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 Weather plug-in for rFactor

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4 posters
Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeTue 20 Mar 2012 - 22:34

Arrives a bit late, but for sure will still be welcomed Weather plug-in for rFactor 420535

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David Cid
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David Cid

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeTue 20 Mar 2012 - 23:47

Yes Alberto I've also found this a few days ago.
I'm very excited with this pluguin. Can´t wait trying it!! :clap:
Whould be really fun us racing in the rain :cowboy:
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Steve Parker
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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 0:11

The problem will be,can peoples computer handle 20+ cars and rain,it will kill most for FPS
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David Cid
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David Cid

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 0:17

You got a point there...
Let's see how it handles. :top:
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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Weather plug-in for rFactor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 9:38

Yeah, FPS is always a concern but I don't think that in rFactor2 things are easier on the CPU anyway? Weather plug-in for rFactor 18590
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 9:48

It looks pretty cool, but rFactor 1 doesn't support wet tires so unless they managed a workaround, I think this plugin is useless. scratch
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Alberto Ibañez
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Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 11:19

Nothing is mentioned about that, but since there is an entry for the wet weather tires in the TBC file (where you can define wet grip) and since the video shows that they obviously have managed to decrease track grip with increasing wet condition, it wouldn't surprise me if their dll reads the TBC file and increases grip when wet tires is used ...
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David Cid
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David Cid

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 12:09

We want WET! we want WET!!! cheers lol!
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 12:24

You're lucky there's no woman here to read that. What a Face
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Alberto Ibañez
Racing Legend
Alberto Ibañez

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeWed 21 Mar 2012 - 13:17

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David Cid
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David Cid

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeFri 25 May 2012 - 23:28

... about the wet tires... I think I've once tried a mod that had wet tires. :hum:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeSat 26 May 2012 - 7:53

Its easy to call a tire a wet tire, that's not what will make it better on a wet track than any other tire. Wink
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David Cid
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David Cid

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeSat 26 May 2012 - 12:29

hummm. true. Maybe just had some more grip on wet conditions. :spy:
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Guillaume Siebert
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Guillaume Siebert

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeSat 26 May 2012 - 12:49

No thats not possible, rFactor doesn't support wet weather so the only way to give a tire more grip on a "wet" track is to give it more overall grip, making it a faster tire on the dry as well. That means you'll go quicker on a dry track with wet tires than with dry tires.
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David Cid
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David Cid

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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitimeSat 26 May 2012 - 13:02

scratch sounds wright Gui...
If I only knew what was the mod... I would try that just to be shure.. I remember trying it on a «wet track» but didn´t do the test of using the wet tires in the dry. Nevertheless I believe you Gui :hello:
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PostSubject: Re: Weather plug-in for rFactor   Weather plug-in for rFactor Icon_minitime

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