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 Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]

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Alberto Ibañez
Franck Mercurio
Lorenzo Arisi
Jean-louis Petillot
Steve Parker
Philippe Martinelli
Patrick Marucco
Tiago Malafaya
Pierre Closset
Martin Audran
Guillaume Siebert
Frank Verplanken
16 posters
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun 2012 - 17:30

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] 09%20Oran%20Park

--> HOTLAPS <--


Wednesday June 27th (all times given are CET) :

20:00 - Free Practice
20:45 - Qualifying (5 laps maximum)
21:00 - Warm Up
21:10 - Race start, 50 laps

Password : hso87

A training server will be running 24/7 (same password).

Thanks for pointing out your presence/absence in this thread.



#05 Jon Hawkins (5.0 Holden Commodore VL)
#1 Steve Parker (2.0* Ford Sierra RS Cosworth)
#2 Yannick Lampure (5.0 Holden Commodore VL)
#3 Frank Verplanken (2.4 BMW M3)
#4 Ben Paulet (2.4 BMW M3)
#7 Antoine de Mautor (2.0* Ford Sierra RS Cosworth)
#8 David Cid (5.0 Holden Commodore VL)
#11 Yves Plaçais (2.0* Ford Sierra RS Cosworth)
#11 JP Campmajo (5.0 Holden Commodore VK)
#12 Greg Goissen (2.4 BMW M3)
#14 Philippe Martinelli (2.3 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16)
#15 Guillaume Siebert (2.0* Nissan Skyline GTS-R)
#17 Jean-Louis Petillot (2.0* Ford Sierra RS Cosworth)
#18 Lorenzo Arisi (2.0* Ford Sierra RS Cosworth)
#20 Ben Truffini (5.0 Holden Commodore VL)
#22 Ludovic Tagli (5.0 Holden Commodore VL)
#23 Adam Svoboda (2.0* Nissan Skyline GTS-R)
#26 Simon Wattman (5.0 Holden Commodore VK)
#28 Tiago Malafaya (5.0 Ford Mustang)
#29 Martin Audran (5.0 Ford Mustang)
#30 Vincent Beretta (1.8* ALFA-Romeo 75 Turbo)
#31 Elia Baragiola (1.8* ALFA-Romeo 75 Turbo)
#34 Pierre Closset (2.3 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16)
#35 Vadim Sadoshenko (2.3 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16)
#36 Alexandre Dussel (3.0* Toyota Supra Turbo)
#37 Abat Hernaez (3.0* Toyota Supra Turbo)
#40 Alberto Ibanez (2.4 BMW M3)
#41 Franck Mercurio (2.4 BMW M3)
#41 Vadym Semchenko (2.3 Mercedes-Benz 190E 2.3-16)
#42 Patrick Marucco (2.4 BMW M3)
#43 Romain Bouville (2.4 BMW M3)
#46 Jean-François Bovy (2.4 BMW M3)
#75 Carl Larrad (1.8* ALFA-Romeo 75 Turbo)

Last edited by Frank Verplanken on Sat 18 Aug 2012 - 2:44; edited 3 times in total
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

Number of posts : 13827
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun 2012 - 19:56

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Martin Audran
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Martin Audran

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeThu 21 Jun 2012 - 19:57

Po la Arrow
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Pierre Closset
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Registration date : 2012-01-09

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jun 2012 - 11:13

Présent !

Et le lendemain debout 4h pour venir dans votre beau pays, ca va être une courte nuit Sleep lol!
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jun 2012 - 12:52

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Patrick Marucco
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Patrick Marucco

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jun 2012 - 13:12

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Philippe Martinelli
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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jun 2012 - 14:43

Absent Sad
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeFri 22 Jun 2012 - 23:29

not sure if i will be home in time scratch
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Jean-louis Petillot
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Jean-louis Petillot

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun 2012 - 11:20

présent !! :top:

Last edited by Jean-louis Petillot on Mon 25 Jun 2012 - 18:17; edited 1 time in total
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Lorenzo Arisi
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Lorenzo Arisi

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun 2012 - 17:59

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Franck Mercurio
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Franck Mercurio

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun 2012 - 19:36

J'ai prévu d'être la :conduit:
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun 2012 - 20:18

Hope to be there :conduit:
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jun 2012 - 12:27

Présent, j'ai une stat casse cou, à affirmer. :D
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Vincent Beretta
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Vincent Beretta

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeTue 26 Jun 2012 - 12:37

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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 11:27

j espere pouvoir etre la , mais si j arrive ca ne sera pas avant 21h 00 21h 05 Rolling Eyes
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Jean-louis Petillot
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Jean-louis Petillot

Number of posts : 550
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Registration date : 2009-04-20

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 12:14

absent pour ce soir ( et c'est pas pour le foot ) Crying or Very sad

dommage , j'aime bien ce circuit !!
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Steve Parker
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Steve Parker

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 19:00

Back in time :top:
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 19:00

Race server launched, pass : hso87

Football sux.
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Pierre Closset
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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 21:28

Nice race as usual, not a lot to say, I was 3rd on the grid, I was 3rd during the race and I finish 3rd, what else ? lol!

But thanks a lot everyone for the champ, it was really great, with great driver !
For sure it's not the last champ for me here :drink:

And I want to say thank Gui for his victory because I win the class B champ :first: but thanks to Gui I win the constructor championship for Mercedes ! :champ:

And a very big congrats to Lorenzo who win this championship ! Good Job ! :hello:

Now wake up for 4 AM, road to France ! :banane:
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Frank Verplanken
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Frank Verplanken

Number of posts : 13574
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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 21:49

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Greg Hunt
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Greg Hunt

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 22:09

désolé obliger de quitter apres une vingtaine de tours , j ai ete pris de maux de tete terrible , de vertiges et de picotements dans les mains Crying or Very sad Crying or Very sad je crois que j ai chopé une insolation aujourd hui . bravo a tous :hello:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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Registration date : 2008-09-08

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeWed 27 Jun 2012 - 22:14

2 wins in 4 days, can't remember the last time I did that. :drink: I'm glad I finally managed to win one in this series because honnestly I should have done it before today. As usual that was a nice and clean race with Lorenzo. I took a crap start, but got the lead back early, until I made 2 mistakes in 2 laps at T1 and Lorenzo got the lead back :doh: I stayed behind him until half race when I went back into the lead in T2 :conduit: From there I drove carefuly, trying to save my hard tires who were sliding a lot. I got lucky Lorenzo lost 1 or 2 seconds in traffic and could managed the gap until the end to win the race. :banane:

I really like that track, its rewarding when you push but it can also bite you when you push to much :cowboy2:

Thanks to Lorenzo for the good race, to the lapped drivers very clean (at least with me :D) and to everyone who showed up tonight :chinois: We even have time to watch the penalty shootout between Portugal and Spain What a Face

Deux courses gagnées en 4 jours, je me souviens pas de la dernière fois que ça m'est arrivé :drink: Content d'en gagner enfin une dans ce championnat parce que franchement j'aurais du le faire bien avant aujourd'hui mais n'y suis jamais arrivé. Comme d'hab une belle course propre avec Lorenzo. Smile
Je prends un départ de merde mais récupère la tête assez tôt, jusqu'à 2 erreurs coup sur coup au T1 qui donnent la tête à Lorenzo. Je reste derrière lui jusqu'à la mi course, où j'arrive à le dépasser au T2 :conduit: A partir de là j'ai assuré en essayant de préserver mes pneus hard qui commençaient à souffrir. J'ai eu un peu de chance que Lorenzo perdre du temps dans le traffic, ce qui m'a permis de controler l'écart jusqu'à la fin et gagner la course :banane: *

J'adore vraiment ce circuit, il est gratifiant quand on attaque mais peut aussi te mordre si tu attaques trop. :cowboy2:

Merci à Lorenzo pour la belle course, aux lappés très propres et à ceux qui se sont pointés ce soir :chinois: On a même eu le temps de voir les péno de Portugal/Espagne. What a Face

Last edited by Guillaume Siebert on Thu 28 Jun 2012 - 9:36; edited 1 time in total
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Tiago Malafaya
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Tiago Malafaya

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Registration date : 2008-10-05

Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jun 2012 - 1:05

Guillaume Siebert wrote:
We even have time to watch the penalty shootout between Portugal and Spain What a Face

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Antoine de Mautor
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Antoine de Mautor

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jun 2012 - 7:58

Frank Verplanken wrote:

A moitié pas mal cool ca :frank:

Bravo Gui, enfin! Il était temps que tu en gagnes une :D :top:
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Ben Paulet
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Ben Paulet

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitimeThu 28 Jun 2012 - 11:59

On a même vu le match à partir de la 77ème minute. Bravo l'Espagne, j'étais pour vous. Désolé pour nos amis portugais, mais je crois bien que je hais CR7. :D

Une semi-déception pour moi la course d'hier soir. Je fais un bon départ, ou j'arrive à me faufiler jusque derrière franky à la sortie du T1. Puis j'enchaine quelques tours, assez correctement, jusqu'à une erreur en sortie du T1. J'accélère un peu trop fort, la voiture commence à spinner , impossible de la rattraper, je tape le mur et me retrouve avec l'avant tout rouge. Du coup, la tentation du spin-echap est grande. Mais, voulant me changer les idées, je continue et passe aux pits pour réparer. :conduit:
Du coup je repars avec un tour de retard. Je vais passer un bon moment à la bagarre derrière Simon, qui ne veux pas que je me délappe. Finalement au bout de 4-5 tentatives, j'arrive à le doubler, et à mettre de l'écart. Nice Fight Simon :frank:
Je finis bon dernier, avec des regrets et de la satisfaction quand même. Des regrets, car je pense que j'aurais pu me battre avec Alberto, Franck, Vincent, etc.. et de la satisfaction, car ce n'est pas un circuit qui me réussi d'habitude, et là, j'ai rallié l'arrivée.

Bravo Gui, Lorenzo et Pierre. :frank:
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PostSubject: Re: Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]   Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th] Icon_minitime

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Round 9 - Oran Park [June 27th]
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