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 1974 Eagle 755 F5000 (driven by James Hunt)

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Alessio Campigotto
Racing Legend
Alessio Campigotto

Number of posts : 1249
Age : 27
Location : UK
Registration date : 2011-12-29

1974 Eagle 755 F5000 (driven by James Hunt) Empty
PostSubject: 1974 Eagle 755 F5000 (driven by James Hunt)   1974 Eagle 755 F5000 (driven by James Hunt) Icon_minitimeSat 22 Sep 2012 - 12:09


Quote :
Jorgensen Eagle 755 - 1974 F5000
This is a single car mod. intended origianlly as an F1 1974 add on car.

converted by smallblockhero

Original Carshape: Parnelli VPJ4 - 1975 made by Team Crew;
Skin Template :Team Crew;

Modified Carshape = Luigi 70
Skin= Luigi 70

Graphics: Team Crew - Wookey - Luigi 70-smallblockhero-ChiefWiggum

Physics & Sound =Team Crew,smallblockhero,WolferL

Special Thanks to Team Crew and Luigi70. Everything they do is amazing.

Download Here: http://www.mediafire.com/?gbw0dfplegafjdg

History:The spectacular Formula 5000 Eagle.

For three years in a row (1974 to 1976)the AAR team participated in the highly competitive newly created Formula 5000 road racing series.
AAR built 6 spectacular looking prototypes(3 versions) equipped with 5000cc Chevrolet V-8 engines.
Drivers competing for our team: Elliott Forbes Robinson II, Brett Lunger, Vern Schuppan and future Formula 1 World Champion James Hunt.
They competed against Brian Redman, Mario Andretti, Al Unser, David Hobbs and the rest of the road racing elite of the day.
Brett Lunger won one event at Ontario, California, and all AAR drivers brought home various podium finishes,
most notably Vern Schuppan who was second in the inaugural Long Beach Grand Prix, a Formula 5000 event in 1975.


1974 Eagle 755 F5000 (driven by James Hunt) 95

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1974 Eagle 755 F5000 (driven by James Hunt)
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