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 WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)

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3 posters
Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 7:12

WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) 81d2631f6e3b

Video stages of the VLN 2012

Car list: (In the list will be amended)

The framework will be put to the base mod SR VLN 2012 Base.
In it you will find four classes:
-Historic VLN(here will be a historical cars ever participate in the stages of the championship VLN)

The installation files:

Mod SR VLN 2012 Base - very soon...


In a basic fashion will gradually be added ready-made cars...

Approximate date of release: September 2012

Last edited by Vadim Sadoshenko on Thu 24 May 2012 - 7:50; edited 3 times in total
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Vadim Sadoshenko
Racing Legend
Vadim Sadoshenko

Number of posts : 1038
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Registration date : 2011-12-18

WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 7:31

I hope you don't mind if I have a small base for the development of their fashion VLN 2012. Understand, that the subjects of the portal involves more than the old modification. But I will have a big section of historical cars on what is written above.
It is a pity that I can not participate in the Championships. Work on the mod requires a lot of time. And in August he should be ready to serious tests.
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David Cid
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David Cid

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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 10:42

Hey Vadim we miss you on track cheers
But... I admire so much people like you, that have the know-how, the talent and the will, of giving us, not so bright people, presents like rFactor mods.
I would love to know how to model or do the phisics of a car... but well... I have enough trouble trying to be competitive behind the wheel. And not very well succeded lately.
:hello: See ya on track Vadim :chinois:
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 19:08

The Merc in the screenshot at the Ring looks so smooth and beautiful. Looks to be a great mod :champ:
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Vadim Sadoshenko
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Vadim Sadoshenko

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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 19:39

Alessio Campigotto wrote:
The Merc in the screenshot at the Ring looks so smooth and beautiful. Looks to be a great mod :champ:
Models will be really very high quality. But special attention is given to physical models of cars Wink .
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Alessio Campigotto
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Alessio Campigotto

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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 19:46

Perfect, all the recipe for a good mod Twisted Evil
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Vadim Sadoshenko
Racing Legend
Vadim Sadoshenko

Number of posts : 1038
Age : 41
Location : Russia
Registration date : 2011-12-18

WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitimeMon 25 Jun 2012 - 1:22

Thank you for saving my section. Prepared base mod! Now I finish work on the system of warming up of rubber and will begin to produce the final version of the car. Much time is spent on the elimination of graphic problems of the models. I understand that mod does not quite correspond to the subjects of the portal, but nevertheless users HSO will receive the invitation for participation in the championship with the privilege of non-competitive choice of vehicle any class!
All the same I believe that the Nurburgring Nordschleife relevant in all times Wink !
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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)   WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring) Icon_minitime

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WIP VLN 2012 (Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenpokal Nürburgring)
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