokal-Rennen [March 27th] - Page 3 Icon_minitime

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