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 WIP VLN 2012

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2 posters
Vadim Sadoshenko
Racing Legend
Vadim Sadoshenko

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Registration date : 2011-12-18

WIP VLN 2012 Empty
PostSubject: WIP VLN 2012   WIP VLN 2012 Icon_minitimeFri 20 Apr 2012 - 9:32

WIP VLN 2012 81d2631f6e3b

Video stages of the VLN 2012

Car list:

The framework will be put to the base mod SR VLN 2012 Base.
In it you will find four classes:
-Historic VLN(here will be a historical cars ever participate in the stages of the championship VLN)

The installation files:

Mod SR VLN 2012 Base - very soon...

In a basic fashion will gradually be added ready-made cars...

Last edited by Vadim Sadoshenko on Thu 24 May 2012 - 7:03; edited 11 times in total
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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WIP VLN 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012   WIP VLN 2012 Icon_minitimeSat 21 Apr 2012 - 14:54

Good Job so far i was hoping the Merc SLr would be in there as that would be my weapon of choice
the models look so nice ....Especially the Ferrari 458 ... :clap:

The FOV is all wrong from the cockpit its way to high in the car and it would be nice to have a tv cockpit view
where you can see a little more of the front of the car ....

Nice that you include the little Lotus .... Wink

Vadim are you a car modellor .......

Are these the final Physic's ...
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Vadim Sadoshenko
Racing Legend
Vadim Sadoshenko

Number of posts : 1038
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Location : Russia
Registration date : 2011-12-18

WIP VLN 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012   WIP VLN 2012 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Apr 2012 - 7:18

Mercedes SLR necessarily be included in the mod. And already there is an excellent model!
But in my competence of the physical model and I plan to make some minor adjustments. Cars will be a little more demanding to piloting.
In the next few days I will add the BMW Z4, Mercedes AMG SLS, Ford GT, Lamborghini Gallardo, McLaren MP412C and even withdraw a number of minor bugs.
However, the use of patches would like to avoid it, so I'll post an updated version of the first part.
Camera car also will be adjusted, but in the race is used only cockpit.
Thank you Carl for your interest!
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Carl Larrad
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Carl Larrad

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Registration date : 2008-12-20

WIP VLN 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012   WIP VLN 2012 Icon_minitimeSun 22 Apr 2012 - 18:36

Vadim Sadoshenko wrote:
Mercedes SLR necessarily be included in the mod. And already there is an excellent model!
But in my competence of the physical model and I plan to make some minor adjustments. Cars will be a little more demanding to piloting.
In the next few days I will add the BMW Z4, Mercedes AMG SLS, Ford GT, Lamborghini Gallardo, McLaren MP412C and even withdraw a number of minor bugs.
However, the use of patches would like to avoid it, so I'll post an updated version of the first part.
Camera car also will be adjusted, but in the race is used only cockpit.
Thank you Carl for your interest!
I Know the cars are very modern and run a lot of wing but they are way too easy to drive even for me and as for cockpit view i would find it very difficult in some of the cars especially the corvette as the roll bar takes up a lot of the screen .... This can easily be adjusted in control settings but the default view is wrong ...

Bring on the the SLS ,Z4 and Mclaren :clap:
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Vadim Sadoshenko
Racing Legend
Vadim Sadoshenko

Number of posts : 1038
Age : 41
Location : Russia
Registration date : 2011-12-18

WIP VLN 2012 Empty
PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012   WIP VLN 2012 Icon_minitimeThu 24 May 2012 - 7:17

Please delete this topic!
I moved it in section mods!
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PostSubject: Re: WIP VLN 2012   WIP VLN 2012 Icon_minitime

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